chapter 7

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Sophie's  POV

I woke up the next morning and looked at my phone to see a text from an unknown number which  read: "this isn't over, why wont you give me another chance?". I look at it before ignoring it and getting up to take a shower. once i was out of the shower i got changed and looked at my phone to see another text for the unknown number which read "you cant ignore me for ever" I look at it but don't do anything and just head to the studio.

when i arrive i see Perri and Jordan stood leaning against one of there cars. I smile as perri pull me into a hug before saying " how are you, are you okay after last night?" i look at him before saying " im okay but he wont stop messaging me". "just ignore him" Jordan says as he pull me into i side hug and i nod.  so guess he's told Jordan then?. I look at my phone to check the time and realise that the too of them are an hour early. "you know your an hour early right?" i say laughing slightly. "are we?" perri says looking confused. " yeah ash booked the studio from 9 till 7" they both laugh "your more than welcome  to come in if you like" i say as i open the door. they both follow me in and sit in the reception whist i sit at the front desk.

I  pick up the phone waiting for an answer. "hello there Sophie woods here from blaze studios im looking to speak to Sandra butler about dance fest". I look up to see perri staring at me after the mention of dance fest. " hello there its Sophie woods from blaze studios i was just calling to confirm that im going to be performing" I look up to see perri smiling with a grin across his face at me. "thank you" as i put the phone down. I look down at the paperwork on the desk in front of me when i feel two arms snake around my shoulders and pull me in to a hug. i look up and perri says "you made the right decision you know " i nod my head smiling. "im going to start rehearsing you can say here of sit in the studio if you want". They both sit in the studio with me since they still had another 40 minuets till there rehearsal started. The pair sat on the floor in front of her watching  and perri couldn't take is eyes off her.

POV third person

soon enough the rest start arriving one by one and coming to sit in the studio to watch her dance. the only person who wasn't here yet is Ashley but he had text to say he was going to be late. everyone was sat watching just being captivated by the way she moved to the music. That's when He realised he really did like her but he didn't think she liked him back not in that way.

At the end of a very long day Sophie was just shutting up the studio and heading home but little did Sophie know there was someone watching and following her home. He stayed in the distance so he couldn't be seen.

Sophie's POV

I got home and went in side, I sat down on the sofa and watched the telly. It was about 9 o'clock when there was a knock on the door. I got up and when and answered but when I open the door I froze for a split second before trying to shut it but jack pushed his way in. "Get out now" I shout but he won't leave. He looks at me and says "no" this voice getting angrier. I was absolutely shitting my self. I stand up and run to bathroom locking the door so he can't get in  but he follows me trying to  get in. I pull out my phone and text Perri asking explaining what happened and asking if he could come help me as he won't leave. Whilst I was waiting I slide down the door and pull my knees to my chest but I could still hear jack banging on the door and calling my name. I shout "just leave" over and over again but the banging only becomes louder and louder and more aggressive. I look at my phone just as it rings. It was perri. I quickly answer it and perri says " Has he hurt you!?" I reply whispering "no but he's trying to get in the bath room and I don't think the door will hold much longer" "it's going to be okay I'm nearly there so stay on the phone". My breathing becomes heavy suddenly and I hear jack say " I'm not leaving till I get you"

Suddenly I hear two voices calling my name that weren't jacks. "Sophie!"
I here them call again. "I'm in the bathroom" I say as loud as I can. Footsteps boom up the stairs. "Oh here comes her super hero" I hear jack call in a sarcastic tone. I stand up quickly and open the door but that was a big mistake jack was leaning on it and he fell straight into the bath room before grabbing hold of me. "Get off" I shout but his grip only tightened around me. Perri was stood looking at me but I look again to see ash stood behind him. "Look I think you should let her go" ash says but jack just laughs and says "why would I listen to you?". The next thing I know ash is walking towards us as jack lets go of me and perri grabs hold of me pulling me in to his chest and guiding me down the stairs. As we get to the bottom I see two police officers at the door. They head up the stairs and take jack away before asking me some questions and leaving again.

How things change ? - perri Kiely fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now