Chapter 20

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Sophie's POV

I woke up the next morning cuddled up with my blankets. I look at a phone to see a text from perri, letting me know he locked the door for me on his way out last night. I text him back and thanked him. I get up, get changed for work and head down stairs. I grab a bottle of water and an apple before heading out to the car. I get in and play some music on the way. When I arrive I head straight into the studio to start choreographing. It was only me today so the studio was super quiet but I didn't really mind as i like to be by my self some times.

I had been choreographing all morning and recording so I could remember what I'd done. I sat down for a break and a drink when one of my students reached out to me asking if I could help them with a routine for an audition they had coming up. I agreed and with in half an hour she had arrived when her mam dropped her off. I spent the next hour and a half helping her improve the routine. At the end of the session we were going through some questions that she may have to be asked at her audition. She was only 12 but  she was pretty good at answering things. We soon came to the end and before she left I gave her a good luck hug. As I walked with her to reception I spot perri coming in. I smile as I say good bye to her.

"Do you ever stop working?" He says following me back to the studio. "Yeah just she needed help for an upcoming audition." I say sitting down on the sofa against the wall. As I pick my drink up perri sits down beside me and places his hand on my thigh. "I'm taking sometime off soon to just focus on my self mentally" I say looking straight a head of me. "You know that I'll be there for you right?" He says grabbing my hand. I look at him and nod. "How long you taking off?" He says turning round to face me. "Urmm I'm not sure probably a couple of weeks?" I say thinking to my self. "Oh nice" He says. We sat and talked for a while until my next class arrived. Perri sat on the sofa and watched as I taught a hip hop class. He was sat making faces at me the whole time and I had to restrain my self from laughing. When the class left I turned around  and pushed perri before saying "I'm never teaching a class while your in the room again" I say looking at him. He just sits and laughs. "It's not funny!" I say hitting his arm. I turn around to walk across the room but perri pulls me back and I end up with my face in his chest. He places his finger underneath my chin and pulls my face to look up at him. "Look Sophie, I know I've told you how I feel about you a couple of weeks ago but I want to ask you if we can be more" He says looking in to my eyes "I want you to be with me for a long time, because you make me happy" I look up to him as he strokes my cheek. "I want you to be my girlfriend" he says whist his eyes remain fixed on mine. I don't say anything, it's like the words won't come out of my mouth but I nod my head as perri says "is that a yes then?" He says a smile appearing on his face. I nod my head again as he crashes his lips into mine and pull me close to him. "You don't know how happy this makes me" he smiles.

As perri pulls away from us we hear someone clear there throat. We turn around to see Jordan stood in the door way. "So are we official then?" He says walking towards us. Perri wraps an arm around my shoulder as he says "yes" enthusiastically. Jordan pulls us both into a hug and says "well I'm Happy for the both of you." "Thank you" I say smiling.

"I'm guessing Jordan's here to meet you to go somewhere?" I say looking at the both of them. " yeah we're going to do some filming for slime fest" he says smiling. "Well you better get going then or you'll be late" I say laughing as he pulls me in to a hug and kisses me on the head before exiting the studio with Jordan. After they leave I sit and reflect on everything that has happened in my life these last few years and how maybe things are starting to look up for me. How my life is maybe getting better. I was happy and I guess that's what matters most.

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