Part 7= What was that??

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Lisa's POV

Wait what did I just said?? Jealousy??pfft.. HAHAHAHA!! Never!! Lol why would I even feel that? That guy or that Jerk, Jungkook is just my.. Frenemy. Nothing else so dont get the wrong idea...

"Yah! LISA!!" Someone called me making me come back to my senses. The voice was behind ne so I looked behind and it was JK

"O-oh yea?? Whats up?" I asked and he just gave me an-are-you-serious look.

"I kept calling your name deaf!" JK teased and I just playfully rolled my eyes on him.

"Anyways, Why are you calling me?"i asked.

"Lets play!!" JK answered and I nodded my head. He started to Prepare the Stuff that we need in order to play..

Should I ask him about The Eunha girl? Does he like her? I mean obviously he likes her. Her name on His phone is Eunha, ny soon To be GF💞. He obviously like her!! And naybe the likes him back too but they didnt confess yet.. Ugh.m Why am I getting bothered? Whats wrong with me today?? Aish.. I think something wrong in my br-

"LALISA MANOBAN!!" JK screamed again making me come back to my senses again ahha Oop-

"YAH! YOU ARE ALWAYS SPACING OUT!!" JK screamed again and I sat Beside him since everything was already prepared

"I-im ok." I said. Yah! lalisa! Why did you stutter?!

"Yah! I didnt ask if you are ok! Is something wrong with your brain??" He asked. I mean.. If I can answer that I will immediately say yes.

"Whatever! Lets just play!" I said and JK squinted his eyes while looking at me but looked away to focus on the TV.

Aish.. Brain.. You need a doctor..

Jimin's POV

I am so bored!! Me and Rosé are in our room. And we are laying on the bed beside each other.. ugh.. What can I do? Or we do?? My thoughts were cutted when my phone vibrates meaning there is a notification and.. it was this..

Storage space

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Storage space.. RUNNING OUT!! I went to my gallery to delete some videos or Pictures that arent necessary. I went to my canera roll and it was full of me and Rosé before she got into amnesia and some of it are the recent ones more like after the amnesia.

 I went to my canera roll and it was full of me and Rosé before she got into amnesia and some of it are the recent ones more like after the amnesia

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The last picture reminded me of Chaeyoung's lips

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The last picture reminded me of Chaeyoung's lips. I looked at her. She was using her phone and she is so focused on it that she doesnt even notice that im looking at her. I looked at her features and my eyes landed on her lips.. I wanted to kiss it but.. I need to control myself but I gave up. I leaned and Kissed her lips.

Rosé's POV

Me and Jimin are just laying on the bed. We are both using our ohones and doing ir minding our own business. I was watching youtube as usual. I was so focused on it that I dont bother to look at my surroundings. And One thing that Jimin did suprised me.. He crashed his lips onto mine Without any warning and nah.. It wasnt just a peck.. it was a kiss. I didnt kiss back but soon, I did. I honestly dont know how to kiss since it was just my first time. I might have did it before I got to the hospital but I was shook That I know how.. But In the middle of our kissing session.. a scene played.. it was me and Jimin.. I can see his body and mine too..

She went to the blossom park and Looked around for Jimin. Then, she found Jimin Sitting on the bench. She ran towards him and Jimin noticed that and smiled. When they are now infront of each other, Jimin crashed his lips to Rosé and Rosé kissed back then, Rosé let go.

"So baby, What will you say to me?" Rosé asked

"Look, Baby.. Im leaving.." Jimin answered making Rosé widen her eyes

"W-what?" Rosé said but Jimin just hang his head low

"Im moving to Canada.." Jimin answered and rosé Let her tears flow down her cheeks and She hugged him.. Jimin Hugged back

The scene was about to continue but Someone called my name making the scene dissapear and I got back to my senses.

"Babe.. Are you okay? Why are you crying??" He asked and I didnt notice that 2 tears Flowed down my cheek.

"I-i.. Saw a scene.. We are at a park? And.. I was crying and you did too.. You said you are moving to Canada but i didnt pay attention tk the other lines that we said.. what was that??" I explained and he just smiled at me.

"That was 2 months ago baby.. I had to leave Korea..." Jimin said. He cant explain the break up.. he wanted her to figure out herself as he wants to spend more time with her as a fake bf. I just Nodded at his explanation and he wiped my tears.

"I didnt know my kiss is very superior that you will remember some things in the past. Want me to do it again?" He asked and hovered on top of me and I just playfully hit his chest.

"Yah!" I called out but he landed his lips on mine. Lol I thought he was only teasing me but.. yea haha! I kissed back and it was long. No, A scene didnt play which is a good thing! I can focus on hi-


"AHH!! OMG!!"

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