Chapter 15

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Kenzie POV:

I woke up to my daily 7am alarm and turned it off so it wouldn't wake Bryce up. I opened my eyes and felt Bryce's arms on my waist. We must've fallen asleep cuddling like this. I tried to get out of his arms without waking him up but apparently I'm not the best at that. He opened his eyes and looks at me like he's lost. "Hey I'm sorry I was just trying to get in the shower" I whispered looking at him. "No" he said tightening his grip around my waist. "Pleasee I will make you breakfast." I said with my puppydog eyes. "5 more mins." he said closing his eyes again. "Ugh sure" I said grabbing my phone. I just scrolled on my for you page to Bryce and Ondreaz's tiktok's. I interrupted one of the tiktoks by hugging Bryce yesterday and of course he had to post that one. I rushed to the comments to a lot of hate. "She's so ugly why would he choose her instead of Addison." "She fat as fuck" "She needs to breathe" "You can breathe now" "Let's cancel kenzie #braddison for the win" "homewrecker". I burst out in tears. "Bryce I need you to delete this tiktok" I said trying to cover up the fact that I was crying. It didn't work. "Hey hey hey hey what's going on" he asks looking concerned. "The comments on your video- Y- you just need to delete the video."  I said stuttering. "I'll take care of it" he said grabbing his phone." I checked my own tiktok account to see all of this hate even on my own videos. "Bryce I can't do this" I said wiping my tears off of my face. "Hey look we're just deleting the vid and I'll make some kind of video to let them know this shit's not okay." he said. "That will start even more drama" I said. "So what they're outta line." he replied. He deleted the video and he started filming himself. "Hey guys so I don't like being this straight forward but what the fuck. Y'all can not be serious. Y'all really be starting drama because I hugged someone? Usually I don't care about this stuff but I'm done with y'all. Addison and I are OVER and there are two things you can do. You can act like it's your life and I'll block you or you just accept it and go on with your life. If you guys want me and Addison to be together then that's cute and shit but please please leave this girl alone. She didn't do anything and she definetly didn't deserve this." he posted the video and sat up. "Look tiktok is toxic as shit but we'll have to push through okay?" he said as he was wiping my tears away. "Okay" I replied giving him a hug. "Get in the shower you stanky" he said waving the air away from his nose. "ME STANKY? SHUT UP HOE" I replied running to my bathroom. I got in the bathroom and took a well needed shower to wash the sadness away. "I'll push through it" I said to myself as I was doing my makeup. I put on some black jeans with a black sweater. It looked something like this:

I put my hair up in a ponytail and went over to Bryce's room

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I put my hair up in a ponytail and went over to Bryce's room. "Sooo what are we doing today?" I asked jumping onto his bed. "Whatever you want" he replied throwing me over his shoulder. "PUT ME DOWN" I yelled while punching him on his back. He stood up and ran to Jaden's room. "Oh my god please put me down" I said as we got to his room. "Ayyo Jaden we coming in" Bryce screamed as he opened the door. He

threw me onto Jadens bed and Jaden sat up scared as hell. "OUCH" I yelled rolling my eyes at Bryce. "Dude it's like 8am" Jaden said rubbing his eyes. "Exactly get up we're hitting iHop" I said. "Since when?" Bryce said frowning.
"Since now, get dressed bitches" I said as I was getting out of their bed. "I'm going to wake everyone else up too" I said running through the hallway. "GET UP BITCHES" I said knocking on all of their doors. "WHAT THE FUCK KENZIE" I hear Griffin yell with his morning voice. "We're hitting iHop get dressed" I yelled. I ran into Kio's room since he didn't make a sound. He was still sleeping. "Get up you hoe" I said walking over to him. "What the hell." he said rubbing his eyes. "We're hitting iHop with our big family get dressed" I said as I got out of his room. "I hate you" Kio yelled from his bed, "And I love you too" I yelled while opening the door to Ant's room. "Hey bitch wake up" I said when I saw that his eyes were opening. "You're a demon" he said getting up. "You know you love me" I said as I got to Josh's room. I put my hand on the doorknob but I remembered that Nessa was there just in time before turning it. I just started pounding on his door. "Wake uupp" I yelled. "We're coming" Josh said with an exhausted voice. I sat down on the couch opening tiktok. I opened my fyp and just scrolled for a while until a video of Nick appeared. "Ayyo listen up cuz I'm not gonna say this twice. Leave my sister the fuck alone" that was literally everything he said and that was the end of the tiktok. I scrolled through the comments to see a lot of supportive comments and I started smiling. "Please say that the reason you're smiling is because you're watching one of my video's" Bryce says as he jumps on the couch. "Nick posted a video about the hate" I said making eye contact with Bryce. "He did what?" Jaden joins the convo. "Yeah here take a look" I said as I showed them the video. "Well that's about fucking time" Bryce said rolling his eyes. "He's still my brother Bryce" I said as I started biting my nails. "Is this a Mackenzie thing?" Jaden said as he pulled my hand away from my mouth. "Only when I'm stressed" I replied hiding my hands in my sleeves. "Kenz you haven't met Nessa yet" Josh said as he came into the room holding Nessa's hand. "I haven't omg it's so nice to meet you I'm Mackenzie." I said as I was going in for a hug. "Hi I'm Nessa" she said giving me a hug. I got back on the couch and Kio, Griff and Anthony finally decided to show up. "You guys slow as shiitt." I said as I was grabbing my bag. We got into 2 cars again. The first car contained Bryce driving me in the passenger seat and Jaden and Griffin in the backseat. The other car was Anthony driving with Kio in the passengers seat while Josh and Nessa sat in the back. On our way to iHop I scrolled through the news. "Hey guys so corona is getting out of hand" I said starting to bite my nails again. "Yeah they're going to put us in lockdown soon" Griffin said as Jaden pulled my hand away from my mouth again. "I'm calling him" I said as I looked up Nick's number in my phone. "You're calling who" Bryce said with a concerned voice. "Hey Nick" "I'm fine notihng happened how are you"  "Yeah we need to talk" "Ehh I suppose so" "Look I'm not letting you stay in a hotel with this crazy shit happening outside" "I know but we'll figure it out" "I'll see you tonight." "Bye". The boys looked at me like I was crazy. "Did you just talk to mad Nick as if nothing happened." Griffin said petrified. "I suppose so" I said raising my shoulders. "Dude this girl has superpowers" Jaden says as he looks at me like I'm some alien. "You guys I'm his sister it's not that hard" I said while the boys still looked at me like I was crazy. We arrived at iHop and apparrently Bryce's a race car driver cause it took the others 5 minutes to get there after we arrived. We got in and ordered our food. "Did you guys see all this corona shit going on" Josh said. "Yeah and it's freaking me out." I said starting to bit my nails. Jaden wrapped his arm over my shoulders and pulled my hand away from my mouth AGAIN. "You need to stop doing that." he said as he started to laugh. "Leave me alone bitch" I said leaning on his shoulder. We got our food and just ate and had fun. "I really needed this you guys" I said as I was stuffing my mouth with pancake. "Anything for you sis" Griffin said with his mouth full of pancake. We ordered some drinks and sat at iHop for another 30 minutes. "I think it's time to go y'all" I said waving with my hand to get their attention. "Yeah you're right lets go" Bryce said as we picked up our stuff. We left and we got into the same cars. Now let's go home to clean Jaden's room, and meet Nick.

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