Chapter 6

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Perri POV
When Sophie left I couldn't stop thinking about her and I wasn't to sure at first why. Was it because we hadn't seen each other for a while ? Or was there another reason ?
I decided to call Jordan see if wanted to come over for a bit But I also wanted some advice from him because I new he would be able to help me.

Not 20 minutes later Jordan arrives with Ashley. Great I didn't really want to say what I was going to say in front of ash as I knew he would only tease me or something. We sat and talked for 10 minutes when Jordan turns round and says " was there a reason you asked me to come round then or not?" I look at him absolutely bricking it before mumbling "look I need some advice because I don't know what to do?" Jordan nods for me to continue as I feel his and Ashley's eyes looking at me. " I think I like Sophie but I'm not sure what to do, I mean we've been best friends for years, wouldn't that just be wrong? and weird ?"

I look up to see both Ashley and Jordan smiling at me before Jord says "I mean if that's how you feel ? , what's the harm in to find out more about your feelings for her?" I look at him a little confused before chuckling "what do you mean!?" Before Jordan can reply Ashley jumps in and says   "Look try spending more time with her and see if what it's making you feel this way, it's it her looks, her personality what is is that's making you feel this way about her?" I nod my head understanding what they where both saying. We sat and talked for a while but I wasn't really listening properly as my thoughts were somewhere else. Maybe I did like her?

Later that night I was sat watching the telly but I got bored and decided to go and take Barry for a walk. I walked past blaze studios it looked like it was shut but there was a light on in one of the studios. As I walked past the window I saw Sophie practicing her tumbling and her tricks. She looked happy. I decided to head inside and just say hi. When I walked in she was in mid tumble.

She looks at me before saying " what you doing here?" I reply "I was our walking Barry and saw a light on so thought I'd come say hi" she looks at me smiling. "I thought you were cleaning at home?" "I was but I finished when I got a call to asks if I'd perform at dance fest next month" she says quietly. "Really? , no way me and the boys are performing to!" I say happily
"I'm not sure if I'm going to do it yet I have to let them no by next week" she says sighing. "What you have to? It's an amazing opportunity" I say still shocked at the statement she made before. "I'm just not really sure" she says back " you have to, come on just think of what it will do for your career" I say trying to persuade her. " I'm still thinking about it, that's why I've started a few routines just in case so I have time to clean them and things" she says with a small smile.

I decided to stay for a bit and watch her rehearse but i couldn't stop thinking about what Jordan and Ashley said to me earlier. I was just watching how she connected to the music and how lost she was in the lyrics . when she song finishes she walks up to the music station and starts flicking through the music to play . she clicks for the music to start and gets into position. she starts dancing and stops after about 30 seconds, i look at her and they i see she looking at the doorway. There was a lad stood there staring at her before she almost shouts "what the hell are you doing here!?". i stand up not sure what to do but i wasn't going to leave her that's for sure . "i wanted to talk to you and try and sort things out". I looked at Sophie , she looked like she was going to explode. "what the hell makes you think i want to sort things out with someone who was cheating on me for six month and couldn't even tell me to my face?" she almost shouts as he steps closer to her and she steps back before her grabs her arm. I had to step in and say something i wasn't going to stand and watch him hurt her even if i didn't know him. "i think you should let go of her "i say in a serious tone as i move towards Sophie. "who the fuck are you?" he says looking me up and down whilst still holding her arm. " Im her best friend who's not going to sit and watch her get hurt by someone like you". I say getting angrier as i pull Sophie from his grip. "look jack just leave i told you last time i wanted nothing to do with you so why won't you just accept it!?" she says "because i still love you!" he shouts taking her hand in his before she pull away and says "no you don't and even if you do i don't so just leave!". He starts to leave before turning round chuckling "this isn't over". when he leave i look at Sophie and i can tell she is about to burst out crying so i pull her into my chest and tell her "its going to be okay, im going to be here for you" i feel her nod her head slightly making me smile.

its was now 11:30pm and Sophie offered to drop me at home . when we got there i told her that if she needed anything to call or text me and she nodded saying "thank you" before driving off.

How things change ? - perri Kiely fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now