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This is you. This whole story is about you. Everything is in your perspective. Let's meet the characters shall we.

MACKENZIE: Mackenzie is a 17 year old girl who has the main character in this story

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Mackenzie is a 17 year old girl who has the main character in this story. She goes short by kenzie or kenz. She lives in a house with her mum and twin brother Nick (@itsnickbean). Kenzie is probably the most social girl you'll ever meet. She loves to dance and read books. She's a nerd, but a cool one. She doesn't feel ashamed by anything in her live. She loves food, LOVE.

I'm not gonna put a bio with every character cuz you'll get to know them along the way and all of them play themselves :).

Nick bean as himself.
Bryce Hall as himself.
Josh Richards as himself.
Jaden Hossler as himself.
Avani Gregg as herself.
Anthony Reeves as her self.
Griffin Johnson as himself.
Nessa Barrett as herself.
Madi Monroe as herself.
Kio Cyrr as himself.
Cynthia Parker as herself.

Let's begin with our story shall we

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