Part 10= Remembering..

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"Its okay Chaeyoung-ah.. You wont be crashed again in the future we will protect you." Jihyo unnie said while smiling and I just smiled.


??? POV


They all are doing their own things right now. Jimin, JK, Lisa and Tae are playing. Rosé is just in her room, Watching youtube, Jennie is sleeping, suga is also sleeping, Jin and Jisoo are grocery shopping, Jihyo, Momo and Nayeon are playing some games with Namjoon and Jhope.

Rosé's POV

Ugh.. All I do all day is just use my phone, Lay on my bed, eat and Sleep. What will I do??..  Ugh.. Let me just listen to song covers. I searched it and one song caught my attention.

I played it and at the middle of the song.. Scenes played again.. about me.. And.. Jimin?

Jimin and Rosé are singing this song.

"I love you.." Jimin said

"I love you too.." Rosé responded and kissed.

Then.. A new scene was showed.. it was all of them..

"Truth or Dare Jimin Hyung??"

"Hm.. dare??"

"I dare you to lock yourself in a room with your Closest girl best friend."

"Mk. Rosé!!" Jimin said and stand up. Rosé stand up and they locked theirselves in a room.

Few minutes later..

They are still in the room and no one told them to come out yet. Jimin and Rosé has feelings for each other but they cant confess cause they still dont have the braveness until.. Jimin decided to confess.

"Rosé? I need to tell you something.." Jimin said making rosé close her phone and look at Jimin.


"Rosé, I know this is strange.. and We promised to each other that we only like each other as friends.. but.. I broke it.." Jimin explained

"What?? Why? How? How did you break it..??" Rosé asked out of confusion.. she kinda think that he likes her but she shook it off since she thought she he would never like her back..

"I like you Rosé.. You dont have to return the feeling.. I just wanna say it.. I cant keep it forever.." Jimin explained and Looked down but Rosé just smiled since he likes him back. She went near him and pecked his lips making Jimin Lift his head with wide eyes to see Rosé smiling.

"What?? Did you jus-" Jimin was about to ask but Rosé cutted him.

"I like you too.." Rosé said and Jimin was frozen for a few seconds but soon, smiled.

"You're mine now." Jimin said and kissed her. Rosé kissed back and after a few seconds. The door opened making them let go of the kiss and look at the door showing everyone with wide eyes.














Jirosé cant do anything but Chuckle.

"Babe? Babe!" Someone called out making me go back to my senses. I looked up and saw It was Jimin

"Oh! Yes??" I asked

"Are you ok?? Why were u smiling??" Jimin asked me

"Memories.. :)" I said and He just Smiled knowing that.

Jennie's POV

I was sleeping until someone called me in my phone. It was my mother who is in New Zealand. i smiled and answered it.

"Hi Mom!!" I greeted

"Hey Sweetie! How are you??" My mom asked

"Im fine mom! And mom, Chaeyoung got into an accident.. car accident and she lost all her memories but She is slowly remembering it all.. please tell her parents mom.." i informed and I heard her gasp.

"What?! Is she ok now??" She asked out of worriedness

"Yes mom! Dont worry she is fine! We are taking care of her!" I answered

".. Ok.. I will tell her Parents now bye sweetie! Take care and also your friends! Love you!!" My mom said and Tae entered the room and looked at me.

"Ok! You too!! Bye! Love you! Mwa mwa!!" I answered back and The call ended and Tae looked at me with wide eyes and I can see Anger.. i closed my phone and I put it on the table and Tae came near me.

" you. Too.?" He asked angrily making  me scared and gulp.

"Uhmm.. whatelse? Cause I love her?" I answered and he widened his eyes more.

"Her? You love her!?" Tae asked

"Yes I love my mom. Its my mom dumbass." I answered back and he calmed down but went near my Ear

"Remember this, You cant say I love you to a boy.. Cause you are only mine." He whispered

"Yah! I-im not your girlf-friend!!' I shot back and that is a fact. And I saw him smirk. Suddenly, He licked my neck making all my hairs in my body stand up and I gulped

"T-tae-" I was about to protest but I cutted myself when I know Im about to moan. he keeps on sucking my neck and I just keep my mouth shut since U dont wanna release a moan.. he sucked more and licked making me gulp and bite my lips to prevent myself from moaning... And boi.. I was turned on again.. Please dont tell me I like him.. he let go but..

"How long can you keep it in...???" He asked in a raspy voice and now he was biting and Licking my ear.. I bit my lips then.. He went back to my neck. I was trying to keep it in until I cant anymore.. i moaned. He did sucked more and then stop to lickand bite my ear this time. Then, went back to my neck then, to my ear again. Yes, i was moaning.. aish.. soon, he finished and smirked at me and I just glared at him. He left the room. After seconds, I calmed myself down and went outside to drink water.. once I stepped out I saw everyone Except for Tae Looking at me.

"Is that a hickey??" Jisoo unnie asked.

FELL INLOVE WITH YOU 2× ~ JiroséWhere stories live. Discover now