Chapter 8

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Perri POV

I didn't want to leave her on her own especially after what just happened. "Are you sure your okay?" I ask again. She looks at me and nods before saying " I'm going to stay at my nanas for a couple of Days and stay away from the studio but here's the keys so you lot can still rehearse" she says putting the keys in my hand. I nod pulling her in to a hug before she hops in her car and drives off. I went home and went to bed but all i thought about was her.

When I woke up the next morning and head to the studio but I knew Sophie wasn't going to be there as she was spending sometime away after what had happened last night. I really feel so bad for her. I was first to arrive so I headed in and went and sat in the studio. I had been in for around 10 minutes when I turn round and a see starr coming in. "Where's Sophie?" She asked looking at me confused "jack tried to attack her last night, he followed her home from the studio so she's spending a couple of days with her nana" I whispered. "Oh my god, is she okay?" She asks worryingly. I nod my head "yeah she is"

"look starr i need to ask you something " she nods for me to continue. "what would you do if you liked someone but they've been your best friend for years?" she looks at me shocked before saying "wait are you saying you like Sophie ?"  I look at her and just nod my head. "well why don't you tell her how you feel other wise its only going to eat away at you" she chuckles with a small smile forming on her face. "oh yeah and make a fool of my self when she doesn't feel the same way" i say sarcastically. "well your going to have to do something about it", i just nod my head.

Little did perri know Sophie was sat with her nana thinking about everything perri had done for her the last couple of weeks.

Sophie's POV

I  was sat thinking  about every thing that had happened the last couple of weeks and how perri had helped me through it when my nana pulls me out my thoughts by saying "well i think perri turned in to a good looking man" i look at her before saying "what" laughing slightly. "you know what i mean" she says looking at me smirking. "nana of course he's going to change, i mean he's 21 now" I say quietly. "yeah well just think about how  things change over time" she says smiling at me as she gets ups leaving the room. I was now sat in my own thought thinking about what my nana had just said "just think about how things change?". what did she mean? i mean me and perri were just friends and i don't think he would like me like that. surely not?

I decided to go to Starbucks and get my self a drink but when i got there i bumped into starr and geo. "hey how you doing?" starr says pulling me into a hug. "im okay now, i guess perri told you then?" i say with a small smile. "what's happening with jack then?" she asks. " well the police are going to put a permanent restraining order on him starting next week and they said i can press charges for harassment since they have evidence to prove it". " well at least that's something" i look and her nodding in agreement. "im popping to the studio do you want a lift with all those drinks" i say smiling. "aww thank you" they both say at the same time before laughing.

when we arrive everyone is sat in reception and they all look at me so i can only guess perri or Ashley told them. Perri comes up to me and hugs me but something felt different and i think its because of the conversation i had earlier with my nana. "I thought you were staying away for a couple of days?" perri questions me. "i was but then i realised i have routines to clean ready for dance fest plus this place is like my second home" i say smiling. "fair play" perri says. "how come you arrived with starr and geo?" perri ask looking confused "oh i bumped into them in Starbucks and  offered them a lift" i say.

"so what's happening with jack then?" perri asks. "the police are going to put a permanent restraining order on him starting next week and they said i can press charges for harassment since they have evidence to prove it from all the texts he was sending me" i say sighing slightly. "at least he wont be able to come near you" i just nod agreeing. "anyway im going to start rehearsing "i say trying to change the subject and standing up to go in to the studio. "yeah same" perri says smiling at me.

How things change ? - perri Kiely fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now