Chapter one: Moons death

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|| Hey... It's been, well, a long while haha. This is around a- what, year? Two years? Three? Since I wrote this. Ngl, I hate it so much lol. I apologize for any cringe you are about to receive. I swear... I'm a better writer now. -Ember ||

Qibli stood atop a cliff, watching the ocean waves sadly. the memories of the night before flashed through his head.

"This is the most beautiful sunset i've ever laid eyes on, Qibli..." moon had said

"Almost as beautiful as you" Qibli touched her ear

Then- BAM, a NightWing about the size of tsunami threw moon into the rocks below, crushing her.


Qibli snapped back to reality. he hung his head, staring into the calm ocean.

 "I wonder if Winter has gotten the news" he said aloud "He would have never let Moon die..."

A green dragon flew out f the sea. by the colors of him, Qibli hoped and guessed it was turtle.

"Qibli! is it true? anemone came crashing into my room screaming that moon is dead!" Turtle's face was a mix of confusion and worry 

Qibli nodded, sorrow filling his face. tears started falling from both Turtle and Qibli's eyes. Turtle flung himself next to Qibli and hugged him tight. they sat in silence for about an hour, crying and watching the ocean.

"Well," turtle sniffed "Lets go to sanctuary and check on W-Winter"

Meanwhile, Winter was studying scavengers. "See this one? Her name is Pine, she is the leader of these scavengers" Winter was explaining to two MudWing dragonets. 

"OOOOOOH!" they exclaimed

Winter picked up Pine and held her carefully on his talon. he let the brothers pet it and look at it. Winter chuckled as they ran off, exclaiming about finding more for Winter.

"Winter" Riptide touched his shoulder. Winter could tell something was wrong, Riptide's face was sad and worried. "You have mail" 

Riptide handed him a letter addressed 'TO THE TALONS, MOSTLY WINTER'. Winter ripped it open and read the letter 

 Dear Talons, 

i are coming to sanctuary soon, please have a place ready for me. The reason why is because moon- moon is dead

Winter stopped reading and held the note to his chest. Riptide looked deep into his eyes.

"M-moon is..." Winter couldn't talk, everything was blurry. Winter sunk to his knees, his eyes clouding. 

Winter fell into a world without any reason to live. he could not think, he could not see. nothing mattered, the only dragon that did was dead. 

Winter felt talons shaking him, he felt many dragons around him, staring in shock at the prince. he heard words, none of them important. Moon is dead... i will MURDER whoever killed her...

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