Chapter 10

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Kenzie POV:

I woke up and decided that I had to get my act together. I won't let Nick get what he wants. I grabbed my phone to look at the time and it was 12.30. I never wake up this late but Jaden and I fell asleep at 6 so it's not horrible. I slowly try to get out of Jaden's arms and I notice that he's waking up. I try to be as careful as possible but he wakes up. "Hey how are you feeling?" he asks. "better" I reply sitting up. "What are you going to do?" he asks again. "I decided it's for the better if I just get my act together and not give Nick what he wants. I'm taking a shower now." I said. "If that's what you want. I'm just going to sleep." he said smiling and closing his eyes again. I got in the shower and put some music on. It didn't hit me before: I have a date with Bryce today. It's the last place I wanna be today but I think it'll be semi-fun. While showering it came up to me how much I like both of the boys, how am I ever gonna make a choice. Bryce and Jaden are just so sweet and they always make me happy when I see their faces. I put on this:

 I put on this:

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(That's the hoodie Jaden gave me yesterday)

I got out of the shower with a messy bun and I sat down on my bed. Jaden opens his eyes. "How can someone look so gorgeous even if they're feeling so bad?" he asks. "I look like shit" I replied. "Don't ever say that again you're beautiful" he said. I started blushing. He sat up with me and I suggested I'd make us some breakfast knowing that everyone has already ate. "I'm hitting the shower

we can eat afterwards" he replied leaving my room. "I'll make it while you're in the shower" I whisper yelled at him. "You're amazing" he replied. I got out of my room as well and walked over to the kitchen. Bryce was in the kitchen as well. He opened his arms for a hug and it was one hell of a hug. It lasted for about 3 minutes when I pulled away. "I'm making Jaden and I some breakfast you want some?" I asked him. "No I'm good we went to iHop while you guys were asleep there's some on the counter for you and Jaden. "Ahw thanks Bryce." I walked over to the fridge to cut some fruits and warm up the pancakes. I also made us some red smoothies and I put everything on the table. Jaden got out of the shower just wearing some basketball shorts and I was just admiring his abs. He sat down next to me and we just ate our breakfast and laughed, a lot. After about 15 minutes I looked at the clock noticing it was 2.30 already. I had to get ready for my date. "I'm sorry Hossler I have to get ready for my date" I said. "Yea that's fine I'm going out with griff" he replied. I gave him a good hug and went to my room. I decided to put on the top that Bryce gave me with some denim shorts. It looked something like this:

 It looked something like this:

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put on some black heels. I did my makeup and my hair and when I looked at the time again it was 3.47pm already. I got out of my room to a post it on the wall. "Hey beauty. I'm at the place I found out who you were." the note said. THE HOTTUB I thought to myself and ran over to the backyard, I saw another post it note on the door. "You really thought I would make it so easy to find me?  You know me better than that. I'll stop being a dick. I'm at my car." the note said. You son of a bitch I said to myself. I walked to the front door expecting to see a note but instead I heard someone honk. I went outside and saw bryce looking all cute. I got into his car. "Looking goood" I said to him. "Can say the same to you" he replied. "You like the top? I asked him. "Exactly how I pictured it on you. Beautiful" he replied. I started blushing. He starts driving. "Where are we going?" I asked him. "I told you it was a surprise." he responded. We drove for about 20 minutes until we got to fair. "I hope you like it" he said. "Are you kidding me? This is the perfect date." I replied. He smirked. He parked the car and we walked hand in hand to the fair. We went over to some rides and did them. Bryce won me a big teddybear and we got some cotton candy. After about 2 hours we decided it was time we went to get dinner. We got to a fancy ass restaurant that Bryce had made reservations at. "We won't run into any fans here" he said winking. The menu had all sorts of fancy dishes I'd never heard of. "I've never went to restauarant this fancy." I confessed to Bryce. "The chicken breast tastes amazing here." he said. "Well that's what I'm getting then." I said laughing. The waiter came up to us and Bryce ordered for us. He pointed to the menu cause he was  scared to pronounce them wrong. I just laughed at him. We just had a conversation while waiting for our food. Bryce took a picture while I was eating. He put it as his wallpaper on his phone. We ate our food and shared a dessert. I went to the toilet and the son of a bitch paid while I was gone. "Let's go we're late" he said. "Late for what?" I asked him. "You'll see" he replied. What the hell was he planning to do. We pulled up to the beach and I got so confused, We were walking on the sand until we got to this cute setup. It was a picknick cloth with candles and food, lots of it. "I never knew you were a romantic" I said to tease him. "There's a lot you don't know. It probably was the most romantic thing anyone had ever done for me and I felt so good about it. We just ate until we noticed a silhouet running up to us.

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