Chapter 25

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I woke up the next morning at 6 o'clock. Sleeping in the chair was not at all comfortable. I look up to see my nana asleep. I get up and leave the room to go and grab some water. I take a walk out side to get some air. I check my phone and finally decided to text perri back letting him know I was okay and that I'd call him once I'd cleared my head. I just needed some time before facing him and I had more important things on my mind right now.

I made my way back to my nanas room to find her awake. "Hey, how you feeling?" I say. "I'm fine" she whispers. I help her sit up before we spend the next hour talking about some of the memories we have and laughing. Sat talking about the memories helped sorta distract me from what I knew was going to happen sooner or later. We sat and watched one her favourite movies on my phone. It's was nice to see her laugh for what may be one one the last times. I sat cuddled with her on the bed. I stood up to stretch and move to the chair so she could lay back down. Soon enough she falls asleep as do I on the chair again.

I was woke up about an hour later to the sound of machines beeping. I look up quickly to see it's my nanas, I jump up off the chair and run to the corridor to call for help. As several nurses and doctors rush in the room I'm ushered out by a nurse. I beg to stay in but they won't let me and make me stay in the waiting room. I was sat shaking for the entire time as I waited. 10 minuets pass by when a doctor comes out and walks up to me placing a hand on my shoulder. I wasn't prepared for the words that came out of his mouth and collapsed on to the chair. "I'm so sorry" he says looking at me. He gave me his condolences before leaving. I sat for a minute tears streaming down my eyes before standing up and walking out the waiting room and down the corridor that leads to outside. As I'm walking I walk into perri but I don't say anything and keep walking and the tears continue to flow down my face. As I get outside the cold air hits me and I slide down a wall. My nana was gone and I was all alone. I wanted it to be a dream. I wanted to wake up and everything to be fine but this was reality. It was all real and I couldn't do anything about it.

Perri POV

We had just arrived at the hospital, me and Jordan were heading to the waiting room whilst Mitch was seeing a doctor about his arm. As we walked the long corridor to the room I look a head and spot Sophie. What is she doing here ? She stands up as a doctor walks towards her and places a hand on her shoulder. I don't know what he said but she broke down in tears. It must be bad. She sits down for a brief moment before standing up and walking down the corridor. She walks into me but doesn't say anything and continues walking till she exits the building. I guess she's still mad after what I said yesterday . I over reacted. "I'm going after her" I say as Jordan nods and follows me back outside.

When we get outside I look around but I can't see her anywhere. "There she is" Jordan says nudging me. I turn my head to see her standing up from the floor and moving to sit on a bench. "Sophie?" I call. She looks up to me and her face is red and her eyes filled with tears. "What's happened?" I asked concerned. She looks at me whipping her eyes before mumbling "it's my nana, she's gone" quietly. I don't say anything but pull her into my chest. "I'm so sorry" I say holding her close still. "Why it not your fault?" She asks. " No Not just that, I mean for yesterday, I shouldn't have said what I did. I overreacted and I shouldn't of." I say looking at her and holding her hand. "Its okay, your heart was in the right place and that's all that matters." She say smiling. I kiss her on the head as she stands up. "I've got to go and fill out some paperwork and say goodbye" she says pulling her hair to her side and her sleeves down. I stand up giving her a hug and watch her walk back in.

"Is she okay?" Jordan asks concerned. "Her nana has just passed away" I say quietly. "Oh god, I hope she's okay". "Me too but I'm going to be there for her" I say smiling. l need to make it up to her for the way I reacted to her the day before, I was way out of order. "Lets go wait for Mitch" I say as we walk back inside.

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