⚠🔞Part 27= ♡♡♡🔞⚠

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They celebrated and now they are back home.. Rosé finished doing her night routine and she is currently waiting for Jimin to finish. Rosé was looking through Youtube and saw A.. s** video. She dont know what happened to her but she watched it and.. She was turned on then, Jimin came out and Rosé smirked..

??? POV

Jimin noticed Rosé smirking.

Rosé's POV

I woke up and I saw me and Jimin cuddling. I suddenlu remembered what happened yesterday night.. boy.. im so sore rigt now.

"Babe??" Jimin asked in a raspy voice and I looked at him and smiled.

"Hey.. Good morning!" I said.

"Had fun yesterday night??" He teased while smirking.

"Yah!" I said and Playfully hit his arm.


We exited our room once we are done Doing our routines. Webwere greeted by everyone glaring and then smirking.

"What??" Me and Jimin asked in the same time.

"Had too much fun last night??"

"I bet it was Rough.

"You started it??"

"Ohh~~ a babyy~~"

"Nope, she used birth control." Jimin said and everyone deep sighed.

"Now.. Who is next to do that??" JK asked


"Hahah sorry!"


Jhope's POV

Ok.. let me be honest here.. I.. Like Momo.. but I will never confess. I dont wanna be rejected again. I always get rejected and thats not happening right now. I know Im a big coward but I still need to save my feelings but I will say it to Suga hyung. Why? He knows advices and he can keep a secret.

"hyung.. can we talk outside?? Its about Momo." I whispered.

"Why??" He asked

"Please!!" I whispered.

"Ok fine let me just get my phone." He said and went to His room. After awhile, he went back. I left the house and He followed. Soon, we arrived outside.

"Hyung.. Please keep this a secret!." I pleaded and he nodded.

"I.. Like Momo.." I said and Suga hyung's eyes Widened..

"When will you Confess??" Suga hyung asked

"I wouldnt. I always get rejected and I dont want to add another one to that. I will try to forget my feelings to her if she have a boyfriend." I answered.

"But.. are you sure that.. I will reject you??" Someone asked..

FELL INLOVE WITH YOU 2× ~ JiroséWhere stories live. Discover now