Part 20= Kiss..

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"Taehyung.. I need to talk to you.."


??? POV

Taehyung sat up and closed his Phone.


"Taehyung.." Jennie called out and went silent. Tae was opened his mouth about to talk but Jennie cutted him off by Crashing her lips on him. Tae was shocked.. But then.. kissed back..

Jennie Sat on his lap and put her arms around His Shoulders while Tae's Arms are around Jennie's waist

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Jennie Sat on his lap and put her arms around His Shoulders while Tae's Arms are around Jennie's waist.. they let go and Tae realized what they did and looked away while Jennie chuckled.

"J-jennie.. why did yoy do that??" Tae asked still looking away.

"Yah! I wouldnt do that without a reason! I like you Taehyungie~" Jennie answered and Tae looked at her with wide eyes.

"I heard you talking to Jungkook earlier so that boosted up my Confidence in confessing to you.." Jennie stated and Tae Smiled and leaned his nose to him until..

"YAH! YOU GUYS ARE IN PUBLIC PLEASE DO THAT IN YOUR ROOM!!!" Someone screamed and that Scream was from the door so they looked at that direction and It was.. Jungkook.. he was smirking..

"Jungkook??" Tae called out.

"Please come in and continue in Your room.. Its this way.." JK teased while pointing at the way that leads to their room. Taennie can only glare at him.

"Woah.. Noona.. I never knew you were wild.." JK teased again and pointed at their direction. Taennie looked at their position and they let go of each other and JK laughed

"What about Lisa?? Huh??" Jennie shot back while Smirking and Tae does too.

"Whats wrong with her?? She is just my Friend and besides.. I like Eunha." JK said and Taennie chuckled.

"Anyways, we are going out! Bye!" Tae said and stand up as he hold Jennie's hand

"Whe-" Jennie was about to talk but Tae already walked with her hand so.. She has to follow him and they left JK dumbfounded.

"Why were they chuckling?? Did I say something wrong??" He asked himself but little did they know.. Lisa was listening.. How?? She is in the kitchen drinking water and The kitchen is near to the front door..

Lisa's POV

I heard every single thing.. Heh.. Only if You know Jungkook.. I couldnt help but let my tears fall down. I quickly wiped it and Put the glass I used in the sink and went to our room and locked it. I sat on the floor and leaned on the wall and I let my tears flow freely.

I mean.. I am really just his friend tho.. i am the person who annoys him, Plays with him, comforts him, hang outs with him and do sone stuff with him.. i am just a friend in his eyes.. Nothing more.. Heh.. this is the reality Lisa.. Stop dreaming infact he likes somebody else.. You better not ruin Jungkook's future Relationship Lisa.. Ignore him.. To forget your feelings to him.. ok?? Ok..

I thought and cried more but soon.. I wiped my tears away and unlocked the door. When I unlocked it the door opened and It was JK and he closed the door and hugged me.. what the?

"Are you ok? I heard you crying.." JK said.. was I that loud?? Oh wait! Lisa stay away from him! I get out of JK's embrace and gave him a fake smile..

"I-im ok.." I responded and went in our bathroom and locked it..

"Whats wrong with her??" JK asked himself..

??? POV

"Ok so now.. If plan A didnt work use Plan B. If Plab B didnt work use the next one and blah blah blah." Jihyo explained.

"Ok! And wow.. You are so smart.. You have written.. 2.. 4.. 6.. Oh! 6! 6 plans!! How are you so smart??!!" RM asked. Jihyo tapped her mind meaning she is smart and they both laughed.

"Wanna go home now or lets hang out??" Jihyo asked

"Lets hang out! lets take a break!!" RM answered and Jihyo nodded. They grab the Notebook with the pencil and left the cafe. They went to different places and enjoyed their time.

Jimin's POV

"Jimin.." Rosé called in the bathroom. We are having fun like nothing happened to us..

"What???" I asked lazily.

"Bring me my clothes and towel.." she said shyly and I looked at her while smirking. "Dont you dare do anything.." she added and glared

"I mean.. You can get it yourself.." I said while smirking.

"Jimin! i swear im gonna kill you.." she said and I chuckled

"You didnt get it in purpose right??" I asked her and smirked.

"What?! No i wouldnt especially when Im with a PERVERT!!" She said and I laughed. I stand up and get it. I gave it to her and she grabbed it. Before she can close the door I stopped it and She Immediately wrapped her body with the towel.

"The he- jimin!! Im gonna change!!" Rosé said

"No.. I wanna watch you.." I said and licked my lips as she Glared at me. I went near her and she Steps back.

"Yah! JIMIN! YOU PERVERT!!" Rosé Screamed but soon she bumped onto a wall meaning there is no escape.

"JIMIN!!" She screamed as she tighten her grip on Her towel. I went near her and trapped her in my arms.

"Jimin I swear.. Get out.." Rosé said and gulped.

"Ji-" she was about to call again but cutted her off by kissing her.. Oh gosh.. I missed her lips..

FELL INLOVE WITH YOU 2× ~ JiroséWhere stories live. Discover now