chapter 4

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It had just turned 8pm and I was still working on the new routine. I was so lost in the routine to even notice that perri ,Starr ,Nathan and Morgan were sat on the floor watching me. when the song finished I heard small claps so I turned round to see them smiling at me "well our rehearsal has finished and we were just wondering if you want to come to the cinema with us?" starr says with a smile on her face. I look at them all looking at me and before agreeing.

when arriving at the cinema I didn't take any notice of the film they had picked to watch as all i could think about was my mam. whilst walking to the screening room i felt perri nudge me before he asked "are you okay you seem out of it?" I nod before replying "yes". i sat on the end and perri sat next to me. when we were sat waiting I heard Nathan call for a photo. He took the photo and then asked for my Instagram so he could tag me. once the film finished Morgan suggested going to McDonalds but i said i couldn't as i had to go see my nana. I said goodbye to them all before hopping into the car and heading to my nanas. whilst I was driving i received a text from perri asking if i was okay and if got back safely?.

when i got inside my nana greeted me with i tight hug and i hugged her back tighter. me and my nana had always been really close before my mam and dad died and we became even closer after. I don't think i would of coped as well as i did if it wasn't for her and my grandad. whilst i was waiting for my nana to make me a cup of tea i went on to Instagram and uploaded a video of me dancing to "halo" by Beyoncé and writing a long caption dedicating it to my mam before wishing her happy birthday. As i was scrolling i notice i had a lot more notifications and i wasn't sure why at first but them i realised perri had reposted the picture Nathan took whilst we were in the cinema and captioned it "great catch-up with an old friend" before tagging me in it. I smiled before liking it and commenting back "thanks for the great night".   I spent another hour at my nanas before heading home to go to bed. i was absolutely shattered so i fell asleep straight away.

when i woke up the next morning i looked at my phone to see 200 Instagram notifications. I clicked on to Instagram and scrolled through to see lots of new followers , comments and likes on my latest post. I scrolled through replying to some and liking the comments. After a while i finally got up a bit later than i usually do as the studio was shut today. I made a cup of tea and went and sat on my sofa before replying to a few more comments on Instagram. I sat watching the news before getting up and getting changed after deciding to go for a run. I put my head phones in and left the door. After about an hour of running i came to the local park and sat on the bench when i heard a voice beside me clear there throat making me look at them. when i look up i see perri smiling at me before he says "morning". I look at him and reply "morning" back. we sat in silence for what felt like forever but was actually only like 30 seconds before perri says "why didn't you say anything?" I look at him and say "what do you mean?". He looks back at me and says "why didn't you say it was your mams birthday yesterday, that's why you were so quiet wasn't it ?" I don't look at him but reply " I honestly didn't want to think about, i just wanted to remember her in my own way". I say as i let a tear escape my eyes. I look down at my feet whipping the tears away when i feel perri pull me in to a hug. whilst we where sat there perri suggests spending the day together since we hadn't done it for so long. "sure " i say agreeing.

How things change ? - perri Kiely fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now