Chapter 20

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Bryce POV:

Kenzie and the girls were having a girls night in Kouvr's room so the boys and I just decided to hang downstairs. Kenzie was deffo gonna tell the girls but when she gets downstairs she can tell the boys afterwards. Her words are wandering through my head. Was she actually mad that I didn't wanna announce it? It wasn't like that at all. She knew that right? She probably forgot it already but I can't stop thinking about what she said. She's taking a long time too, I want the boys to know today. But won't she think that I did this on purpose if I tell them? She won't I'll just do it. They're my best friends they deserve to know. "Ayyo boys come here" I yell to get all of their attention. They come towards me as I sit by the pool. "Whats up" Tayler says as he sits down next to me. "Okay so y'all know Kenz right?" I ask to break the silence. "Yeah she's cool" Ondreaz replies scrolling through his phone. "Yeah so I need to tell you guys something about her and I" I say taking a deep breath. They won't be mad or something but I'm just not good at telling stories. "Just say it you ass" Jaden replies as he pushes me. "Yeah so she's my girlfriend now" I blurt out without any emotion. "Bro what?" Chase said as he frowned his eyebrows. "Yeah it went fast but we're official since today." I say as I try to make up for not telling them. "It all happened this morning so don't come at me" I say as I put my hands up. "Congrats bro" Tony says as he walks towards me. They all follow giving me a hug. "How'd it happen?" Thomas asks as they're all sitting down again. "I have video's, I'm not good at telling stories" I say as I smile. "Pull 'em up then" Nick says as he takes my phone and scrolls through the sway gc. "ALL THE SWAY BOYS WERE THERE AND YOU DIDN'T INVITE US" he yells as he gives me my phone back. "I wanted to do it privately but there was no way I could get Kenz there since I had to prep it." I say as I show them the video. "I was front row tho" Jaden said teasing me. "Yeah but anyways I wanted you guys to know, we're not making it completely public just yet. They know we're a thing but we haven't brought the news out yet. I'd appreciate if you guys wouldn't either" I say as i lay back down. "Yeah we gotchu" Josh said as Avani and Kenz come back downstairs. "I missed you" she whispered in my ear as she sat on my lap. This girl always knows just the right thing to say. The boys and I just talk and she remains silent. "Bryce just told us about today." Tony said as he looked at Kenz. "Did he?" she asked looking impressed. I thightened my grip around her and she didn't really talk much. Is she mad at me? I decided not to say anything and she didn't say anything either. After a while I tried to see what she was thinking about but when I looked at her I saw she fell asleep. I turned her around so she was laying in my arms bridal style and I let her sleep. After a while we decided it was time to go back home and I just held Kenz in my arm trying not to wake her up. She needs to rest.

Kenzie POV:

I woke up the next day in my bed. Last night was blurry. When I sat down on Bryce's lap I didn't feel good. My stomach felt like it was turning around and all I wanted to do was cry. I still feel that way. I think my period's gonna start today. I got in the shower and ran to Bryce's room in a towel. I ran to his closet and took a big oversized hoodie and some of his shorts. "So you're stealing my stuff now?" he asks as he opens his eyes. "Can we please stay at home today?" I ask him as I got dressed. No dirty minds I was already wearing a bra and some panties. "If that's what you want what's going on?" he asks me as he sits up. How do I tell him my period's gonna start and I'm thinkinh sbout my dad. I really miss him, but Bryce doesn't know the story. I'll tell him soon, but I just wanna cry in his arms today. "I don't feel good." I say as I crawl against him. He turned the tv on and held me in his arms while choosing a movie to put on. "Do you want me to get you breakfast?" he asks as he stood up to get food. "Just some yoghurt please" I ask him as I start scrolling through my phone. I'm not feeling good at all. I just want to cry. The movie he put on was 'demain tout ce commence' and it was the worst movie he could pick. It's about a girl who got left at her dad and her dad had to take care of a child while he was a child too. They had a really good bond. As soon as I see a scene of them hugging I burst out in tears. I want to be able to hug my dad. I can't stop crying no matter how hard I try to suck it up. Bryce came back inside and saw that I was crying. "Hey hey hey what's going on" he says as he sits down next to me laying my head in his chest. "I miss my dad" I said as the tears rolled down my face. I didn't mean to say that. He tightened his grip and we just sat in that exact position for 30 minutes. I knew it was an uncomfortable position for him but he didn't even try to move, he really cares. "I'm so sorry I'm getting my period soon so I tend to overreact." I say as I sit back up. "Who says you're overreacting" he said as he sat up against the headboard. "Let's eat something" he says as he pulls me by my hand. I sit down next to him and grab my bowl of yoghurt. He cut fruit and put it on top. He knows me way too well. I take a bite. "It's warm" I say as I smile. "Eat up" he said as he shoved a pancake from yesterday down his throat. "Are you sure you don't want me to make breakfast?"  I asked him as I frowned my eyebrows. "Today we're not doing anything we're just laying in bed and eating" he says as he gives me a kiss on my forehead, He puts on some music so it's not awkwardly silent and I lay in his arms for a while. "What happened to your dad?" he asks me as he sits up. "It's a long story, you don't wanna hear it" I reply. "I want to hear all of it" he says as he puts his hand putting my phone down and holds my hand. "Buckle up, we're in for a long ride." I say as I sit up next to him. After a few seconds I start to tell him the story. "He was the perfect dad, the one that showed up to every game and cheer from the side. He was my best friend. He didn't feel good one day so I made him some soup. I watched TV with him for a while until he started to complain of a headache. I just got him some painkillers. We were talking when he started talking weird, his lip was hanging. His arm didn't move and he started freaking out. After I called 911 he knocked out. He didn't have a pulse so I had to do CPR. He left the earth that day." I  told him as I noticed it's the first time telling that story without crying.  "And now that you got a boyfriend you wish that he could meet him?" Bryce asks trying to comprehend all of the info. "I just wish he could see you, he'd love you." I say as I shed a tear. "He sounds like a good person, I'm sure I'd love him too." Bryce says as he pulls me onto him laying down. At that exact moment all of the boys get into his room. "Kenz, u ok? There's no early morning breakfast." Griffin asks pointing to his stomach. "I'll make you guys some" I say as I try to sweep my tears away without them noticing. "Kenzie isn't feeling well I'll doordash some iHop" Bryce says as he tries to signal the boys to leave without me noticing. "You need anything?" Jaden asks as the boys get the hint. "A hug" I say as I signal them to come. They all give me a hug and I feel much better. "She's still mine" Bryce says as he pulls me over to him. "I'll order you guys always fix breakfast" Griffin says as he pulls up his phone. The boys leave the room and Bryce and I just cuddle for a while. I fell asleep in his arms and woke up to griffin giving us some pancakes. "Thanks my guy" I say as I make a peace sign while he's leaving the room. "You're welcome sis" he replies as he closes the door behind him. "I'm hungry af" Bryce says as he shoves a pancake down his throat. "You could've just asked me to make you some" I say as I smile. "I love your smile" he says as he smiles back at me. "Come here" i say as I give him a peck on the lips. "You can do that more often" he says as he smirks. We really didn't do anything after that. Bryce and I started watching Grey's Anatomy together and we watched the first few episodes today. Bryce ubered some taco bell over to the house and we had dinner in his room. We cuddled up together after 30 minutes I drifted off to sleep.

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