chapter 15

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Sophie's  POV

I woke up the next morning, everything spinning in my head. Did he really kiss me last night?. I was so confused every thing happened so fast, after he kissed me he just walked away. I got up and walked down stairs to the kitchen. I made a cup of tea and went and sat on the couch. I was scrolling through my Instagram and then i saw the photo, i froze. Someone from the press had followed us home and got a photo of perri kissing me. well that means he really did kiss me then. Fuck what do i do? I sat stirring at the wall in front of me trying to process everything when a knock at the door pulled me out of my thoughts. I stood up and answered the door to see lots of the people from the press trying to ask me questions like, "are you and perri dating?" or "how long have you been a thing?". "im sorry but i cant answer those question" i say closing the door over.

Perri POV

When i woke up the next morning the thoughts of last night still in my head made me smile. I kissed a girl but not only that she was my best friend. I laid in bed thinking about it when suddenly my phone starts blowing up in the DV group chat. The first message being from Jordan who sent a link to a news web site. I opened it up to be met by the head line " Has Perri Kiely finally got a girl friend?" and then a photo underneath of me kissing sophie. soon enough everyone is talking in the group.

Ashley: go on pel good for you 

starr: wait what you kissed her ?

Georgia: cute

Mitch: nice one

Terry: wait didn't you say it wasn't a date or anything? congrats though.

Morgan: wait is this real?

Me: look i know i said it wasn't a date but the timing just felt right it was like we had a moment.

Jordan: well im happy for you bro but does Sophie know its in the news?

Me: I don't know but im going to and see her and talk.

I got up and got dressed after showering and heading down stairs. I decided i was going to take Barry for a walk and go to Sophie's. I put on his lead and headed out the door. The walk to Sophie's was only about 15 minuets. As i got to the top of her street i notice loads of people from the press stood outside her house. As i walked further down the street i see sophie coming out of the door and trying to push past the press to get in the car. I walk on the other side of the road with my hood up so i don't get recognised. im opposite Sophie's house and i look to see her sat in the car putting her phone down. I take my chance and pick Barry up before crossing the road opening the car door on the passenger side. she looks at me her eyes wide before she realise its me and her eyes relax a bit. " Hey are you okay? " i say, she looks at me nodding and replies "yeah".

She starts the car before turning to look at me quickly and saying " why were you down my street?". "i was coming to see you to talk". I hear her take a breath before saying "what about?". I look at her and say " There's a lot if im being honest" i say whispering. she looks at me nodding her head. "we can to the studio if you want" she says with a small smile. I look at her and nod my head. we soon arrive and head inside. I go and sit in the studio whilst she grabs one of her hoodies as she was cold. when she enters the studio it felt like there was a bit of tension. She sits down in front of me. "what did you want to talk about?" she says looking down at her sleeve. "about last night but also how i feel about you". i say sort mumbling. she looks at me and nods for me to continue. " I guess since we reconnected my feelings for you have grown and i guess what im trying to say is i like you." she looks up into my eyes and smiles slightly. " Im so sorry about kissing out of the blue last night and i didn't think it would end up in the news". "Its okay" she says looking me in the eyes. " I guess if were being honest i should to" she looks at me and i nod. "my heads all over at the moment but you've made me feel different theses last couple of weeks". she says making me smile. "what do we do now?" she says looking at me. "well we can always see how it goes, we don't have to make it official" she looks at me nodding. we both stand up and i pull her into a hug kissing the top of her head.

"Do you want to come to the studio and hang with everyone were having a chilled day?" she nods her head. soon me, sophie and Barry are in her car heading to the studio but i know for a fact the boys are going to tease me about her. when we arrive Dani is in the reception she greets us both with a hug before getting back to her work. As we walked in i placed my hand on her back not thinking. Almost instantly Ash spots it and starts wiggling his eyebrows at me. I look at him smirking and trying not to laugh.

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