Part 27

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Kenzie POV:

I wake up to my alarm and my head hurts. I look at my phone and see it's 6 am. I turn on the shower and I take a steaming hot shower. I get changed into this:

It's the perfect outfit for today

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It's the perfect outfit for today. It shows that Idgaf but I still look hot. I grab my bag and walk over to the kitchen. It's full of empty cans. Redbulls and White claws EVERYWHERE. "seriously?" I say to my self. I open the fridge and grab some fruits. I cut them into pieces and put them in a bowl. I post a picture on my story.

"First day of school!!" I put under the photo and I dig in

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"First day of school!!" I put under the photo and I dig in. I run over to Nick's room and I don't think he's awake. "Hey Mackenzie" he says as he puts his shirt on. "Hold up, Nick Bean, woke up early?" I say as my eyes open wide. "It's the first day of school you dumbass ofcourse I woke up early." he replies. "Okay there's fruit for you on the counter, I'm heading to a Starbucks drive thru before I head to campus, you joining me?" I ask him as I slowly close the door. "No thanks, I don't think I'll be done in time." he replies. "See you in English" I close the door. I grab my purse and my phone that's still charging. I walk outside and get in my car. Everything went just like I planned. Except for one thing. I planned to have breakfast with Bryce. He didn't wake up probably because he'a hungover and I'm not waking him up. I'm still mad at him for yesterday. I drive off to starbucks and order an iced latte. I connect my phone to the car and jam to my music. "I'm going to college I'm going to college" I say to myself. I pull up to campus and park my car. I get out of the car and grab my backpack. As I walk towards the building I look at my phone. There's only a million texts from Bryce apologizing for not having breakfast with me. As I scroll through his texts I get called

Me: What do you want
Bryce: I'm so sorry I heard the door close and it woke me up I really wanted to-
Me: It's fine
Bryce: no it's not let me make it-
Me: You're right it's not. I have to get to class now.
Bryce: Kenz don't hang up on me I'm so so so sor-

I hung up on him. I'm not going to let him ruin my day. I get in the building and I check my phone to see what room I have to get to. "I made it" Nick says as he walks next to me. He's breathing heavily so he probably ran. "So did I" I wink holding up my starbucks cup. "Showoff" he replies ruining my hair. "Omg I'm so gonna kill you" I say trying to fix it. We get to our first class, English. "Hello everyone and welcome to Modern English, please take your seats and let's begin." The elderly woman says.
Time gap: 6 classes/6 hours

The first classes went great. I made notes and I think this year will be easy. It's 2pm and wait for Nick to get out of class. We don't have all of our classes together since his major is Econ and mine's Human Biology. Yeah I know, I'm a nerd. "You took your time" I say as Nick finally makes his way out of class. "Yeah Bryce just called me telling me that you have to call him back" he replies. "looks like we're going to the hype house" I smirk. "No let me call Avani first to see what they're doing." I say as I grab my phone

Kenzie: Hey vani
Avani: Hey kenz whatsup.
Kenzie: I wanted to come over but I wasn't sure if y'all are at home
Avani: Yes I think everyone's here except for Chase
Kenzie: Couldnt be any better thanks bb be there in 20
Avani: yes bebe

"What'd she say?" Nick asks as we walk towards our cars. "Everyone's home except for Chase. I don't like Chase so that's great." I say opening my car. "Why's that" Nick asks. "I always have the feeling he's trying to hit on me."

We get in our cars and drive to the Hype House seperately. When I get there I see Alex, Thomas and Michael downstairs vlogging. I get out of my car. "Hey Mack" Alex yells as he turns the camera towards me. "Hey guys! What have you been up to?" I say. "Not much, you guys should get in we can't know when there will be another flood of fans. " Thomas replies. "That's overdramatic" I reply. "Believe me, it's not" Alex says. "Alex you like cars right? Look at my new car!!" I say as I run towards my car. "Ahw it really suits you" he replies. "where did you get it?" Michael asks. "Nick bought it for me!" I reply. "I want a brother too now" Alex fake whines. "He'll be here any minute but I'll get in I'm tired." I say walking towards the door. "New codeword: pink unicorns" Michael says as we get in. "Seriously? Who the hell made that one up, a child?" I laugh. "Actually I did." Mia says as she looks at me like she could be a mean girl from school. She hugs Thomas and walks with us to the living room. I lay down on the couch and call Avani telling her to come downstairs. "HEY BEBE! HOW WAS YOUR FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL" She screams from he stairs. "It was great" I say as she sits down next to me. "Oh no what happened" she replies. "How'd you know?" I laugh. "You aren't bragging." she says. "Yeah everything went as planned but Bryce partied with the boys yesterday getting really fucking drunk while I asked him not to." I say. "Are you trying to take the booze away from Bryce? Its bryce freaking hall." She replies. "I'm not trying to take the booze away, the paramedic said not to drink for atleast 24 hours and he did. He didn't even wake up with me to have breakfast this morning" I continue. "I'm sorry baby. I'm sure he doesn't mean it like that. The bell rings. "who'se there" Thomas asks. "Pink unicorn baby" I hear Chase's voice say. "not him" I sigh a little too loud resulting in Avani hearing it. "What?" she whispers. "No it's nothing I didn't mean to say it out loud." I whisper laying back. "Oh hey Mack I didn't expect you to be here." he says. "Hi Chase. It's Kenzie actually." I say trying to get him to take the hint. "Oh" he says sitting down next to me. As soon as he sits down I get on a couch next to Alex. "What's up with you is it that time of the month again?" he says rolling his eyes. "Do you have any idea how sexist that comment was?" I raise my voice. "Why are you avoiding me?" he says trying to calm me down. "Because I HAVE A FUCKING BOYFRIEND." I yell. I might've yelled a little too hard cause I saw everyone looking at me. "I'm leaving"

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