Chapter 18

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Two weeks later Sophie's birthday

Sophie's POV

I woke up on the couch that morning so i must have fallen asleep last night. I sit up and pull the blanket back over my legs as it was slightly cold. As I pick up my phone from next to me I spot a figure out of the corner of my eyes stood in the door way. I whip my head round panicking and then I spot the afro. "Holy shit" I say. "Happy birthday!" He shouts as he comes and sits next to me. "What are you doing here and how did you get in?" I say looking at him. "Well the door was unlocked and it is your birthday after all" he says smiling at me. As I stand up to go to the kitchen he follows me. I pull get out two cups and place them on work top before flicking on the kettle. "So what you doing for your birthday then?" He says looking at me "I look up to him and say "I don't actually know I don't have any plans". He looks at me and says "we'll let me take you out tonight" I look at him and shake my head. "You don't have". "I'm not taking no for an answer, I'm picking you up at 5:30" he says with a stern look in his eyes. "Fine" I say agreeing. "Well if you don't mind I'm going to lay back down on the couch" I say picking up my cup of tea and leaving the kitchen Perri following me behind. "Well I'll stay with you for a bit" he says sitting back next to me.

We sit on the couch and put a film. Whilst the film plays through I sit replying to everyone's birthday wishes for me. As were sat perri throws a bag onto my lap and says "open it". I look at him before opening the bag and pulling out some Harry Potter pyjamas and a mug with a photo of us both from when we were kids. I smile looking at the photo and laughing slightly. He looks at me and we both laugh together. I went live on Instagram for a-bit with some of my students who were wishing me a happy birthday. As were sat I notice Jordan is on and requests to join so I accept him with out telling perri. "Hey" He says a he connects. Perri's head snaps up at the sound of his voice. "Hey" I say back. "Happy birthday Sophie" Jordan says with a huge smile. "Thank you" I say returning the smile. As me, perri and Jordan are sat talking Cass comes running and jumps on his dads lap and Nay comes and sits down beside him with mimi. We stayed on the live for a little while before ending it.

We sat cuddling on the couch for a little longer before I got up off the couch and went and got changed. I came down the stairs and back in to the front room. "Where you going?" Perri says looking at me. "For a walk to the lake" I say smiling. "Why don't you go home, you've been here all morning?" I mumble. He looks at me and shakes my head, "I'll come with you" he says, I look at him to speak but he cuts me off by putting his finger to my lip. "I'm coming". He removes his finger from my lip and strokes my cheek. "Right then shall we get going" I say turning around so he can't see the blush on my cheek. We leave mine and head to the lake. The walk was about 30 minutes. As were walking and talking I feel perri's hand intertwine with mine. I look down before looking back up to see him smiling making me smile to.
We walk round the lake, perri still holding my hand when my phone rings. I look at the caller ID to see it's my nana. "Hey" I say "just wanted to wish you a happy birthday" she says booming down the phone. "Thank you, I'll pop round in half hour and come see you." I say with a smile. "Love you" I say before putting down the phone. I tell perri I'm going to my nanas and he offers to come but i tell him no and that I'll see him later.

When i get to my nanas I stay for an hour with her before explaining to her that perri was taking me out. I head home carrying the bag of presents she gave me. When I arrive I go inside and sit on the couch for a couple of minutes before going up stairs to get changed. I put on a blue dress and black heels before straightening my hair and applying my make up. I head down stairs to a knock on my door. When I open it Perri is stood there in jeans and a shirt. "Shall we go?" He says linking my arm as I lock the door. We get in the car and listen to music on the way.

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