Chapter 23

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Sophie POV

After a whole day of sleeping I sit up on my bed and turn to see perri stirring at me with a huge grin on his face. "What you smiling at?" I say slightly confused. "Oh I'm just happy that's all" he says as his smile gets bigger, if that's even possible. I pick up my phone and see 500+ notifications on my Instagram. I open Instagram up to see that perri has tagged me in a post. I smile as I read it. I read some of the comments on his post and they were mostly positive ones wishing us all the best but they were still some that were a little negative. I don't let them get to me though.

I get up out of the bed and wrap my long cardigan around me. Perri stands up and wraps his arms around my waist pulling me into him. "Why don't we stay at mine tonight?" he whisperers in my ear. I turn to look at him and nod my head replying "yeah". "Right well sort your self some stuff out and we'll head to mine soon" he says letting go of my waist and spinning me round to face him before placing a kiss on my lips.

I grab a few bits and shove them in to a bag. I throw my hair up into a bun and pull on a black hoodie. I walk down stairs and put some trainers on before walking into the front room were perri was sat. "You ready?" He says as he stands up from the couch. "Yeah" I reply as he takes my bag to the car whist I locked up. We get in the car and perri says " I need to pop to the studio and pick up my laptop". I nod my head. We soon pull up and perri asks if I'm coming in. I shake my head saying "I'll stay in the car" but he insists I come in and takes my belt off for me before walking round to my side of the car and getting me out. We walk hand in hand to the studio, I stay in reception with dani whilst perri goes to get his laptop. About 10 minutes later perri comes out and apologises for taking so long. "It's fine" I reply. We get back in the car and soon arrive at perri's.

When I walk in behind perri I hear paws running along the floor towards me. I look down to see Barry running around my feet so I bend down and stroke him before walking in to the living room. Perri was no where in sight which confused me as he just walked in before me. I turn around when I hear someone laughing behind me but before I can say anything perri tackles me to the couch. He's now sat on top of me so I can't move. I try pushing him off but he won't budge. "Cant go anywhere now" he says laughing. I roll my eyes as he starts tickling me. "PERRI STOP!" I shout but he won't listen and continues to tickle me till I'm laughing with him. After about 5 minutes he eventually stops and climbs off of the top of me. He sits on to the couch facing me before saying "I love you, you know that right?" I look at him taking a deep breath "I know and I love you too" I say with a smile.

I sat and watched as perri spent a couple of hours making TikToks, I made a couple with him to. It was just starting to get dark so we went and sat in his back garden and cuddle up around the fire pit. I laid with my head resting on his chest and his arm wrapped around me. Whilst we sat perri put up a question box on his Instagram and we answered some of them whilst watching Brooklyn nine-nine on his laptop. "We need to have more nights like this" Perri whispers in my ear. I nod agreeing. We sit and watch the stars for a while before I fall asleep in perri's chest.

Perri's POV

We sat laid watching the stars and after about an hour Sophie falls asleep in my chest. I couldn't help but take a picture to capture this moment. Moments like this I was going to remember. After taking the photo I stand up and take the laptop inside before coming back and picking up Sophie. She looked so peaceful as I carefully carried her to my bedroom not wanting to disturb her. When we get there I lay her on the bed before climbing in next to her and pulling the duvet over the both of us. As I laid next to her I held her hand in mine before falling to sleep my self.

When I wake up the next morning, Sophie is still asleep. I lay watching her not wanting to wake her. "What you stirring at?" She says quietly. "You" I smirking. "Well it's not nice to have someone watch you sleep" She says laughing. "I can't help it when someone as stunning as you lays next to me" I say as she smiles back. She goes to sit up but I push her back down and climb on top of her. "I want a morning kiss" I say leaning in and pressing my lips to hers as she laughs. "Happy now?" She says looking at me in the eyes. "Very" I say kissing her again before climbing off the top of her. Sophie gets up and heads to the bathroom to change as I lay in bed a little longer thinking about the way she makes me feel before getting up and changing my self.

Third person POV

This was how the pair spent the next 3 weeks whilst Sophie wasn't at work. They stayed at each other's watching movies and spending time together. In the blink of an eye they were both back at work and continued with there schedules.

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