Part 15= Did that Happen??

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Dont let that happen..


Jennie's POV

Yes! I finally finished it!! I closed the Sketch pad and hid it in the hiding spot in the Closet. Then, I finished eating. I put it in the sink and went back to the bedroom but this time Im using my phone while laying on the bed.. 

Rosé's POV

We all are gonna watch a movie but I dont have my phone with me so I left the living room and entered me and Jimin's bedroom. I started to find my phone since Its lost and I dont know where i put it..





The break part sounded so different to me that I stopped moving.. after a few seconds.. A scene Started to show..

Rosé was sleeling until her phone rang. She gets it and saw it was Jimin. She smiled and answered it

"Good Morning babe!!" Rosé greeted

"Morning.. Rosé I have something to tell you.." Jimin said seriously and Rosé was surprised That he called her by name but she didnt make it obvious..

"Ok..? what is it??" Rosé asked

"Lets break up.." Jimin said and Rosé widened her eyes and sat up.

"What?!.." Rosé asked as Tears Form in her eyes

"Im sorry.." Jimin apologized and Rosé bit her Lower Lip.

"Why?" Rosé asked

"I lost my feelings to you.." Jimin answered and Rosé let her tears Flow down and she chuckled.

"O-oh... Ok then!" Rosé said while smiling as she tries to hide her sadness.

"Ros-" jimin was about to call her but.. Rosé cutted him off..

"Jimin I have to go now bye!" Rosé said and quickly hangs up. When The call ended she immediately cried..

"You Jerk!!" Rosé said and sobbed.. she texted her Friends about it and they all are mad at Jimin now except for The boys. Yes, they were also mad but not as mad as the girls she stand up to go to the kitchen to get milk but there was none so she quickly did her routines and dressed up.

Soon, she left her House and made her way to the Grocery store. She crossed the road while thinking about Jimin and their broke up until One noise Broke it.


She turned to her left and saw a car before she could run the car hit her so, she flew and Landed on the road with bumping her head. The Other people immediately Called the Ambulance, The driver Helped and Then, The ambulance arrived and they Get rosé. They called the 1st person on her contact and it was Momo. They jnformed her about it and Momi quickly infromed the others and they rushed to the hospital.. soon, they all arrived

"My Rosé.." Jisoo said and Cried. The girls cried and the boys did but in the inside.

"Rosé can fight it.. She is strong dont worry.." RM said sadly. After waiting the doctor comes out and they all ran towards him..


"I have 1 good news and 1 bad news.." The doctor said

"The good news is.. she is alive but the bad news is.. she has AMNESIA.." the doctor said.

It was about to Continue but a sudden pain striked all over my body but mostly my head.. I held my forehead and groaned in pain.. soon, I cant take it anymore so I collapsed..

??? POV

"Isnt she taking too long??" Jimin asked

"Go ch-" Momo was about to say something until.they heard..


The sound grabbed their attention and they all noticed it was from Rosé's room. Everyone immediately stand up and went in her room and they saw Rosé.. Jimin immediately ran to Rosé and the others followed.

"BABE!" Jimin called out while shaking Rosé

"CALL AN AMBULANCE!" RM said and Jennie immediately left to Call.




They all tried their best to make her gain her conciousness again but nothing worked.. After a while.. The ambulance came and they get Rosé..
Soon, They are already in the hospital and Rosé is being checked and the others are sitting oitside of her room, Waiting while some are crying.. jimin kept walking around.. Until, The doctor Came outside and they all went to him.

"Doc! How is she?!"

"She is fine! She just collapased since She Remembered her past but what she remembered is really hurtful for her so a sharp pain entered her body and she couldnt take it anymore and lost conciousness. She will wake up anytime soon. Nothing serious has happened. You may visit her." The doctor explaoned and they all sighed in relief.

"Thank you doc.." Jihyo said and the doctor smiled, bowed and leftm they all went To Rosé and saw her still sleeping.. Jimin sat beside her and held her hand.. The others sat beside her and on the others area..


"Jimin.. are you sure yoy wont go home??" RM asked

"Yes.. I will stay with Rosé.." Jimin answered and the others nodded and smiled then, They left.. after a few seconds.. Tears flow down Jimin's Cheeks but he wiped it.

Jimin's POV

Yah! Jimin! Why are you crying!?.. i thought.. I lost my feelings to You Rosé.. But I dont think so now.. My feelings are back... But I cant be with you.. after all, This relationship is just for your Memories to come back.. i cant also be with you since I dont want to hurt you again.. and I dont want you to make the same mistake.. what is your mistake??

Falling with a wrong person.. Who is that wrong person?? He is..


??? POV

A voice interrupted Jimin's thinking..

"J-jimin.." A raspy Voice called and Jimin looked at the direction where the sound is coming from and it was.. Rosé..

"ROSÉ! ARE YOU OK?!" Jimin asked out of worriedness..

"I-im okay.. But.. Jimin.. A scene.. Showed.." Rosé said and Jimin went silent meaning he is listening..

"A scene of us breaking up and me getting hit by a car.." Rosé said and Jimin widened his eyes as Tears fell..

"I-is that true?" Rosé asked and Jimin  could only look down.. "N-no.. Thats not t-true right??" Rosé asked again as Tears started to fall..

"I-im sorry Rosé but.. This relationship.. is fake.." Jimin answered..

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