Chapter 24

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Sophie's POV

I couldn't believe how fast three weeks went, I needed the time off but I was happy to be back doing what I loved most. I was spending the day choreographing a duet for some of my seniors. I was just waiting for Matt to arrive, he was one of my best teachers and we always worked really well together. "Sorry I'm a little late" he says running in the door. "It's fine" I say laughing. We start by warming up and then getting to work.

We spent the whole morning coming up with the choreography and were now just cleaning it up to make sure it was perfect. We were having a run through with the music and as were dancing I spot perri in the corridor watching but the face he was showing didn't look happy. I just ignored it and continued with the dance whilst perri remained outside. As were finishing the dance with a lift I'm facing in the direction of perri but he still looked sad or mad about something. We finish up and Matt leaves the studio to go teach a class. As he leaves perri comes in. "Are you okay?" I say looking at him as his fists were tight and his jaw clenched. He nods his head but he's obviously not. "No your not" I say looking at him and the it clicked, was he jealous of me dancing with Matt.? "Are you mad about me dancing with Matt because if you are it's my job?" I say. "Not the point" he says looking at me. "What do you mean not the point? So should I get mad when you dance with Georgia or Morgan then?" He shakes his head "no, because it's my job" I look at him in disbelief before standing up and saying "it's my job to!". "The way he was looking at you though" he says mumbling. "Are you serious?" I shout "He's married and has kids, is that what you really think of me?" I say before walking out and not looking back.

How could he even say that? I don't question him when he dances with other people. Did he really think that low of me? I get in the car and drive to my nanas, I just wanted to be away from him. When I get there my nana pulls me into a hug and says "your up set". I nod my head and go sit down before explaining what happend. "His hearts obviously in the right place" she says with a sympathetic smile. I look down to my phone that's been ringing for the last 2 hours. I had 10 missed calls and about 15 messages from perri and Jordan but I didn't want to talk to him even if my nana was right. Me and my nana sat talking for a little longer. As she stood up to go to the kitchen suddenly she collapsed. "Nana!" I shout as I run to her on the floor. "Nana wake up, please" I plead with her but she doesn't. I quickly call an ambulance.

When the paramedics arrive they rush her straight to the hospital. I wasn't allowed in the room with her whilst the doctors were in. After about 30 minutes of pacing up and down the waiting room I was approached by a doctor who said that her heart was failing and she may only live a few more days. I didn't know what to say I was speechless. I entered the room to her laid on the bed, she looked Pale and weak. My heart broke and I let a tear fall. I walked to the bed and sat by her side, taking her hand in mine. I sat by her side whilst i rang my uncle Ian. He was going to be devastated he's just gone back to Iraq for work. As I talked down the phone my voice broke as I had to tell him. Hearing him cry down the phone only made me cry to. We stayed on the phone comforting each other for a couple of hours before Ian had to go. It was just me and nana now.

I sat and watched as she slept peacefully. I started to cry quietly thinking about what I'm going to do with out her. In the space of 2 years I've lost my mam, dad, grandad and now I'm going to lose my nana to. I know I still had my uncle but he worked away and only came home once a year. I was going to be alone with no family. I don't think I'm going to be able cope with out her. It soon got late and I fell asleep in the chair next to her. I was not leaving her side at all. I was going to spend these next few hours or days by her side.

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