Chapter 22

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Sophie's POV

Before I know it perri has me in the car and we're driving. "Where are we going?" I say looking at him. "Starbucks" He says looking at me and then back to the road. I look at my phone to check the time when I see a news article. I click on it to see that it's an article about me so I read on.

"Has this girl that goes by the name Sophie woods captured diversity star Perri Kiely's heart. The pair have been spotted together lots these last couple weeks. About 3 weeks ago a member of the press captured a photo of perri kissing Sophie and it took the internet by storm causing rumours and speculations about them. Perri has also posted many photos of Sophie on his Instagram story of them together, including one of Sophie asleep next to him. They claim to only be friends after an Instagram live when they were asked how they met and become close but people are now thinking other wise. Let us know what you think!"

I sigh and put phone away shrugging it off because none of that matters anyway now since we are together. I'm happy and that's all that matters to me. When we get to Starbucks we order coffee before heading to the studio. As were walking in perri intertwines his hand with mine. Were greeted by dani who pull me into a hug. As we walked into studio one everyone looks at us and then I realise perri is holding my hand. "Wait, are you to together?" Starr asks as her eyes goes wide. "Yeah" Perri says as Starr runs and hugs her brother before hugging me. Soon everyone is congratulating us and giving us hugs.

Whilst everyone is rehearsing I sit on the bean bag in the corner with my head phones in. I'm sat texting a friend of mine who is helping at the studio while I'm away  so I didn't realise that perri had sat next to me till he wrapped his sweaty body around mine. "Eww" I said pushing him away. "Excuse me I haven't been sat around for the last couple of hours like someone" he says sarcastically. I look at him and roll my eyes before saying "well I'm not at work am I?, I'm meant to be relaxing" I say laughing.

"Are you okay?" He says looking at me. "Yeah it's just a little strange being out of the routine of being at work, but I need the time off." I say smiling. "Means more time spent annoying you" he says nudging me in the side. I just laugh. He sits and cuddles me for couple of minutes before getting back to his rehearsals. It was nice to just sit and relax. They were taking a long break so we were all just sat talking in the studio. I started to feel unwell so I got up and left the studio to go to the toilets. After throwing up I came out of the cubicle to see perri resting against the door frame. "Are you okay?" He asks "I think I'm going to go home" I say taking a deep breath. "I really don't feel well at all." He pulls me into his chest "You don't look good at all" he says kissing my head. "I'll be okay, I'll just go home and go to bed" I say as I leave the building, perri walking me out.

When I get home I find a note from my uncle to thank me for letting him stay and letting me know he's going to stay at his mams. I had hardly any energy so I walked up stairs and changed into my pyjamas before crawling into bed and falling asleep straight away. I must have needed it. A few hours later I wake up to my face in someone's chest. I look up to see perri laid beside me. "Hey beautiful, you feeling better?" He asks his voice soft. I look at him replying "no." Before jumping up out of the bed and running to the bathroom to throw up for the 5th time today. I hear perri come in and pull my hair back out the way of my face before he rubs my back. "I'm going to look after you" he says sympathetically. "I'm fine honestly you don't have to.." but he cuts me off by saying "what sort of boyfriend would I be if I didn't look after you?" I smile and don't say anything knowing I'm not going to win this argument. "Wait have you told the fans?" I ask curiously. "No I was going to tell them later on if you don't mind?" He says. I nod my head and say "no it's fine" whilst smiling. I head back to bed and perri kisses me on the forehead before I fall asleep again.

Perri POV

I sit on the bed next to her whilst she's sleeping peacefully. I decide Im going to let the world know that she's mine in an Instagram post. I find a photo of us from her party and start writing.

Realperrikiely : So Instagram I'd like you to meet Sophie My girlfriend. I never thought I'd find happiness but Sophie changed that for me. Your a beautiful soul inside and out and I can't wait to make many more memories with you. I can't wait to see what our futures bring for us but I want you to know that I love you ❤️ @.sophiewoods
I hope everyone can see how happy she makes me and are welcoming to her because she deserves it.

I smile as I click post and look to Sophie next to me before laying down and cuddling her. With in two minutes my phone is blowing up with notifications but I don't look at it as I just wanted to be with Sophie in this moment.

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