Part 29= ⚠Going to Hongkong!!⚠

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"Me too Oppa.." I said and we both smiled.

??? POV

"We better change. You're tempting Me.." Suga said and Nayeon chuckled.
They did their routines and wore this.

They went out of the room and saw everyone Smirking at them

"One of the couples??" Namjoon asked and it turned Suga and Nayeon red.

"No need to ask.. Its obvious!!"


"Nayeon be like: OMG! Its a good thing I was drunk last night or else this wouldnt happen!" Momo Teased and it turned Nayeon more red.

"YAH!!" Nayeon screamed

"By the way.. Tomorrow is my birthday!!" Jisoo said



"SURE!! I will do some stuffs since I need to Make Jisoo impressed." Jin said and winked at Jisoo. Jisoo turned red and everyone except for Jin noticed that so they smirked.

Jin's POV

I was thinking on confessing to Jisoo tomorrow Since its her birthday.. Maybe it could be a give for her when she likes me back?? I am planning on flying to Hong Kong for her birthday. Not only me and Jisoo but everyone! I mean.. i saved up alot..


We just finished eating lunch and I remembered that I need to buy the tickets. I immediately changed into this

(Imagine his hair is purple like this)

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(Imagine his hair is purple like this)

(Imagine his hair is purple like this)

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I went out then suddenly..

"Hyung?? Where are you going??" Jungkook suddenly asked.

"Oh me? Hahah I need to Meet up with my friends.. see ya!" I lied and left. Once I left,I deep sighed then, I drove away.

FELL INLOVE WITH YOU 2× ~ JiroséWhere stories live. Discover now