Part 24= Plan A? Failed.

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??? POV

Jimin froze and Rosé inmediately exited Youtube as that sound is from Her Phone.

"what were you watching??" Jimin asked and they both gulped.

"A-ah... well.. I-i didnt w-watch it... I A-accidentally pressed i-it and I was shocked t-there is already a sound i-n the beggining h-heh.. It was in my r-recommendations.. " Rosé answered

"Do you watch thosee?? Why is it in your recommendations?.." Jimin asked and Rosé gulped.

Rosé's POV

I was speechless when he asked that.. ok fine! I admit it!! I watched 2 yesterday!!



"I thought you are innocent HAHAHAH!!" He teased and laugh as he already know the answer. I just glared at him and he continues Lauging. Soon,he calmed down.

"Why would you watch thosee??" Jimin asked me and I just shrugged my shoulders.

"You dirty little girl." He said and Went back to his phone. Aish.. That was emberrasing.

5 minutes later..

??? POV

Jirosé is using their phone the  the door unlocked grabbing their attention. It was Jennie delivering 2 Plates with egg and bacon and 2 plates of pancakes. She also delivered a glass of water then she left.

"Ugh.. Whatever Atleast I get to eat :) " Rosé said and rushed to get her food then, Sat on the bed and eat. Jimin did the same and they both ate it.

Lisa's POV

*sigh* I have to say sorry to Jungkook.. Here goes nothing..

I went to His faming area and He wasnt shouting like he always used to.. I leaned on the door

"Kook??" I called and JK immediately looked at me. He took off his headphones and Immediately Hugged me.. I hugged him back..

"Im sorry.." I said and he nodded.

"Yah! Dont do that again!!" He said and I chuckled then nodded afterwards.. I let go of the hug and saw Him smiling.

"Lets play??" I asked and He immediately nodded. We sat down on our chairs and Played and Kookie is back.. He is Now screaming like how he used to be.. :))

Jisoo's POV

I am currently drinking water then, Jin oppa Went to me. I put my glasses in the sink and looked at him.

"Is there anything you need??" I asked

"Can we hang out?? We're always in here while everyone Hangs out.." He said and pouted and I chuckled.

"Sure ok! But.. who will cook??" I asked

"They can cook they are just Not showing it since we always Do it now, Lets change!" He said and I nodded while smiling. We went to our room (yes they share) and I changed first.

I exited the bathroom and Jin stared at me making me chuckle

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I exited the bathroom and Jin stared at me making me chuckle.

"Done staring boy??" I asked and He turned red. He silently Went to the bathroom and I laughed. I went outside and sat on the sofa as I wait for him. Soon, He went to me wearing this.

 Soon, He went to me wearing this

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(Black pants) Man.. He looks Hot- Wait what?! Ok SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH ME

I looked away and Stand up.

"Lets go??" He asked and I nodded. We exited then, We went in The car and he drived.


Jin's POV

We are walking right now while talking.  We decided to Walk before to eat and do some stuffs. We were laughing, Teasing and more stuff. Then suddenly.. we saw a small Kid.. Crying.. Jisoo inmediately went to her and I followed. Jisoo kneeled.

"Heyy... are you ok??.." Jisoo asked the little kid and she, the kid just keeps on crying meaning no..

"Where are your parents??" Jisoo asked as she wiped The kid's tears..

"G-gownnn... (gone..)" The kid answered and Jisoo Trued to falm her down.

"OMG!! Elizabeth!!" A girl screamed and made her way to the Kid. Jisoo Smiled and stand up.

"You must be her mother?" Jisoo asked and The mom nodded.

"Yes, thank you so much.." The mom said and bowed then, left. I went beside Jisoo.

"You would be a great mother.." I said and Jisoo smiled at me then, We continued to walk and talk.

Jimin's POV

Me and rosé are stuck here.. All.. day.. Long.. Aish.. Why do they have to do this?! Ugh -_- you know what?? I will just sleep!.

"Imma just sleep." I said and layed down beside her and she nodded. She is facing the wall and I wanted to face her back do I did. Soon, I fell asleep.

Rosé's POV

Jimin fell asleep and after some time ge went near me and his hot breath is hitting my nape and his hand around me. Our bodies are touching making me gulp.. it made all the hair on my body stand up.. This is gonna be a long.. afternoon..

??? POV

Soon, Rosé wanted to sleep so she Closed her Phone and slept.


Soon, Rosé turned around making their faces inches apart but they dont know.. Since they are sleeping..

Later.. again.. Lol

Jimin woke up And saw their position. Faces inches apart, Body attached and Cuddling each other. Soon, Rosé opened her eyes and realized their positions too. They let go of each other and Rosé sat up.

"You did that.. While I was awake you cuddled with me, You attached your body To me and I can Feel your Breath on my nape." Rosé said in a raspy voice and Jimin chuckled also with a raspy voice.

FELL INLOVE WITH YOU 2× ~ JiroséWhere stories live. Discover now