Part 23= Plan A

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I tried to Free myself but it didnt really work 😭 i looked at him And admired his Face and then I struggled To Get up once again... *sighs* ugh! Set me free! Aish!

The next day..

??? POV

They all decided to do the Plan A now. This is the plan.

•Trap them together.

They know its basic and Common but they dont really care as all they think about is Jirosé. They will do it later. They will trap them in their bathroom. Their room has no windows and they will not give anything like Keys. How will they trap them? They will install a lock Outside the door Later at night when they all are asleep.

Jungkook's POV

I am sitting on the bed right now while using my phone And Beside me is Lisa sleeping.. I wonder why.. she is ignoring me.. It affected me so much more than Eunha.. I wonder why.. No, If you're thinking I like Lisa then, You're wrong. Lisa and I are only friends.


??? POV

Jk left the room to play.. By himself.. Lisa woke up and did her routines after, She went back to her bed and used her phone then, Jennie Came in and sat beside her.

"Is something going on with you and Jungkook?? He seems.. Down.." Jennie said

Lisa's POV

Should I.. Tell her?? Maybe she can help?..

"Unnie.. i have something to tell you.." I said and she looked at me with closed mouth meaning She is listening

"Unnie.. I like Jungkook.. He likes Another girl. He said we are only friends and it hurted me.. He told everyone including me he has a Crush. There is also one time that I saw his phone ring and the user ID is My girlfriend, ... I dont remember the name but There is a heart after The name and I dont really want to ruin his future relationship so I want to forget my feelings.. So I need to ignore him.." I explained..


Jennie unnie explained some things to me..

"Wait.. I will be back Im gonna show you something.." Jennie unnie said and I nodded. She left the room and soon, she went back with a pencil and Sketchpad.. She locked the door and sat beside me again

"Read it.. I write and draw some events here.." Jennie unnie said and gave me her sketchpad. I took it and looked at the pages she wrote on and.. Everything important that happened are all drew and written here.. I closed the sketchpad once I was done.

"Remember what I told you lisa.. I will draw you and JK here and you will write down the stuffs ok??" She said and I nodded.. I hugged her and she hugged back. She left the room and I guess she went to her room and sketched??.. but.. I think... Jennie unnie is right.. The method I used isnt really the right way instead.. It hurts us.. I should say sorry.. before we do our plan for Jirosé later... *sigh*..

Later at night..

??? POV

Everyone was now asleep then, Jihyo's phone rang meaning its time. She closed it and woke everyone except Jirosé. Namjoon Gets the Lock they bought and Installed it as quiet as possible. Soon, They locked it and smirked.

"Sorry Oppa and Unnie." Lisa Said while smirking then, They all went back to bed.

The next day..

Rosé's POV

I woke up and saw Jimin sleeping Beside me with his back on me. Im actually quite sad he isnt huggi- what the- Ok.. Pretend you didnt see that.. i sat up and stretched. I stand up and went to the bathroom to do my routines. I took a bath, Did my hair

and Wore this

I wore Jean shorts inside. No, I didnt wore makeup then, I exited the bathroom, Grab my phone and Go tot the door to eat breakfast but.. It was.. Locked?? I tried opening it.

Oh whoops.. i didnt unlock the door yet lol..

I unlocked the lock and I tried opening it but.. still.. It didnt open.. i keep trying to open it but it still dont open..

"Whats wrong??" Jimin said in a raspy voice. I looked at him and he was rubbing his eyes while sitting down. Oh gosh He looks cut- I mean.. Nevermind..

"Oh... well.. This door wont open!" I said and He looked at me then Went to the door and tried opening it.

"JUNGKOOK!! JIN HYUNG!!" Jimin shouted



"SORRY BUT NOPE!!" Momo screamed back and me and Jimin just deep sighed.

"HOW CAN WE EAT?!" Jimin shouted

"WE'LL GIVE IT!! AND IM STILL COOKING BREAKFAST!!" Jin Oppa screamed back and me and Jimin went to the bed. I sat down and he layed down.

"Ugh.. Why do they have to do this??" I asked

"I dont know. There is something wrong with their brains.." He answered and I giggled.

"Yah! Do your routines sir!" I said and he chuckled. He nodded and went to the bathroom. Wow.. Our akwardness left.. and Thats good.. i guess??..

Jimin's POV

Gosh.. What are they trying to do?? I thought as I Take a bath. Soon, I finished. I did my hair and changed
into this (without the sunglasses and bag and his hair is brown.)

I exited the bathroom and layed down on the bed beside Rosé who is Using her phone while facing the wall

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I exited the bathroom and layed down on the bed beside Rosé who is Using her phone while facing the wall. I am facing the ceiling as I use my phone using youtube and something.. Shocked me..


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