Part 16= The Drama Enters..

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"I-im sorry Rosé but.. This relationship.. is fake.." Jimin answered..


??? POV

Rosé went silent after Jimin said that.. She only responded with Tears..

"Rosé.. remember the memory that I went to Canada?? After 3 months there.. I.. lost my feelings to you.. I know Im not a loyal boyfriend.. But Im sorry Rosé.. I went back here to Make things good between us.. Like being friends And I know it wasnt easy.. your friends told me to neet up with them at the Skating area.. you were about to fall but I grabbed you.. You dont know me and I was So confused.. Lisa came and told you to go to the girls and she told me to Be a fake boyfriend to you.. And I did.. when we Went home.. You Decided to change right? So when you went in your room.. They all told me to fake my relationship with you.." Jimin explained

"W-why do you h-have to f-fake it??" Rosé asked as tears poured out..

"They want me to help in making you gain your memories back.." Jimin answered...

"But did you feel anything when we were together??" 

Jimin's POV

When Rosé asked that.. I only have 1 answer.


But I have to answer the opposite of it.. why?? I cant make her love me.

"Im sorry Rosé but I felt.. Nothing.."

Rosé's POV

Those.. 7 words broke me.. I felt my heart.. Breaking to tiny pieces.. I can feel my inner self.. Screaming and crying in pain.. I can feel myself.. Crying like there is no tomorrow..

"Im sorry Rosé.. now that You know everything.. Lets treat each other as strangers.." Jimin told me and I was broke..

??? POV

"Jimin.. N-no.."

"Im sorry Rosé. Thank you for the good times.." Jimin said and left the room leaving Rosé all alone.. When the door closed she started crying.. sobbing.. and Mumbling words.. Everyone lied to her.. Everyone.. Including her friends.. She was deeply hurt..

"Im sorry Rosé But I felt.. Nothing.."

That response keeps on Replaying in her head..

The next day..

Jihyo's POV

We all waited for each other and Went to the hospital. When Jin oppa was driving, Tae Called Jimin.

"Hey hyung! How is Rosé??"

"Taehyung. Put this on loud speaker so everyone can hear." Jimin said and Taehyung followed.

"Done." Tae infromed his hyung.

"Everyone, I have told Rosé everything. She remembered everything now. Including our break up and she asked me if that was true leading me to tell her everything. She asked me If I felt anything for her.. My answer was Yes because I felt my feelings come back again but I cant be with her.. I dont want her to be hurt by me again and I dont want her to fall inlove with a wrong person like me so I said no.. Im at the hospital.. I check on her but I dont go in.. When you guys come in please say that I am not here in the hospital.. Please.." jimin explained and we all are shocked and frozen.. then, The call ended.

"Rosé.. Is gonna be.. Mad at us.. for sure.." Jennie said.. sadly..

"We have to face it.."


We arrived at the hospital and went infront of the room and we saw Jimin.. sitting on the floor while leaning his back on the wall with tears dropping.. his nose red.. And heart broken.. we all slowly went to him and he opened his eyes and stand up.

"Now that you guys are here.. Go inside, if she asked where I am tell her Im not in the hospital and you dont know where I am. Take good care for her.." Jimin told us and gave us a fake smile as he walks away.. He passed us and continued walking. He was walking while his head down..

"I am selfish.. And I noticed that just now.." I said and they all looked at me.

"Heh..  We used Jimin.. For Rosé.. When we were fully aware when they are fully attached to each other they are dying inside.. especially Rosé. She will feel Betrayed.. Since we all lies to her.. I feel bad.. there were alot of ways to make her gain her memories again.. but we only chose one method.. and that is using one person.." I explained and they all looked down.. I know they are feeling guilty too..


"Lets Visit Rosé.." Nayeon said and we all went to Rosé.. RM hesitated to Open the door but he did.. We entered and saw A crying and broken Rosé.. Like Jimin.. We closed the door..

"R-ro-" Jisoo unmie was about to call out but..

"You..all lied to me.." Rosé cutted Jisoo unnie..


"You all told me.. He was my boyfriend.. but little did I know.. It was my ex.." Rosé cutted again and chuckled..

"Faking our relationship and Using a person.. to gain my memories back.. YOU ALL.. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU LIED AND USED!!" Rosé Screamed while crying and no words.. came out of our mouths until..

"It was for you.." Lisa said and Rosé chuckled.

"It was for me.. heh.. Yes, you did care for me.. you all helped me gain my memories back.. But on the other side.. You didnt.. You didnt care about my feelings.. not only to me but also Jimin. Imagine being used and lied on.." Rosé said and Cried.. We all were silent.. and everyone.. released their tears.. including me and the boys..

"We are sorry.. Rosé unnie.. We regretted it.. we are sorry that we hurted you both.. We are truly sorry as what we did isnt kind.. at all.. We are so sorry.. that all we thought of is about you gaining your memories back.." Lisa Apologized..


".. Im sorry but.. I kinda need space after I am discharged from this hospital.. I will see if I can forgive you all.."  Rosé responded..

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