Part 26= No need for Plan C

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"Im.. ready.." Rosé said


Jimin's POV

As usual, i am on the bed, Using my phone.. Its so boring and sad without them then suddenly, My phone rang and it was.. uknown?? I answered it as I was really curious on what is up. (Lol no.. Dont answer a call if its someone you dont know in real life especially when you are alone)

"Hello who is this??"

"Hello. Is this Park Jimin??" Someone asked

"Ah.. Yes?? Why?" I asked (again dont do this in real life lol)

"Uh sir, There is a patient named Park Chaeyoung. She was hitted by a car.. please meet us in The Seoul Hospita-"

I immediately hang up and since I was wearing a tshirt and Pants Its ok for me to leave and plus I dont care! All I care is about Rosé!! I immediately grab my phone as I ran outside. The car isnt there so I ran. Tears started to fill my eyes and some even dropped. I ran and ran and ran. I stopped as I wait for a taxi but its been minutes so I just ran as fast As I could.

Jin's POV

Here we are.. secretly Following him and.. he decided to run.. guess there was no Taxi.. Its a good thing there is no traffic phew..

"Man.. He really does care for her.. Look at him.. He doesnt care if he is a mess or even hurt Other people.." Jhope said

"Exactly.. I mean.. He looks like he is chasing a serial killer right now." Tae said

"HAHAHAHAHHAHAH!!" JK, Tae and Jhope laughed when Jimin bumped a girl with drinks and the drinks fell but jimin didnt care and kept Running. Soon, Jimin saw a taxi and he Waved meaning he wants to get in. The taxi stopped and he went in. The taxi moved.. FAST..

Soon, we all arrived at the hospital and he immediately Ran. The Taxi went away and we parked our car and followed him..


"Uhm wa-"

"PLEASE!! NOW!!" Jimin screamed and The lady including us were shocked..

"This boy has to calm down.." I said

"O-oh o-ok!!" The girl said as she take the List immediately and she was shaking..

"Poor Girl.." Suga said

"3rd floor, Room 197 s-sir." The girl said and Jimin immediately ran. He went to the elevator and the other elevator Is occupied..

"Oh please dont tell me we are gonna take the stairs.." Suga complained but I immediately run to the stairs and they followed. Soon, we arrived at the 3rd floor and there he was making his way to the room. We followed him and he entered. We went in but Jimin didnt notice it.

Jimin's POV

I immediately went in and got greeted by the girls and Rosé on the bed.. I immediatelu ran to her and tried waking her up..



"... I SWEAR! PARK CHAEYOUNG!! DO-.. Dont you d-dare to leave me!!" I said and I dont care if the others are here.

"YAH PARK CHAEYOUNG.." I screamed one last time and Kneeled on the floor as I let my tears out.. I sobbed and sobbed.. I dont care if the others are looking at me or will tease me in the future.

"If y-you wake u-up... I p-promise... i will say everything i-i feel.." I sobbed.

"I will tell you.. How much i still love you.. I will tell you.. why I lied that I didnt feel anything! I know you dont hear me.. BUT PARK CHAEYOUNG.. I FUCKING LIED.. I DID.. AT THAT TIME!!!... Why? I DONT WANT YOU TO BE IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH ME SINCE I MIGHT HURT YOU.. again.." I explained..

"*chuckles* I dont even know why Im explaining this when you dont hear me.. Heh.." I said as I cried more.. suddenly..

"But.. I hear you.." a voice said and that belongs to.. Chaeyoung.. I quickly looked up and there she was.. sitting.. with tears flowing.. I immediately hugged her, Let go and wiped her tears.

??? POV

Rosé looked at the others signalling them to leave and they did.

"So.. you still love me? It was all a lie??" Rosé asked and Jimin nodded.

"Im pretty sure You heard the reason.. its ok if you have moved o-" Jimin was about to speak but rosé pecked his lips.

"You think?? I still love you Jimin-ah.. Im just hiding it.." Rosé explained and Jimin smiled.. Rosé stand up and Put her arms around Jimin's Shoulders and jimin immediately Put his arms around her waist.. They leaned and kissed.. it turned intk a make out. Jimin swap places with Rosé. Rosé swapped places with Jimin. Now, Jimin is near the bed.

□□□□□< bed

Rosé pushed Jimin On the bed still not breaking the kiss. Rosé sat on his lap and soon.. The kiss Turned rough.. Jimin's hand Went to Rosé's butt. They were about to comtinue but everyone stormed in making them let go.

"Please understand this is a hospital and a public place."

"And there is literally a freaking window."


"Aish.. My Eyes.."

Rosé went off Jimin's lap and Jimin stand up.

"anyways, Rosé?? Are you ok??" Jimin asked

"Uhmm.. Look.."

After explaining..

"Seriously??" Jimin asked

"Ahaha sorry!"

Later at night..

??? POV

They celebrated and now they are back home.. Rosé finished doing her night routine and she is currently waiting for Jimin to finish. Rosé was looking through Youtube and saw A.. s** video. She dont know what happened to her but she watched it and.. She was turned on then, Jimin came out and Rosé smirked..

FELL INLOVE WITH YOU 2× ~ JiroséWhere stories live. Discover now