Chapter 17

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Perri POV

I woke up the next morning and looked down to see Sophie asleep. I just sit and look at her sleeping peacefully. She slowly starts to shift position and her eyes flutter open. "Morning" I say looking down at her. She slowly sits up and says "why didn't you go home this can't of been comfortable" She says standing up but I pull her back down to the couch. "What's the hurry?" I say laughing. "I need the toilet and I'm cold" she says looking at me. "Well will this make it better" I say pulling her in to me and cuddling her. She nods her head but says "I still need the toilet though" before standing up and rushing off to the bathroom.

When she comes back down she's changed into some grey joggers and a black crop top. Her hair has been shoved up in a bun on her head. "Don't you need to be at the studio" she says looking at me as she walks into her kitchen and grabs a bottle of water out of the fridge. "No, not till later" I say standing up. "Well you might want to go and change at least" she says looking at me. "What? Trying to get rid of me are we?" I say laughing. She just looks at me and shakes her head. "I'll go if you'll come with me and we can spend the morning together?" I say. "I'm sorry but I can't I have class's all day." She says looking down at her phone. "Do you need a lift?" She says looking up at me. I smile and reply "yeah thank you".

We soon exit her house and to no surprise there are some people from the press hanging around Sophie's house. We get in the car and set off to mine. As the music plays Sophie sings along and I can't help but wind her up by recording her and putting it on my Instagram story. "I swear down I'm going to kill you pel" she says laughing as she catches me recording her and I can't help but laugh. We soon arrive at mine and as I get out I kiss her on the cheek before she drives off to work.

When I walk in I'm greeted by Jordan who is sat on the couch. "What you doing here?" I say looking at him. "The more important question is where have you been?" He says whilst raising his eyebrows. "I fell asleep at Sophie's, we were watching a movie together, she's just dropped me off." I say with a smile on my face. "Anyway you up for going into town?" Jordan says. "Yeah let me just get changed" I say heading up into my room.

We soon get in the car and head to town. "So you and Sophie then?" He says looking at me before back to the road. "What?" I say laughing slightly. "We both admitted we liked each other and were just seen were it goes". He looks at me and nods his head as we continue to talk. We soon arrive in town and head into the shops. When were in were recognised by a couple of people. As we go in to a shop I spot some Harry Potter pyjamas that would be perfect for Sophie so I decided to buy them for her birthday that's coming up soon. After a long morning in town we head home but I get Jordan to drop me off at Blaze studios so I can see Sophie. When I get there she in teaching a small group of teens a routine so I enter the studio and put my hands on her eyes and say " guess who?." "Jordan"she says chuckling before turning round, her eyes meeting mine. I pull her into a hug and then I hear some one shout, " oh my god, that's perri Kiely!" Sophie pulls out of my hug and turns round and says "did I say take a break" they all look at her so she gives in an says "take ten." They all sigh with relief and scatter around the room. "Someone's a bit moody" I say poking her in the side. She looks at me and mumbles "just a bit stressed with this years competition routines". She sits on the couch and pull her hair out, running her hand through it. I sit next to her and play with her hair in my hand. "Don't worry they'll all be amazing you know that" I say as she pulls her laptop on to her lap. She just nods with a long sigh. "So why did you come down I thought you were at the studio this afternoon?" She says looking up at me. " I am at 3 o'clock" I say as i start to play with her hair again. I spent the next hour sat helping her with the music before heading off to my own rehearsals with the lads.

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