Chapter 8

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Bryce POV:

We decided to go to the Mcdonalds drive thru and get into my car. While driving there, I couldn't help myself and put my hand on her thigh. She didn't complain. We ordered our food and sat in the parking lot eating and talking. We talked and laughed a lot. She's gorgeous even when she's eating. How can someone always be gorgeous. I don't know what got into me when I said: "Can I take you out sometime?" She started blushing. "Yes you can." she said. I felt so relieved that she didn't reject me. "How about I take you on a surprise date tomorrow. We'll do something and get dinner afterwards. 4 o'?" I ask. "I don't like surprises." she said with puppy dog eyes. "You'll like this one." I said. We sat there for about another hour until we decided it was time to head home.

Kenzie POV:

Oh my god. Oh my god. I am going on a date with BRYCE HALL. I am freaking out. we're going on a date tomorrow but I don't know what we're going to do. I'm going crazy. We decided it was time to head home and he put his hand on my thigh again. Them butterflies be wilding when he does that and I can see that he notices. When we got home it was 4.30 pm and I remembered what Jaden told me. I run over to Nick's room and slam  the door behind me. "Are you fucking kidding me Nick" I said. He immediately knew that I was serious cause my face always turns red when I get mad. "It's for your own sake Kenz. Those boys are players. They go from girl to girl just to get laid." he said with an attitude. "Listen up big man. You absolutely have no right to threaten anyone because they're talking to me. I have my own life and you know I love you more than anyone in the world, but it's not your place to say something and it'll never be" I yell so the whole house could hear me. "Guess what. You're my little sister so it is my place. You want to act all tough and act like you aren't hurting inside then you do you but don't act like dad and Mike didn't break you." he yells just as hard as me. "HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT. HOW COULD YOU USE THAT AS AN EXCUSE FOR YOUR BEHAVIOUR. YOU ARE A HORRIBLE PERSON" i scream while tears are flowing down my face. "I HATE YOU" I screamed after leaving his room. I was crying and I saw Bryce from a distance looking at me. I ran up to my room and got in bed. How could he ever bring them up. He knows that I'm trying to forget what happened. Jaden entered my room while I was crying and sat down beside me. He looked at me and saw that I was hurting. He started to get into my bed and "hug" cuddled me. My face was in his chest while he was hugging me. I couldn't stop crying.

Jaden POV:

Kenzie and Bryce finally got home after like 2 hours. They were all happy until she looked at me. she looked like she blacked out and she stormed into Nick's room. Oh no she's telling him about yesterday. There goes our friendship. I never thought Kenzie was a troublemaker. She seemed so sweet. She slammed Nick's door after entering the room and I try to eavesdrop but I can't really hear anything until suddenly I can hear Kenzie scream at Nick.  "Listen up big man. You absolutely have no right to threaten anyone because they're talking to me. I have my own life and you know I love you more than anyone in the world, but it's not your place to say something and it'll never be" she said. It was kinda hot in the first sentence. But then I noticed  her voice cracking and I can hear she's starting to cry. "Guess what. You're my little sister so it is my place. You want to act all tough and act like you aren't hurting inside then you do you but don't act like dad and Mike didn't break you."  Nick said. Who'se Mike and what did her father do to her. There are so many questions in my head but Kenzie starts yelling again. "HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT. HOW COULD YOU USE THAT AS AN EXCUSE FOR YOUR BEHAVIOUR. YOU ARE A HORRIBLE PERSON" she said and you could definetly hear her crying. I couldn't keep listening so I went in my room. You could hear that she was hurting and it hurt me to hear her like this. I hear her say something but i can't figure out what it was. She storms up to her room and after 2 minutes I worked up the courage to walk into her room. I knock but she doesn't answer so I open her door. It was way worse than  I expected it to be. Her pillow was wet from tears and her mascara was running over her face. She was screaming into her pillow and I sat besides her. She looked at me and stopped crying for a few seconds but she couldn't keep it in and continued crying. I got under the blanket and held her in my arms. I could feel my shirt getting wet but I didn't care. Kenzie was hurting and she shouldn't have to do that alone. "It's alright let it all out" I whispered. "You'll be fine I promise" I continued. We both drifted off to sleep and she was still in my arms.

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