Chapter 2

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Perri POV
Ash texted the address of the studio we were moving to for a couple weeks the night before so I took it the opportunity To look it up the studio on google.
As I was scrolling through I found it and clicked on the one that read Blaze Studios
I was reading for a few minutes when I came a cross some information about the owner which stated that she was called Sophie woods. I was sure I recognised the name and when I clicked on the photo of her my suspicions were right i did know her
We both went to school together and college. I always remember being really close with her. She was like my best friend but we lost contact when we were 18 as I was always super busy. I felt bad for not contacting her as I knew she had trouble meeting new people and I knew it was going to be hard for her.

It was the next day and me and the lads all met outside the studio at 5:45 am. We all entered and  ash went first as the rest of us flooded the reception area. Ash went up to desk to let her know we had arrived. They both introduced them selfs when she said "would you like to follow me to the studio?"
We all followed her down the corridor when she stopped outside a door and unlocked it. She walked inside and turned the lights on before turning round and saying " I'll be in reception if you need anything" 
For some reason I couldn't stop looking at her. She turned around and looked at me before heading out of the studio and back to reception.
We had been training for about 2 and half hours so ash called a break.
We were all just sat around when i looked out the window and saw her in the studio opposite dancing. I start to notice everyone else's eyes in the room watching her to. I heard the odd whisper from the others saying how good she was or something along those lines and I couldn't agree more.
Whilst she was dancing the turns around and I think she saw us watching her but I'm not sure as she continues dancing until the song was finished. When she was finished the was sat on the floor and it looked like she was out of breath
She stood up and left she studio to go to the water fountain that was in the corridor door before going straight back in and starting dancing again.

Later that day we were on another break so I decided I was going to go the toilet. I headed out into the reception and saw her sat at her desk.
"Excuse me but we're are the toilets?" I ask
She looks up and replies " there down the corridor on the left " whilst smiling
I thanked her and headed to them, once done I headed back into reception. She was on the phone so I waited till she was done to speak.
" So how have you been?" I ask
" I've been good what about you it's been ages since we spoke" she replies
"I thought it was you but I wasn't sure" she says
"I've been good"
"You better get back to rehearsal " she says
"Before I go back why don't be go for coffee and have a catch up at some point" I say hoping she will agree
"Sure"she replies
"Good" I say as head back to rehearsal with a smile on my face

Later that day rehearsal were finished so on my way out I asked her for her number so we could arrange to meet up soon
Once she gave me it I put it in my phone and told her I'll text her soon. As I was heading out the door she stood up and turned all the lights off before leaving her self and heading to her car

Once I was home I took out my phone and started to message her. I couldn't wait to see her and have a catch up , it's been so long. It was only 6:30 so I asked her if now was okay and she agreed to meet me a Starbucks.

How things change ? - perri Kiely fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now