Part 6= Jealousy

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"Why did you stop baby??"

??? POV

Rosé was in shock when she heard that question. Why? Its because Jimin said it! His eyes slowly opened after he Asked that question and Rosé widenned her eyes.

"You were awake!?" Rosé asked and Jimin just giggled and Nodded afterwards making Rosé hit his arm playfully.

"Why didnt you tell me sir!!??" Rosé asked while glaring at the smiling Jimin.

"I want you to continue.." He responded while his smile is slowly turning into a smirk.

"You're so naughty." Rosé said and rolled her eyes playfully while pouting and Jimin chuckled at her  cuteness.

"Im gonna do my routines babe. Be right back." Rosé infirmed Jimin and stand up.

"Want me to come with you??" Jimin teased while smirking making The lady's Face turn red.

"You are such a pervert Jimin-ah." Rosé complained and went to the closet to get the clothes to wear and her towel and then, she entered the bathroom and Once she entered it Jimin laughed at her since, He really likes teasing her.. Just like before..

"Even if she had amnesia, She is still desame as before.." Jimin thought and formed a sad smile.

Rosé's POV

Aish! That Jimin!! Im literally a tomato right now ugh!! Well, I need to overcome it I cant be blushing for the whole day straight. -_-. I showered, Changed into this.

Did my hair and I exited the bathroom and I saw Jimin watching youtube and His back on me so he didnt know I was done

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Did my hair and I exited the bathroom and I saw Jimin watching youtube and His back on me so he didnt know I was done. I slowly and quietly went to him and hugged him making him jump a little and I just chuckled since he was really surprised.

"Woah! You scared me missy!!" Jimin complained and I giggled

"Better keep an eye on me.. Maybe I might do this ever single day.." I teased and smirked and Boi.. He smirked back... Oh no.. He has something to say back.. Right??

"So... I want you to open the door of the bathroom when you're gonna use it so that I can keep an eye on you." He teased back and I was right.. He has something to say back abd this response made me a tomato once again..

"JIMIN!!" I screamed and he just laughed. I gkared at him then, The door opened showing Suga Oppa.

"Yah! You guys are too noisy!! Keep it down!! Ugh!" Suga oppa complainrd and left the room and we laughed at him.

"Better do your routines mister." I reminded him and he nodded. He went to the closet to get the outfit that he will wear and his towel. Once he have those, He went in the bathroom and did his routines. I was sitting down on the bed boredly.. i took my phone and used it vause I have nothing else to do haha! I just watched youtube. After some time, Jimin came back wearing this.

 After some time, Jimin came back wearing this

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I put my phone in my pocket and stand up. Then, We exited our bedrooms.

"BREAKFAST IS READY!!" Jin oppa Screamed and We all made our way to the Dinning room. We all sitted and Jin oppa gave us the plates with..? Some circular and soft thing and a Spoon.

"Oppa? What is this??" I asked. I never had this When I was discharged Fron the hospital..

"Oh! That is What you call pancake! You can add Honey and butter if you like! It will be more yummy but Dont put alot since it will be so sweet. You might get a sore throat." Jin oppa explained and I nodded.

"Here chaeyiungie. The Honey and the Butter." Jennie said as she gives me the bottle of Honey and one piece of butter that is wrapped. I was about to put Honey on my.. Pancake? Yea.. Its pancake but.. Jimin grabs the bottle of honey and poured it on top of my pancake then, he gets the butter with rhe wrapper and Unwrapped it. Once it was unwrapped, he Put the butter on top and Dude.. It looks yummy! I looked at Smiling Jimin.

"You might do it wrong so I did it for you." Jimin answered as if he read my mind.

"Oh.. Oki! Thanks!" I said and I looked at everyone and they were all staring at us..

"What??" Me and Jimin asked them out of confusion.

"Can you guys please respect the singles here??" Nayeon complained and Me and Jimin just chuckled.

"Nayeon-shi.. Suga is over there! Ur more like.. your cuture husband.." jimin shot back and everyone except Yoonyeon teased them by saying



"The next couple.."

"Ahhh!! So compayoble for each otherrr!!"

"Ok ok! Can we just eat please??" Suga complained and I looked at his ear and girl.. It was So red.. HAHA!! I laughed and everyone looked at me.

"Look at Suga oppa's ear.. ITS RED!!" I infromed them and they look at his ear and laughed and Suga was annoyed haha!

Now.. This is what I call.. a good morning..

Lisa's POV

Wow.. I really enjoyed this morning!! Ita very fun! But lets see for the rest of the day.. we finished eating and Jihyo unnie decided to Wash it. Then, we did our own routine. I went to The guest room or me and JK's room. I picked him cause I have no choice haha. His phone was on the bedside table and it started ringing. It was.. A girl? Named.. "Eunha, My Soon to be GF💞" When I saw The name, I felt that a sword stabbed me in the heart but I just shaked it off. I grab the ohone and gave it to JK. He answered it and smiled. I had the feeling of being stabbed in the heart again.. I went in our room and felt hurt.. Boi.. Why am I feeling this? Haha! I dont like him! Ok? And I will never! We are only friend and we are gonna be stuck in that level forever. But.. What I delt today is really.. Surprising.. and confusing.. Why? I was surprised to feel it and confused about why I felt it and What is the feeling called.. Is it perhaps..


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