chapter 10

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It was the next morning i was woke up with a text from Perri saying he was coming at 5:15 instead. I look at the time it was only 3:30. I got up and got dressed before heading down stairs to eat some toast. I was sitting on the sofa and scrolling through my phone. Perri text to say he was setting off so I got my self up and put my oversized dance company hoodie on. I turned the telly off and grabbed my bag to put it next to the door. 5 minutes later I head perri pull up and beep his horn. I opened the door and perri was stood there smiling at me. "Hey let me get that for you" perri says as he goes to grab my bag. I smile before saying "it's okay I've got it". We get in the car and head to the studio to meet the rest of Diversity. The radio played quietly whilst me and perri talked. We were talking when perri asked " Do you miss them ?", I knew he was about my mam and dad. I looked at him and say " yeah I just some times think it should have been me as well". He looks at me as to say continue so I do "I sometimes think I should of died in the Crash to" I say looking out the window so perri can't see the tears that are trying to escape my eyes. I feel perri put his hand on my thigh and say "they'll be so proud of you, you know that right?" I look at him and smile slightly nodding my head. But then it hit me I had just told what had happened even through I didn't think I wanted to or that I was even ready.

When we arrived everyone was there and Starr runs up to me to give me a hug and says "morning"so I returned the hug and said "morning" back. Everyone started getting on the bus and as I was getting on perri grabbed my arm and said "your sitting with me" before pulling me to sit in the seat next to him. I just laughed at him and sat next to the window. We had been sat on the bus for about an hour and suddenly something started tickling me. I looked to see perri tickling me. I nudged him in the arm whilst saying "pel stop now" whist trying to keep a serious face but it it didn't last long.

He looks at me before saying "pel? You haven't called me that since year 11" whilst smirking. Look at him and laugh saying "well Maybe I'll call you it from now on then" I say returning the smirk whilst he rolls his eyes.

For the rest of the journey me , pel Starr and Jordan all sit and talk about our child hood and some of the memories we have. We sit and laugh at some of the stupid things me and pel used to do as teens. When we sat talking perri rested his head on my shoulder and I had a face full of Afro. My shoulder was starting to hurt so I pushed him up and he looked at me before laying his head back down. "My shoulder was hurting" I say. Soon perri sits up so I take my chance and rest my head on his shoulder whilst we all continue to talk. I zone out for a little bit just scrolling on my phone when I see Jordan has tagged me in a photo on instagram. I open it up and it's a photo of perri with his head resting on my shoulder and me pulling a stupid face whilst looking at him. I look at it and laugh before reposting it on my story.

I put my phone down for literally 5 seconds to readjust the sleeves on my jumper and look up to see see perri and Jordan are now messing about and taking stupid photos on it so I just laugh.

How things change ? - perri Kiely fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now