Part 14= Sketch.. (Taennie)

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"Oh! After 3 hours and I will take a break At that Seven eleven over there. I will sleep I am Tired.." Jin oppa answered.. oh no.. Going to sleep!? Please no! Jimin smirked more and he took his finger out but this time he is rubbing my womanhood.. soon, we arrived at the Seven eleven and Jin oppa parked. Jimin took Out his finger and I immediately fixed myself. Jin oppa positioned himself to sleep. I glared at him and He Smirked and sucked His Finger. I rolled my eyes playfully and I closed my eyes to sleep..


The next day.. (morning..)

??? POV

Yesterday was so much fun for them. But Jennie wasnt really having fun Yesterday. Yes, she still had fun but.. her mind was full About Taehyung. Here she is now, Om the bed sitting and thinking about it.. She grabbed her sketchpad and started drawing. She never drew on this sketchpad before.. Yes, she is good in drawing but she dont draw in sketchpads.. Only at 1 piece of paper.. soon, She started to Sketch Taehyung... Crying..

"Jennie!! Breakfast is ready! Everyone is waiting!!" Jisoo Shouted

"NO THANK YOU!" Jennie shouted back and continued to sketch.



"NO THANKS!" Jennie shouted and continued drawing. She never Took a break


After some time, Jennie decided to Do it outside. She took the pencil and sketch pad with her and left the room.

"Jennie, What were you doing all day? You skipped eating." Nayeon asked out of worriedness and Jennie smiled at her.

"Im drawing.. Something.. important.." Jennie answered and went outside.


jennie say on the grass and started drawing again..


Jisoo Forced Jennie to eat and Jennie has no choice to eat it. After eating it.. She immediately put it in the sink and went to her room to sketch again.. All of them were confused.. Even Taehyung. Jennie were never like this before.. Yes, She sketches like this but never on a sketch pad, Spending all day in her drawing and Will do nothing but sketch..

"Why.. is it so important?"

"I dont know.."

Jennie's POV

My whole body is aching But I didnt stop. I dont know why I have so much eagerness To do this.. Do I care for him that much??


Taehyumg's POV

It is her sleeping time yet she isnt sleeping yet. She is on the Table in our bedroom, sketching.

"Arent you gonna sleep??" I asked

"Later. Just go to sleep now." Jennie answered but I didnt respond back. I will wait for her To sleep. But then, I slowly fell asleep..


I woke up and felt that Jennie isnt beside me. I searched the room with my eyes and of course, there she is.? Drawing.. I took my phone and looked at the time and its.. 3:47 am!??

"Jennie, Sleep." I said

"No." She responded.

"I'll confiscate that if you dont go to sleep now." I protested and she was silent for a few seconds then she closed her Sketchpad and went to the closet and she came back without it.. so... she hid it.. Then, She laued beside me and faced the wall showing me her back and now I can Sleep peacefully but just like the others we have 3 question to ask Jennie...

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