Chapter 26

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When I get home that day, I walk in and sit on the couch in silence. I didn't want to move from were I was. I sat in the dark ignoring my phone that was going crazy beside me. As I'm sat there was a knock at the door, I stand up but then decided I'm not going to answer it. I just wanted to be alone. I sit back down but whoever it was knocked again. I continue to ignore it but they don't go away. I was sitting in silence but then I hear my name called by a familiar voice. "Sophie please I'm here for you, just let me in" they call. I finally give in I get up slowly walking to the door. As I walk down the hall way I see him stood through the window. I pull the handle down and before I've opened it perri pushes it open and pulls me into his chest. "It's okay, I've got you" He says holding me tightly as the tears flood out of my eyes and down my face.

Perri walks me to the living room and as he sits down he pulls me into his lap and I bury my head in his chest. "I don't know what I'm going to do?" I whisper. "I'll be here for you no matter what, okay?" He says trying to reassure me. Perri sits with Sophie on his lap for about an hour just playing with her hair and trying to relax her. She soon moves from his lap and heads up the stairs slowly, perri following behind. She walks into her room and gets into bed not bothering changing. Perri gets in besides her as she lays on her side with her back to him, like she was trying to ignore him. "I love you" Perri whispers into her ear as he wraps his arm tightly around her waist. Sophie nods her head and soon falls to sleep. Perri laid awake for a while longer to make sure she was alright before falling asleep next to her.

Later that night Sophie wakes up suddenly, her breathing heavy. She sits up rapidly and pulls the blanket off her before removing perri's arm from her. She stands up and checks the time to see it's 3:30am. She didn't want to go back to sleep so she walked out the room quietly trying not to wake perri but when she closes the door it closes with a loud bang. Sophie slowly makes her way down stairs trying to keep quiet. She walks into the kitchen and and grabs a bottle of water from the fridge before making her way to the back door. She grabs a jacket before opening up the door and entering the garden to sit on the bench. She sits with her own thoughts whilst watching the sun start to rise in the distance.

Perri POV

I was woken to a loud bang of the bedroom door shutting. I look up see that Sophie is not next to me. I didn't know what time it was but I knew it was early hours because it was still dark slightly. I stand up off the bed and pull my t-shirt on before exiting the room. I checked the bath room to see if she was there but she wasn't. I walked down the stairs with my phone in my hand checking the time it was only 3:30am. I open the door to the front room and looked around but I couldn't see her anywhere. As I walked to the kitchen a breeze of cold air hit me meaning the door was open. I walked out side to see her sat on the bench at the bottom of the garden. I slowly walked down to the bench quietly trying not to disturb her but as I sit next to her she turns her head and looks at me. There was no emotion on her face so I couldn't tell what she was thinking. "I couldn't sleep" she whispers and then looks down to her lap. I grab her hand and hold it tight. "Why don't we go inside it's cold out here?" I say looking at her. She nods her head as we stand up and walk inside. We walk in to the living room and sit down on the couch cuddled up and soon Sophie falls asleep in my arms.

Third person POV

Five weeks had passed since Sophie's nana had died. Perri kept his promise of being there for her and helping her with the funeral. It was only a quiet one as there wasn't really anyone to come. Perri had asked Sophie to move in with him for a while and after a couple of days of asking her to she finally agreed. They spent as much time as they could together when they weren't at rehearsals. Perri would always come home with gifts for her and she would always refuse to take them but he wouldn't take no for an answer. When Sophie mentioned going back home perri always complained and would guilt trip her into staying longer and she always agreed because she couldn't say no his sparkling eyes. The pair were very happy and that's all that matters to them. Sophie always thinks back to what her nana said a few months ago and how right she was, 'How things change'. She never thought a best friend could turn into something more but here she was living it. Even though she may not have her blood family, she gained a new one, the diversity family and she couldn't be more thankful.

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