Chapter 12

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Kenzie POV:

I woke up to my alarm at 7am and hopped into the shower. I had a long shower and got out 45 minutes later. I did my makeup and curled my hair. I changed into this:

I took my stuff and went over to Bryce's room

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I took my stuff and went over to Bryce's room. I ran my hands through his hair and he opens his eyes. "They're in my drawer." he replied closing his eyes again. "You're amazing, you sure you ain't joining me?" I asked him with my puppydog eyes. "Ugh whatever I'm up already" he said sitting up. I sat down on his bed as he went to the bathroom to change. He got back in his room and put some deodorant on. "Ugh I'm so hungover."
he said blowing his hair out of his face. "Yeah you drank a lot yesterday." I said. "I don't remember anything since Truth or dare, did I do anything stupid?" he asked smirking. "Well after truth or dare you started sinking so I decided it was time for you to get to bed-" I started telling him until he cut me off. "I woke up in sweats, did you put them on?" he asked. "No I just chose them and you put them on. The only thing I did was dry you off and tuck you in." I said reassuring him I didn't see anything. "What am I sad I didn't get to remember that" he said with a horrible smile on his face. "Don't get to happy I put the other boys to bed as well." I said. "Why are you ruining my moment" he said laughing at me. "Continue the story I have no clue how I am while drunk" he proceeded. "I escorted you to your room and dried you off. I grabbed some sweats out of your closet and you put them on. You're sentimental when you're drunk" I said laughing at him. "Oh no what did I do." He said with his hand in his face. "You might've told me that you loved me." I said smirking. "Oh no." he said laughing at himself. "What did you respond" he said fake laughing to cover up his concern. "That I love you too of course." I said. "Are we leaving?" I said as I stood up. He didn't respond and then came up to me. He put his left hand on my waist and the other one one my cheek. He was going in for a kiss. "May I?" he asked. "You may." I said smiling. He kissed me. I put my hands on his shoulders while he moved his hands down. We made out for over 10 minutes until I just burst out laughing. "Oh my god we're horrible." I said going back in. We kissed for another 5 minutes when I decided it was time to leave. "I'm driving." he said. "Dude are you actually scared of me? I'm an excellent driver." I said. "Okay you know what you drive." he said. We got to his car and drove off. We went to walmart and I basically only bought fruit. I also bought some veggies and chicken so I could cook tonight. Bryce ran off with his cart and came back 5 minutes later with basically just a lot of alcohol and candy. "Well that's a lot" I said laughing. "We literally bought the opposite things" he said bursting out laughing. We left and went over to iHop. When I told them I wanted 40 pancakes they thought I was joking. "I live in a big house so I'll need 'em" I said making smalltalk with the cashier. "Wait Mackenzie right?" She asked. That was the first time someone's recognized me in person. "Yeah that's me" I replied awkwardly laughing. "Omg can I take a picture with you??" she asked fangirling. "Yeah ofcourse" I said fake smiling. We took a picture and then I got my order. I got back to the car where Bryce was waiting for me. "You look awkward" he said. "Yeah I just got recognized for the first time" I said with my puppy dog eyes. "Now life really starts, when we get back home I'll give you a crash course being famous." he said. "Deal" I replied thinking he was making a joke. He put his hand on my inner thigh when we were on our way back home and the 🐱🦋 butterflies came back. We went back home and I made Bryce wake everyone up while I was making smoothies and plates. After a few minutes Jaden came to the dining room followed by the rest of the boys. "Dude you can never leave us I need your food" Griffin said laughing at me. Avani and Anthony came out of Anthony's room. "Hey bebe" I said to Avani. "Hey beauty" she replied. " Wow so you're just stealing my girlfriend" Anthony said a little awkward. "I THOUGHT I WAS YOUR GIRLFRIEND!" Josh replied. " Wait hollup your girlfriend? SO YALL OFFICIAL NOW?" I asked walking over to avani to give her a hug. "Yeah since yesterday." Anthony replied. The boys were making love noises as I congratulated Avani. "So what have you guys planned for today" I asked the second the table got a lil quiet. "Well Avani and I are having a couples day so we won't be able to join you guys" Anthony said. The boys started whistling again. "Bryce, Josh and I were planning on going over at the hype house today, you should join." Jaden said. "I don't know, isn't it weird to just show up they probably have never heard of me before" I replied. "Dude everyone knows you you were on the news yesterday." Josh joined the conversation. "THE NEWS?!" I screamed. "Yeah let me show u" he replied pulling his phone out of his pocket.

Me, Mackenzie Bean, ON THE NEWS?! I'm going crazy. I knew Nick was famous but I didn't know he was this famous. This couldn't come at a worse time, the day after our big fight. "Okay bitches so were giving Kenzie a crash course being famous lets go" Bryce yelled snapping me out of my thoughts. "Okay so first rule: Never go to big events without security, and when I say never: I mean never." Avani said looking more serious than I've ever seen her before. "If you like someone or have a thing with someone don't share it to the internet until the time's ripe." Josh said. "You can look like garbage, but not like actual garbage because people will wanna make pictures with you and even if you're not in the mood you'll have to take it with them unless you want to be cancelled." Bryce added. "No big events, no lovers, look cute" I said. "Okay what's next" I got a little concerned how my life was turning out but it was for the better, I think. "The rest of the things you'll have to figure out on your own." Griffin said. "The internet is harsh and especially when you start to gain followers you'll get a lot of hate, but if you ever wanna talk to someone we're here for you Kenz. You're now a part of our family" he proceeded. "Ahw I love you guys" I said getting emotional. "Don't cry because if you cry I cry and I don't want my mascara to run down my face" Bryce said laughing and giving me a hug. I couldn't help myself and let out a tear. I guess we're going to the hype house today.

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