Part 21= Akward..

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"Ji-" she was about to call again but cutted her off by kissing her.. Oh gosh.. I missed her lips..

Rosé's POV

I was shocked when Jimin kissed me.. but I didnt notice I was slowly Kissing him back.. My grip on my towel are becoming Weak and Jimin noticed that so he gripped onto it too..  We missed each other.. We missed eacg other's Touch, Love and everything.. and that's when I knew.. I havent Moved On from him..

The kiss lasted for 1-2 minutes and we let go.. I tighten my Grip on the towel and he let go of it.

"Well.. u-uhm.. Im s-sorry about that.. Y-you can c-change now.." Jimin said while scratch his nape and left. Did I just.. I mean.. Did we just.. Made out..?!

I changed into this..

I tied the Shirt and then, I exited the bathroom and saw Jimin laying on the bed facing the wall while using his phone

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I tied the Shirt and then, I exited the bathroom and saw Jimin laying on the bed facing the wall while using his phone.. He moticed me and looked at me but then Looked away.. well now this is akward..

"I-i will just.. g-go outside.. yea.." I said and he nodded. I went outside my bedroom and sat on the couch.. My mind was all about our kiss but I wanted to distract myself so I used my cellphone.. oh gosh..

Lisa's POV

I've been Ignoring JK for a day now.. I really dont want to do it but It is must for me to do to forget my feelings and Not bother his Future relationship.. I miss him so much right now.. *sighs..* Im in my and JK's bedroom.. I am on the bed laying down.. and JK?? He is playing he was begging me to play with him but I ignored him and sometimes decline all his requests.. Im sorry Jungkook-ah.. he would always ask why I am declining him always and Ignoring him but as usual, I would Ignore him.. Im sorry Jungkook but this is the best for me and you..


Here I am.. Playing.. without Lisa.. She is Ignoring me and Declining me every single day... Did I do something wrong?? I keep Losing in the game since I keep thinking about Lisa..

Why is she ignoring me?

Why is she Declining me always?

Did I do something wrong?

Does she hate me?

Did I offend her?

Why am I so affected when she is doing this to me?

Why do J feel like.. Im carrying a.. Heavy and.. Big rock..???

Ugh! Whatever screw it! I thought and closed The game. I went to me and Lisa's room and there she is.. laying on the bed using her phone.. I locked the door since I am gonna talk to her privately and seriouslu. Since she is facing the wall and her Back facing the door, She didnt know I was here since I was quiet. I went to her and grabbed her phone making her look at me and Tried to reach for her Phone but I Made it impossible for her to reach.

"Jungkook!! Thats my phone!!"


"Jungk- Ugh.. ok.  What do you want??" Lisa calmed down and sat on the Bed.

"Why are you ignoring me??"

Jhope's POV

I am so bored.. Me and Momo are jyst on the couch, She is using her phone while I watch TV. Then suddenly, Momo stand up making me look to her.

"Whats up??" I asked her

"Im gonna hang out hy myself bye." She said as she was about to walk until I want to go with her... Hey dont think of anything! I was just bored!!

"Im coming with you." I said and she stopped walking and looked at me with a smile then, She left to go to her room to obviously change. I closed the TV and went in my room and Chamged into this:

I walked out of the bedroom and waited for Momo since she stll isnt here

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I walked out of the bedroom and waited for Momo since she stll isnt here. Soon, she arrived wearing this.

"Lets go??" She asked and I nodded

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"Lets go??" She asked and I nodded. We exited the house and went to places.

Rosé's POV

Ever since That kiss happened, Me and Jimin are Akward to each other.. No.. we arent mad to each other.. Its just that.. Uhm.. Well.. Lets just say akwareness took the best of us..

I mean.. Its his fault.. And.. Also mine I guess.. I mean if I didnt kiss back this wouldnt happen.. Why are we akward tho?? I mean this isnt our first tim- What the- Rosé?? U ok?

"Rosé??" Someone said making me go back to my senses. I look at the direction from where that voice came from and it was Jisoo Unnie.

"Unnie???" I Asked and then, She sat down beside me. Im sitting on the sofa.

"Are you ok?? You have been Soacing out for the half of the day.." Jisoo Unnie said and I nodded meaning yes.

"Why wouldnt I be??" I asked.

"Hahah i dont know Well Imma Watch TV" Jisoo unnie and gets the remote for the TV and opened it. I closed my phone and Watched Tv with her. We are watching funny videos and we've been laughing so much and ur made me forget about my situation.

Jimin's POV

Ugh! Stupid Jimin!!! You are so stupid! You shouldnt have Kissed her!! CONTROL YOURSELF!! I mean.. Why would she kiss back tho?? Uhm.. OK NVM!!! Aish.. I dont know if I can Face or Talk to her again.. aish..

??? POV

"Why are you ignoring me??" Jk asked Lisa and that made Lisa speechless But soon, She answered.

"What do you mean ignoring?! I havent been ignoring you!!" Lisa lied

"Oh really? Playing with other person and always Going to another person when I try to talk to you isnt ignoring??" He asked

"Yah! Whats wrong with playing with other person? It cant always be you!!" Lisa shot back

"Just tell me why. Why are you ignoring me!!" Jk asked and Lisa looked away.

"Its the best for the both of us Jungkook."

FELL INLOVE WITH YOU 2× ~ JiroséWhere stories live. Discover now