Part 5= Good morning..

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"You sleep at Rosé's Room. Go!" Jhope said and Jimin nodded and went To rosé's room.

??? POV

jimin nodded and went in Rosé's room Yes, He still remembers where her room is cause before he lft the country he would always go to Rosé's House.

"Babe??" Jimin called out and after some seconds Rosé came out of her bathroom wearing this.

"Oh hey!!" Rosé said and they both smiled. Rosé signalled Jimin to follow her and Jimin did. They both are now in the closet room.

"You can pack your Stuffs here babe. Let me help you." Rosé said and jimin smiled and nodded. Jimin get his luggage and he started unpacking. Rosé helped him. After a while, They finished.

"Finally!" Jimin said making Rosé chuckle. They left the room and they plopped theirselves on the bed. Rosé hugged Jimin and Jimin hugged back.

Jimin held her chin and made her look up

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Jimin held her chin and made her look up. Then, Jimin pecked her lips making rosé Turn Red since it was her first kiss. And Jimin just chuckled. Then, Their eyes became heavy and then they closed their eyes and went to Dreamland.

Jihyo's POV

"Ugh! Namjoon! Can I borrow your phone???" I asked since my phone is dead.

"Ok sure! Its just right beside you!!" RM said, who is in The kitchen.

"K thanks!!" I said and grabbed his phone, opened it and I was shocked.. once I opened it, Youtube pops up.. maybe He forgot to exit it and guess what?? He is watching PORN.

"OMG!!" I screamed and they quickly all went to me including RM except Jirosé.

"What? Whats wrong??" Suga asked. I showed them his phone and they all widened their eyes and looked at RM who is sweating.

"Yah! I never knew you were this dirty!"

"Oh cmon! Please exit the app after you use it!"

"My virgin and Holy eyes.."

"Yea but Jennie's eyes arent."


"Ok ok! Im sorry!!!" RM said

"Why do you watch these things anyways??" I asked and RM Just gulped.

"I honestly dont know.. I just.. Like it.." RM answered and We really wanna puke at the like it part.

"Like it?? Aish.."

"Or more like.. Love it?"

"You need Some cleaning in you since you have a dirty mind."


"If I knew your phone has this thing I shouldve never borrowed.."

"Alright! Stop! Ok Ok!! I will try to stop watching these things." RM said and we just look blankly at him.

"I dont think You will suceed tho.."

"I agree.."

"Yea.. I think You cant stop yourself.."

Oop- its gonna be a long night..

The next day..

??? POV

Lisa woke up by the sun hitting her face. She rubs her eyes and slowly sat up. The Bathroom Door opened making Lisa look at it and it revealed Jungkook.

"Oh hey! Good morning!!" JK greeted

"Morning.." lisa said in a raspy and Sleepy tone.

"Do your routines woman." JK reminded her And Lisa slowly nod and went to the bathroom. As soon as the water from the Shower hitted her. Her tiredness faded and she continued to shower. While, JK left the room to go eat breakfast. He sat on the chair near the island of the kitchen and waited for his hyung, Jin to finish cooking.

"Morning! Whats for breakfast?" JK asked

"Morning and your breakfast is pancakes." Jim answered and continued to cook. JK smiled and was excited since pancakes are his favorite.

"I might take long. I just started. You can do whatever you want first." Jin said and JK nodded and left. He went to The living room, Sat on the sofa and used his phone. After some time, lisa came out of the room wearing this.

 After some time, lisa came out of the room wearing this

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She went straight to the kitchen to get milk. Soon, she is holding a glass of Milk. She sat down beside JK and watched youtube in the TV.

Jennie's POV.

I was sleeping peacefully until I felt something so cold! Making me wake up. And I saw.. TAEHYUNG HOLDING AN EMPTY GLASS AND ME, SPLASHED WITH WATER AND ICE!!



TAEHYUNG!!!" I screamed making him run away from me. I chased him while screaming his name. Ugh! I hate him!!



"I SWEAR.. IF I CATCH YOU I WILL HOLD ON TO YOU TIGHTLY FOREVER UNTIL YOU DIE!!" I screamed back when we were outside then after I said that he stopped running and Faced me. I smirked at him as I started to walk to him. My hands started at his chest.. Then goes up... and up.. until My arms are around his neck. He was smirking so wide that half of his face can break. I looked deeply into his eyes and he did too. I did that to distract him. When we were in the middle of it, i kicked his balls and he fell down and did the position to lessen the pain.

"Oww..." he groaned.

"Thats what you get." I said and Stick my tongue out and he just Looked up to me and glared.

"You will regret this babe.." He said

"Ahem.. I dont think so.. and Boi you should stop calling me that." I said and he just smirked as he slowly sat up.

"Get ready Jennie kim.." He said while smirking making me Playfully roll my eyes. I went back in the house and left Tae there. Hah! Thats what he gets!

??? POV

Rosé woke up earlier than Jimin. She Noticed their position and It made her smile. She looked at Jimin who is peacefully sleeping. She admired every single feature Jimin has. And she didnt notice that she was staring at him.. She looked at everything on his face and her eyes landed on his plumpy and pink-ish lips she wanted to taste it so bad... she started to go closer to Jimin's face. When she was so close to Jimin's face she realized what she was doing and pulled back and took a deep breath since she is literally Red. As in.. super red!

"Why did you stop baby??"

FELL INLOVE WITH YOU 2× ~ JiroséWhere stories live. Discover now