Chapter 3

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Sophie's POV
When I finally got home after a long wait in traffic I went and sat on the sofa and just scrolled through my Instagram for a while. Whilst I was scrolling I received a text from an unknown number so I opened it up and it read:

"Hey its perri just wondering if your free now for a catch up?"

I looked at the text thinking and then replied agreeing to meet him at Starbucks. I got up and redid my hair and put on a cropped jumper before leaving my house and heading to Starbucks.

When I arrived he was stood outside waiting. I walked up to him and he greeted me with a hug before we headed inside, ordered our drinks and went and sat in the far corner were it was quiet.

He asked me the usual thing like how I was, what I'd been up to and then one questions which I wasn't even sure I wanted to answer. He asked how my parents were. When he asked i froze not knowing what to say. He just looked at me and asked again.
"My parents are dead" I say looking him in the eye for second before looking back down
"I'm so sorry" He taking my hand. I look up at him and say "its fine" . He asks me when they died and I say "2 years ago" as my voice starts to break slightly and Perri nods. Before he even asked the question I knew what he was going to ask.
"How" he says quietly. I Look at him and say "I'm not ready to talk about it just yet" he nods understandingly.
We continue talking for another half hour or so before I say " I think I should head home now" again Perri nods and offers to walk me home so I let him.
Once I get to my front door Perri hugs me and says he'll see me tomorrow.
I head in and go straight to my bedroom, get changed and lay on my bed. After about 10 minuets I get a text from Perri saying how much he enjoyed the catch up so I reply and say the same. Before falling into a deep sleep

I fell asleep at about nine o'clock so I woke up super early. It was to early to go to the studio so I got up and went for a walk. Whilst walking I look at my phone to see it's only four o'clock and that I had been walking for an hour so I decided to head back home and get ready to head to work. Whilst walking back I started thinking about my parents again and how much I miss them. It never gets any easier even after 2 Years.
Once home I change quickly and head to the studio. When I arrive I see perri stood outside. as I unlock the door and head in perri following behind as I turn the lights on. I take my coat off and head behind the desk doing this while perri just stands and watches me. I look at him and ask what he's looking at and he just says " I was just wondering if your alright I didn't mean to upset you last night when I asked you about your parents" l look at him and smile before replying "yeah it's just never gets any easier y'know" He nods whilst looking at me.

20 minuets later the rest of diversity start to arrive and head in to the studio to start working as do I. I head in to the studio and start warming up when i hear a knock on the door, I turn around and see starr stood there. I nod for her to come in and when she comes in she engulfs me in a hug and i willing hug back. she looks at me before saying "perri told me about your mam and dad and i just wanted to say I'm so sorry". I look back before letting a single tear fall from my eye and then i feel her pull me in for another hug. "what's the matter?" she asks back her voice in a soft tone . I pull out of the hug and quietly whisper "It would have been my mums birthday today". she looks at me with a sympathetic smile and i smile back. "shouldn't you be in rehearsals anyway ?" i ask. "we should be Nathan's late" she says while laughing. "Anyway ill let you get back to work, you look super busy and if you need anyone to talk to I'm only a call or text away" she says with a smile before heading out of the studio again.

How things change ? - perri Kiely fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now