Chapter 24

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Paramedic POV:

"Ambulance 402 please head out to ****** Bel Air. Male, 20, passed out has a pulse and hasn't stopped breathing. Has been out for 4 minutes and is not waking up. Over" we hear over the walkietalkie. "Stevens and I are on our way. Over and out" I say as I turn the walkietalkie off. We race over to the house. I start pounding on the door. "He's right upstairs" the girl says as she runs upstairs. She has blonde hair with brown highlights. She's wearing a hoodie with nothing else. We run upstairs with her. "I was showering when I heard a loud fall so I ran out to see him on the ground. I don't think he hit anything but the ground." she says as we run through the mansion to find his room. It's really fucking big in here but it's also a horrible mess, like there are only teens in this house. We get to the room. "BRYCE" the girl screams as she runs over to the boy. He's sitting up on the ground but looks a little confused. She sits next to him and gives him a kiss. "Wha- What's going on what happened?" he says as he leans back onto her. "Hi Bryce. I'm Devin. You passed out." I say as I walk over to him. "P- passed out?  Why what happened" he asks me as he frowns his eyebrows. "We don't know either, that's why we suggest you to come over to the hospital with us so we can run some tests." Steve says as he grabs the heartrate monitor. "I'm just going to measure your bloodpressure" he says as he puts the band around his arm. "Bryce you scared me" the girl says with tears running down her face. "I'm so sorry" he says as he kisses her. He's 20 but she looks 16 so I'm pretty confused but decide not to say anything. "Okay your bloodpressure is a little low but I'm not too concerned, it's probably because of the way you passed out. I will have to ask you some personal questions right now so I can see if it's something I can diagnose. I'd understand if you wouldn't want this girl to hear all this." I say as I grab my thermometer. "This is my girlfriend, she can be here if she wants to." he replies as he tries to get in a more comfortable position. "OK sure first question.."

Jaden POV:

I woke up laying on the edge of the pool. We drank a lot yesterday. I look around to see everyone except for Bryce. He passed out before I did and he never wakes up early so I decide to check where he's at. "Hi guys this is our shirtless king Jaden." I hear Alex say and I turn around. "Hi guys" I say as I wave to the camera. "Is it you brand not to wear a shirt?" Alex says as he zooms in on my face. "It is. Have you seen Bryce?" I ask him as i look around. "He went home with Kenzie because she didn't have any clean clothes on her." he replies as he turns the camera off. "Put the cam back on" I say as I get an idea. "OK Alex what are the odds you'll let me use your car so I can go home to shower?" I say as I think of a number. "1 to 10. 3..2..1" he says.  "SEVEN" we both yell in sync. "AH FUCK" he says as he hands me the car keys. "You're never getting these back" I say as I run out of the house. I walk over to his car and stretch before I get into his car. He has one hell of a nice car. It's a shame Sway isn't too far, I'd love to ride this car for a long time. I pull up to our house to see an ambulance parked at the front door. "MACKENZIE" I scream as I run inside the house. I run into Bryce's home to see 2 paramedics, Bryce and Kenzie talking to eachother. "OK sure first question.." one of the men says as I interrupt them. "What happened?!" I yell as I get in the room. "Bryce passed out but he's fine now." Kenzie replies. "We were actually trying to ask him some questions so I think he'd want some privacy." the other guy said. "What no Jaden's my brother he can be here." Bryce says as he grunts. "Where does it hurt?" The paramedic says as he bows down to take a better look. "It's just my back. I fell hard." he says as he stretches his back. "OK back to the questions. Do you drink or smoke?" the man asks. "Drink yes, smoke no" he says as he tries not to be embarassed. "When was the last time you drank?"

Kenzie POV:

"When was the last time you drank?" the paramedic asks. I believe his name was Devin. "I was at a party yesterday" he replies as he looks at me. "He got drunk, he's embarrassed to tell you guys." I say as I look at him like I'm his mom. HIS MOM. I need to call her ASAP if I don't want her to kill me. "Jaden, my phone's on the bed could you please call Bryce's mom" I whisper as I try not to distract the paramedics. "What why does he have to call my mom?" Bryce joins the conversations. "She'd wanna know Bryce" I say as I look at Jaden. "My passcode's 220902" I tell Jaden as he shows me my locked phone. "Next question, these are very personal. Are you sexually active?" The other paramedic asks. "Yes." he replies not showing any emotion. "I'm sorry that I have to ask you all these questions but I need to know it so we can give you the best care. Have you had sex in the past 24 hours?" he continues. "Yes, about an hour ago" Bryce says as he starts smirking. I can see Jaden's eyes open wide. "Are you on any medication or drugs?" the paramedic asks. "None that I know off" he replies. They ask a few more questions before they conclude what happened. "I don't think what happened is severe. You drank a lot yesterday and you haven't eaten anything since. You had intercourse without eating anything wich is also very exhausting. I think that the steam from your girlfriends shower just pushed you over the edge" the paramedic says. I sigh and hug him. "I don't see a reason to take you to the hospital. If you have any of the following symptoms call the hospital immediately.΅ he continued talking but I couldn't focus. I'm just so relieved that he's healthy. "Hand me the phone please" I say to Jaden who's still on the phone with Bryce's mom. "Hi ma'am. Yes Bryce is doing good again. He scared us! The paramedics don't see a reason to take him to the hospital so we're just going to take it slow today. I don't think that's necessary. Yes I won't leave his side." I have a conversation with his mom while the paramedics pack up. I hand the phone over to Bryce. "Is there any advice you can give me for today?" I say as I stand up. "I think that if he just eats something he can continue his day without complications. No booze for at least the next 24h. It'd be better for him until he's of legal age but I know that's not what's going to happen so just let his body heal" The paramedic says as he leaves the house. Jaden follows them out. "Bryce you can't ever scare me like that again" I say as I get on his lap. "I know I'm sorry I never wanted you to be scared. I'm going to shower and then we can get back to Hype." he says as he tries to stand up. "Sir I never got to finish my shower and I think you could use some help." I say as I follow him.  We get into the bathroom and I take off his hoodie. "So you were naked the whole time and I didn't notice." he says as he starts laughing. "Shut up I wasn't wearing anything I ran out of the shower naked to make sure you were okay." I say as I turn the shower on. "You have the body of a goddess did you know that?" he says as stands behind me. "Yuck" I say as I start laughing. I wash my hair and he does his body. I wash his hair too but it was kinda hard for me considering the fact that he's much longer than I am. When we were done I got out and ran into his room. I put my underwear on and walk over to his closet. I grab some shorts and an oversized tshirt. I grab him some sweatpants and a shirt. "I got you clothes cause i'm amazing. I say as I get back in his bathroom. "I know" he says as he puts his clothing on. "Is that mine?" he says as he points to the pile of clothing I'm holding. "No- I mean yes but I'M going to wear it" I say as I put the shirt on. "I'm going to put on my own shorts cause these are too big" I say as I point to his shorts. "You think" he smirks. "Wait downstairs I'm going to put it on real quick" I say as I run into my room. I hear the elevator so I know he got downstairs safely. I put on some nike shorts. I run downstairs and put on my crocs. "You wear crocs?" Bryce asks as he bursts out laughing. "SHUT UP THEYRE COOL" I say as I kick him. I grab his carkeys. "Let's go" I say as I pull him with me by his hand. "This is not the way to the hype house?" he says as we're driving. "Bitch we're driving thru iHop" I say as I point to the iHop we just pulled up to.

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