chapter 14

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Sophie's POV

It had just turned 3:30 so headed home to shower and get changed. When i got out the shower i did my hair in lose curls and a natural make up look. I didn't know what to wear because perri said dress nice. I eventually opted for a black jumpsuit with a black leather jacket and black heeled boots. I took a couple of photos and uploaded the one i liked the best on Instagram. I was sat drinking a glass of water and replying to some of the comments on latest post, when i received a text from perri saying he was setting off and wouldn't be long. I stood up and sorted my hair out, picked up my purse and phone before turning the tell off. A minuet later Perri pulled up.

Perri POV

Once i got home i showered before sitting and watching the telly for a bit since it was to early to get dressed. As i was sat watching the telly my phone was buzzing like crazy as the group chat continued to talk about everything that was going on. They were all getting way to exited. It soon turned 5:30 so i got up and put on my black jeans and white short sleeved shirt. I put on my black shoes and jacket and then sent sophie a text letting her know i wouldn't be long. I grabbed my wallet and jumped in the car heading to hers. The whole way there i was super nervous

When i arrive i jump out the car and head towards the door. I knock twice and a minuet later the door opens. "you look nice" i say looking at her again and smiling slightly. "Thanks, you don't look two bad yourself Kiely" she says with a smile on her face. Honesty she looked absolutely stunning from her outfit to her hair and makeup. I cant even remember the last time i saw her dressed up. "lets get going" i say as she follows me to the car. The whole journey to the restaurant i couldn't help but glance at her secretly out of the corner of my eye making sure she didn't notice. She was just stunning.

when we arrived at the restaurant we got out of the car to head inside but i didn't even realise i had placed my hand on her back as we walked. Whilst we were waiting for our food a couple of fans came up and asked for photos but i knew sophie didn't mind after what she said the last time we were out eating food and i was approached by fans. Even whilst taking photos i was still glancing at her when i could. Soon our food arrived and we sat and laughed at daft stuff whist we talked. This was when i realised i wanted us to be something more but i pushed it to the back of my mind for the time being. I was just enjoying the time with her, i liked being in her company.

After the meal we decided to drive to the beach and go for a walk along it. As we walked we watched the sun set. I was looking at sophie, she looked the happiest I'd seen her the last couple of months. As she walked in front of me slightly i took a photo of her and captioned it 'sunset walks'. I tagged her and posted it to my story. Not two minuets later i had hundreds of DM's asking if we were a thing. This made me smile knowing that if we were people would accept it. We soon started heading back along the beach and back to the car. whilst we walked i snaked my arm around her she shoulder and looked down to see her smiling as i did. This made me smirk to myself. We get in the car and start the drive back to Sophie's, we spent the drive talking about when were kids.

We soon arrive at Sophie's and i get out and walk her to the door. whilst she's looking her keys in her purse i start stirring at her without even realising. I have to stop my self before she notices and thinks im weird. She puts the key in and opens the door before Turing round and giving me a hug and saying "goodnight". I do the same and turn round to head to the car. "one more thing" i say turning back round whilst she opens the door back up. I step closer to her and cup her cheek in my hand, i push her hair behind her hear and look in to her eyes, before leaning in and placing my lips on hers. my lips started to tingle as i pull away and turn around and walk back to the car, the smirk on my face growing bigger, im glad she couldn't she me now. I go home and lay in bed thinking about how soft her lips felt, the look in her eyes as i pulled away. Its safe to say i fell asleep feeling one happy man.

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