Part 8= Happiness Overload..

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"AAH!! OMG!!"


A voice screamed and me and Jimin heard Footsteps coming into our room so We both let go of the kiss and look at the direction where all the noices came from and it was from the door and When we looked at the Door we saw everyone.. Looking at us with mouth opened, Hands on Eyes and mouth, smirk and wide eyes.

"WHY DIDNT YOU LOCK THE DOOR!! AISH I WAS THE FIRST ONE TO SEE IT!!!!" Lisa informed us and me and Jimin just Turned red. Jimin is still hovering on top of me

but I didnt complain I dont know whats up with my brain

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but I didnt complain I dont know whats up with my brain.

"Gosh.. they just made out.."

"If Lisa didnt go in their room, I bet they couldve did something more naughty"




"My eyes just witnessed something unholy.."

"I need to clean my mind."

"Ok ok! Stoppp!! We get it!!" Jimin complained.

"Aish.. Lock the door atleast agh!" Jihyo complained

"Lisa. Why did you enter our room??" I asked

"The Lazy butt, Jungkook ordered me to call Jimin and you to play with us since,You are good in games along with Jimin oppa but dude.. what I just saw was..." Lisa explained but Cutted herself after the was part instead, she covers her eyes. Me and Jimin are very bright red now.

"Yah! Guys! We dont need to Buy tonatos at the market! There is already 2 here! And plus, They are for free and they are more red than the original ones." Jhope teased as he pointed at me and Jimin saying that we are the tomatos.

"Ohh~~ Jhope is right! I need you guys for the lunch today!" Jin teased and everyone except me and Jimin Laughed.

"Jimin, You can now get off her." Suga said while smirking and Jimin and I just looked at each other then Our positions and he quickly went off on top of me and I sat up.

"Ok so now that is over with, Jimin and rosé what Kind of lunch do you guys want? Chicken, Ham, salad or what?" Jin asked us.

"They want each other."

"Yea.. They ate each other's face earlier and they were Amazed so they want it again but more this time."

"JENNIE UNNIE!! I screamed and I glared at her and everyone except me and Jimin laughed.


Jisoo's POV

Everyone has decided to eat chicken. I decided to fry it instead of Jin.

"KIM TAEHYUNG!!" Jennie screamed making me jump in surprise and I accidentally Touched the hot pan.

"Aww.." I groaned in pain and Jin immediately went to me.

"Yah! Whats wrong?" He asked and instead of answering, I just showed him my finger and he gave me and i-told-you and are-you-serious look. He left and went to the bathroom. Us he seriously gonna use The bathroom? But ny thoughts were wrong. He came back to me withthe toothpaste in his hand.

"Wait! Take the chicken out first! It might be burnt!!" I said and Jin just looked at me with the fine look and get the plate and fished out the Chickens. He closed the stive and went back to me.

"Where is your finger that you hurted?" He asked and I showed him my left hand's pointer finger. He opened the Toothpaste and Squirted some on the spot where my finger was burnt. He closed the toothpaste and started to rub the Toothpaste. Then, He finished and washed his hand.

"Dont wash that. FOOD IS READY!!" Jin screamed and He went to the bathroom to return the toothpaste. Soon, He went back.

"Thank you!!" I said and he just smiled at me. We sat on our chairs in the dining room while waiting for the others. Soon, They all arrived and they all sat down. We started to eat and we would moan since it is yummy. UwU.

Jennie's POV

Taehyung keeps moaning saying its yummy and its.. giving me some thoughts..

"Mmmmmmm... YUMMM!!" Tae moaned and he is right beside me. I might get turned on. Oop- did I just say I kight get turned on.. BY KIM TAEHYUNG!?. Nah.. Forget I said that Cause I will never get turned on by him.

"This is so yummy...."JK said. See? I didnt get turned on UwU.




I took a bite of my chicken and was about to let go to chew until..

"mmmmmm..." Taehyung said with a deep voice.  I was frozen in my stop then, I can feel my... thing Tighten.. i gulped.

"Yah! Are you okay jennie??" Jisoo asked as my face is turning red.

"Y-yea.." I answered and they all Went back to eating. I ate again along wuth the others.


We all are done eating and Jisoo unnie assigned Jihyo to wash the dishes. We all stand up and did our own business again. I went outside and Tae followed me.

"Yah! Were you okay earlier??" Tae asked

"Yea..." i said "its because of you.." I whispered to myself but.. He heard it.. OH NUUU..

"What?? What did I do??" He asked out of Confusion and worriedness.

"W-what?? I n-never said it was y-you!!" I said.

"Jennie stop lying." He said seriously

"I never lied!" I said and he went near me and I walked backward. He took a step again and I was about to walk back but he grabbed my arm and pulled me near him.

"Taehyun-" I was about to complain but..

"I know you're lying, Jennie." Taehyung said and I looked away.


"Did I turn you on..?" He asked. GOSH IS HE A MIND READER!? I widened my eyes and Turned red.

"What!? No! I'll never get turned on by you!" I lied and he just smirked

"Are you sure?? I saw you earlier.. When i said its yummy you froze.. Meaning.. It is true.." he said and all I can do is gulp.

FELL INLOVE WITH YOU 2× ~ JiroséWhere stories live. Discover now