Part 17= Heartbroken

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".. Im sorry but.. I kinda need space after I am discharged from this hospital.. I will see if I can forgive you all.."  Rosé responded..


??? POV

They all understand Rosé's awnser since they all are guilty at what they did..

"You all still can stay at my house.. Just please dont go to my room.." Rosé said and they were shocked that She still allowed them to stay at her house..

"I dont think we should stay at your house.. We should stay at our house.. We deserve it and plus you need soace right??" Jhope said and Rosé was silent but the others agreed.

"He is right Chae.. we wont stay at your house for a while.." Jennie said and All that Rosé can do is nod.. Inside her she was screaming, crying, Hurting and Broken because of what Jimin said earlier.. She was trying to think it was all a lie but it didnt work.. she tried her best to not get hurt or broken but nothing worked..

Rosé's POV

The fact that they all lied to me hurts me so much.. Yes, Im thankful to them that they helped me gain my memories back but.. I dont think that the method they thought of is really.. Nice.. Its basically using someone or more like sacrificing someone for a person.. I dont have the exact words for this situation but all I can say is that I feel broken.. Its not really about my friends.. Its all about Jimin.. Im hurt he didnt feel anything.. i fell for him deeply.. Before.. and I could say the same now.. I FELL INLOVE WITH JIMIN.. again.. then, it started to have raindrop sounds.. We looked at the window and it was raining..

Jimin's POV

I was walking at the street to go to my house.. even if its far.. I want to shake off what happened but it didnt.. I really thought ny feelings for Rosé were gone but it turns out it was just temporarily gone or my feelings for her are hidden.. Im Crying.. Like there is no tomorrow.. I dont care if people stare at me like Im a crybaby.. then suddenly.. The rain started to pour.. Heh.. even the weather knows how Im feeling.. I made my way to Rosé's House and I went in our room. I grab my luggages and Bags and I packed everything. Im not her boyfriend so I need to move out. Where am I staying?? At my house.

Soon, I finished packing and then, I made my way to go to my house.. Im sorry Rosé that my lie hurted you.. I love you..♡

??? POV

Everyone.. was sad, guilty and broken especially Jirosé.. They were deeply hurt.. Why is Jimin hurt?? He.. Fell for Rosé again.. and.. He cant stay with her anymore.. Why is Rosé hurt? She was hurt because everyone lied to her but she is hurt the most because of what Jimin said..

"Im sorry Rosé but.. I felt nothing.."

Rosé always cry.. You can see how red her eyes are.. She cries so much that everyone is so.. guilty they thought about this method.. Jennie Sketched a drawing once again.. But this time.. Its Jirose..


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Jirosé.. Friendship.. Trust faded away.. because of us.. Me, Tae, Lis, JK, Jisoo, Jin, Jihyo, RM, Suga, Nayeon, Momo and Hoseok.. We are so guilty that we thought if this method.. what method did we use?? We faked the relationship of Rosé and Jimin so that Rosé can gain her memories back but we never thought about How will Rosé feel when she knows everything?? We were completely aware this will happen and yet we still chose this Method.. I hope we can bring the old us.. Help us.. and especially.. Jirosé..

The next day..

Rosé's POV

This is the worst part of the month ever.. I cant beleive.. That I fell for Jimin.. so.. DEEPLY.. This wound in my heart can take a long time to heal.. Im so hurt.. After all those times.. HE NEVER FELT ANYTHING FOR ME.. Everything was surely fake.. I cried all my tears yesterday.. not really about My friends.. But mostly Jimin.. I wish i can cry So much so i can feel no more pain..

1 month later..

??? POV

Everyone was ok now. They are all friends except for Jirosé.. They keep distance and never talk to each other.  Jirosé changed.. When they are in the same roof They would be quiet.. until..

Rosé's POV

Im boreeeddd I dont have anything to do!! Aish.. Let me take a night stroll.. i dressed up to this.

I went outside my house and walked

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I went outside my house and walked.. I was huming until she heard Some noises in the alleyway..


*punch noices.*


"Tell your dad to pay."


Rosé stopped humming and walking as she realizes that it was Jimin Groaning. She quietly peeked to the alleyways and there was Jimin.. with alot of wounds on the floor sitting while leaning on the wall with a wounded face and with blood... I widened my eyes and Became uneasy Seeing this state of Him.. she immediately ran to him.


"Agh.. R-rosé.."

"Yah! You better stay awake! I wont Help you if you dont!" Rosé said and helped him stand up and He just weakly chuckled. Rosé put his Arms around her shoulder then, Rosé helped him Walk to her house then, They arrived.. she Placed him on her bed and she Get all the things she needed for Jimin. Soon, She went back to Jimin and healed him.

"Take off your shirt sir." Rosé said and Jimin teased.

"Why..?" Jimin teased and Rosé playfully Rolled her eyes.

"I wont heal you if you dont and sir. Dont think anything dirty I will Clean you, Gosh." Rosé answered and Jimin chuckled before Taking off his shirt. Rosé took his shirt and put it in the table, cleaned and healed his Wounds.

"What trouble did you get into?" Rosé asked as she cleaned the stuffs.

"It turns out my dad have a huge debt before going to another county." Jimin explained.

"Sir, Why didnt you fight back??" Rosé asked

"Cause I dont want to." Jimin responded and Rosé gave him an-are-you-serious look.

"Hahah well I dont want to Increase the debt. They told me if I fought back they would increase it." Jimin explained.

"They cant increase it if you kill them tho." Rosé answered back.

FELL INLOVE WITH YOU 2× ~ JiroséWhere stories live. Discover now