Part 9= ... What..

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"Are you sure?? I saw you earlier.. When i said its yummy you froze.. Meaning.. It is true.." he said and all I can do is gulp.

Jennie's POV

I gulped and looked away. I know he is smirking right now. I turned red and I bet my ears are red..

"Its true huh?"  He asked but I decided to not say the thruth.

"Nope!" I said nervously and looked at him and he was smirking more now. He went near my ear and..

"Dont try to act Jennie Kim. I kow it.." he whispered in a deep voice and went away and went inside the house. I can only gulp and turn red.

Rosé's POV

Ever since that make out,  We would kiss and peck any minute and be more clingy hahaha! I am using my phone right now and Jimin is hugging me while sleeping. As usual, I watch youtube and before I search something to watch I will look at the rrcommended page to see if there is something I like.


Jimin woke up and we decided to go to the living room and stay there instead of our room.



when I heard the car... It sounded very.. Strange and.. dangerous to me... I dont know why.. until... I saw a scene of myself.. getting hit by a speeding car..

Soon, she left her House and made her way to the Grocery store. She crossed the road while thinking about Jimin and their broke up until One noise Broke it.

She turned to her left and saw a car before she could run the car hit her so, she flew and Landed on the road with bumping her head. The Other people immediately Called the Ambulance, The driver Helped and Then, The ambulance arrived and they Get rosé. They called the 1st person on her contact and it was Momo. They jnformed her about it and Momo quickly infromed the others and they rushed to the hospital..

I immediately got scared of course and I covered my ears and screamed. I mean obviously you will get scared if You saw the scene and you are In that scene. It was about to continue until I hear people saying my name and obviously the scene dissapeared making ms go back to my senses.

"Chaeyoung?? You okay??"


"Why??? Is there something wrong??"

"I saw a scene.. of nyself.. getting hit by a speeding car.." I said and I can Feel the wetness In my Cheek meaning I cried so I wiped it and Jimin hugged me.

"Its okay Chaeyoungie. That was before.. Its ok now.." Jimin said and rubbed ny back to calm me down.

"Its okay Chaeyoung-ah.. You wont be crashed again in the future we will protect you." Jihyo unnie said while smiling and I just smiled.

Sorreehhh Its shorrtt Lol I will try to make the next chapter 1000+

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