Chapter 13

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Sophie's POV

It had been a week since I'd seen perri in person. We had text but we'd both so busy we didn't have time. I was on my way to work but had decided to pop in to Starbucks on the way. As I was waiting for my drink I heard someone call my name so I turned around to see Abby an old school friend of mine. I smile as she walks over to me. "Hey how are you?" I say as she approaches me. "I'm good how are you?" She asked back. I look at her and says "things could be better, but you know you just have to plod on". She smiles sympathetically and says "I saw in the news jacks been sent to prison" I nod and explain what had happened.

"Can I ask you a question?" I say looking into her eyes. She nods for me to continue so I do. "Is it wrong to like someone who has been your best friend for years but recently you've seen him in a different light?" She looks at me and shakes her head before saying "is that your way of saying you think you like someone?" I look back at her and nod my head slightly. "No it isn't" she says a smile creeping across her face. We finished our conversation and I head off to work

But little did sophie know someone she knew all two well was listening in the distance.

Starr POV

I can't believe what I've just heard. I need to tell perri. I text him and ask him to meet me in Starbucks and he agrees. 10 minutes later he arrives. "Why did you want me to meet you?" He asks. "I've just heard Sophie having a conversation with an old school friend of hers and she was asking if it was wrong to like someone who had been your best friend for years". He looks at me but I don't think he knew what to say. "That doesn't mean its me" he says looking down. "come on think she literally has no other friends, i haven't seen her with any other people these last two month" i say looking at him. He looks at me mumbling "true". I look at him smiling. "well what do i do?" he asks looking at me. "why don't you take her out for a meal or something?" i say. " I'll think about it" he says as the smile on his face grows bigger.

Perri POV

As i leave Starbucks armed with this new information, i finally decide to man up and go see her. I was going to go ask her if she wanted to go out for a meal. The whole way there i was shaking with nerves. when i got there the person in reception told me she was in studio 1 so i headed down the corridor towards it. I look in to see her teaching some children they were probably only about 9 or 10 years old. sophie shoots her head in my direction when one of the kids points me out. she smiles heading to the door and opening it before saying "hey what you doing here?". "oh so i cant come see my friend then?" i say sarcastically. she just looks at me and laughs "no its just i wasn't expecting you that's all, i thought you would have been busy with rehearsals". "ash gave us the day off". I say . "anyway are you free tonight?" i say before looking down at my feet. "yeah why?" she says looking back at me. "i was just wondering if you wanted to go out for a meal and have a catch up?" i say almost whispering. "yeah sure , what time?" she says smiling. "I'll pick you up at 6:30 and wear something nice" i say returning the smile before saying bye and heading over to see Jordan and Nay.

When i get there the Cass literally runs up and jumps on to me. Me ,Jord and Nay were all sat talking when Jord ask "why you so happy?". I look up at him before explaining what starr had heard in Starbucks. "so what you going to do?" he says with a smile on his face. "well i asked her if she wanted to go for a meal tonight and she agreed". "has our pel got him self a date?" Ashley says as he burst through the door with a huge grin. "its not a date but its something" i say. " I guess starr told you?" nay says. Ash nods his head and pats me on the back. Suddenly my phone starts to buzz and i look to see the DV group chat blowing up. I look up at Jordan smirking before reading all of the messages.

Jordan: pels made his move, he's asked sophie out for a meal !

starr: seriously??? im proud of you

Sam : great im going to be the only one on my own. lol . congrats bro !

Georgia : yess !

Mitch : get in bro !

Terry : nice one pel !

Warren : go on pel !

Morgan : good on you x

Me : its not an official date or anything before you all get any ideas !

Ashley : okay we believe you ;)

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