chapter 16

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Sophie's POV

we were all just sat in the studio talking and messing about. Me and perri were just showing each over some of the tricks we could do and everyone one else was sat talking or going through some choreography. Eventually everyone took a break and we all sat down in a circle. As I was sitting down perri sat behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "You don't mind do you?" He says looking in to my eyes. I was a little hesitant at first but shook my head replying "no". I looked up to see everyone looking at us so that means perri has likely told them about our conversation earlier so I looked back down and played with the draw strings on my hoodie. I was sat with my phone in my hand going through my DM's reading some of the things people were sending me after the photo of me and perri had been put out. I didn't even know most of the people so I'm not even Sure why I was letting it get to me. I must have zoned out for a moment when perri nudged me and took my phone out of my hand, he was going through the messages. "Don't let these get to you" he says as he squeeze my hand. " I won't, it's not like I know most of them" I say looking at him. He doesn't say anything but smiles squeezing my head again.

It soon turned 4 o'clock so I decided I was going to go and see my nana. "I'm going to get going I need to go see my nana" I say as I stand up. Perri stands up to and says "I'll walk you out". We walk out in to the reception so I say bye to dani giving her a small hug before heading to the car perri following behind. When I get there I go to get in but perri spins me around and  Wraps his arms around my shoulders and pulls me in to his chest. I smile slightly as perri says "you know I think this could work". I look up returning the smile as perri kisses me on the head. I get in the car and put my seat belt on, before pulling off and waving at pel who is stood watching with a smile on his face and his hands in his pockets.

As I pull up to my nanas I realise she may have seen the photo and now I'm going to have to explain everything and say that she was right when I denied it for so long. I sit in the car for a couple of more minutes going through Instagram when I see another photo of perri hugging me outside of my car. Geeezz they really get the photos out fast, it can't of been took no longer than 15 minutes ago and already I had over 200 tags.

When I get in my nanas she doesn't say anything about the photo at first but she's looking at me so she must know something. "So" she says. "I guess I better explain?" She looks at me and nods for me to continue. We sat and talked for a hour about it because she kept asking questions and wanting to know more. It eventually got to 6 o'clock so I headed home. I spent the drive home listening to music and thinking about life.

When I pull up to my door I see perri sat on the step. He stands up as I get out the car. As I walk to the door I look at him and say "what are you doing here?" As I open the door. "Come in"i say as I step in side. "I came to see how you are and see if you wanted to watch a movie?" He says following me to the kitchen. I nod my head  "yeah do you want a drink?" I say looking at him. "yeah" he replies . I turn round to make the drinks when I feel two arms wrap around my waist and pull me close to them. I look up into the window at my reflection and smile and then I feel his grip  get tighter. I pull my self from his grip and turn around to face him passing his drink in the process. "So what movie is it then?" I say looking at him. "Well" He tails off, I look at him and say " let me guess, Harry Potter again?" He just laughs and nods his head. We make our way into the living room and while perri is setting up the film I go and get changed in to my pyjama shorts and vest top.

When I get down stairs I pick up my blanket and move to the sofa to get comfy. Perri comes and sits next to me and pulls me to rest on his lap with the blanket covering my legs. We lay watching the film when I hear I photo being taken. I look up to see the smirk on perri's face growing bigger as I chuckle "stop". After the film is finished we sit and talk for a bit and do an Instagram live. We answer some questions that perri's fans asked and as we were talking perri holds my hand out of frame so no one can see. It soon gets late and I fall asleep.

How things change ? - perri Kiely fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now