chapter 5

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After going home and getting changed i headed back to the park to meet perri. It was midday so we decided to go and get something to eat from Nando's. I wasn't that hungry so i just ordered some chips and a drink. whilst we were sat talking perri randomly turned round and said "you've changed". I looked at him and replied "is that a good or a bad thing?" He looked back and said "a good thing" whilst a smile slowly crept across his face. "Thanks" i reply returning the smile. "you've changed to" i say looking at him. He looks up at me smirking before saying "yeah i guess i have".

The thing with perri is i always remember him being shy and less confident when we were younger but you could see that had changed over time. I'll never forget the day he was asked to join diversity he was so happy and you could tell he gained a little confidence. I'll never forget his face when he came and told me , i was so happy for him. He was my best friend and he was doing what he loved and i was so proud of him. I'll always remember the night of the Brittan's got talent final and hearing Ant and Dec say "The winner of Brittan's got talent 2009 is ...... DIVERSITY !" i was just so proud to see how far he had come in the 2 years of him being part of diversity.

once we were finished our food we we're heading out when perri was bombarded with a group of fans. I stood to the side watching him interact with them you could see how happy he was. whilst i was stood watching perri looked over to me and mouthed "sorry". I mouthed back "its fine" whilst smiling. when the last fan left perri looked at me and said "sorry" again. I looked at him and said "don't be silly you wouldn't be doing what your doing with out them"

Perri POV

As we were on the way out of Nando's i was bombarded by a group of fans. whilst i was taking photos with them i saw Sophie stood to the side watching. she looked at me and i mouthed "sorry". She mouthed back "its fine" whilst smiling. when the last fan left i looked at her again and said "sorry". she looked at me and said "don't be silly you wouldn't be doing what your doing with out them " I couldn't help but smile at her she has always been so supportive to me and i couldn't be more thankful for her and her support over the years.

I suggested going back to mine to watch a film and she agreed. I didn't have my car but she did so we hopped in and i gave her directions to the house. whist we were driving i asked her when she opened the studio and she replied "The week after i turned 19". "wow" i say back shocked. she achieved so much in the time i haven't seen her and im so proud of her. "so do you compete then with your team?" i ask as i was so interested. she looks at me and then back to road before saying "yes , we've actually just come back from worlds in Spain". "really, did you win?" i say enthusiastically. "yeah world champions" she says smiling and i think its because she so proud of her team. we soon arrive at mine and get out the car.

when i get to the front door i open up and head in telling Sophie to follow me and she does from behind. "let me guess harry potter " she says while smirking. i look at her and reply "yes" whilst laughing. "some things never change do they?" the says chuckling slightly. i look at her laughing and saying "no they don't".

During the film I looked at Sophie and suddenly spat out " so do you have a boyfriend then " she looks at me strangely before replying " not anymore " she says as the smile falls off her face. I look at her   Intrigued and ask "what happened, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to?"

Sophie POV
I look at perri not really wanting to answer the question again. I felt like everything perri asked me lately I wasn't sure I wanted to answer. I took a deep breath " I was with someone for a year but he was cheating on me for 6 months of the relationship and I didn't even no, I only found out when the girl he was cheating with messaged me to tell me that I had let him go and that he didn't want me anymore". Perri looked at me and then said "I'm so sorry". I looked at him and said "Don't be it's not like it's your fault" I say laughing slightly. "So what about you, you had any girlfriends then?" I ask . He looks at me and laughs before saying " I've talked to girls and stuff be never had an actual girlfriend". I look at him and give him a sympathetic smile.

We continue talking for another hour or so before I say I'm going to head home and do some cleaning. Perri nods and walks me to the door. "I'll see you later" I say as perri pulls me into a hug. "I'll see you tomorrow" he says as he shuts the door.

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