Chapter 17

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Bryce POV:

Kenzie invited Nick over because she wanted to talk about what happened with him. I don't know what's going on with me. I've never liked a girl the same way I like kenz. I just feel some type of way any time I think of her or see her. So ofcourse I'll give her what she wants and talk with Nick. She's sitting next to me on the couch and she's shaking. Is she scared of me or of Nick. "Whatever happens today please please please don't beat him up" she says biting her nails. I'm just scrolling through tiktok as I hear her phone ring. It's Nick. "Is he here?" I aks her as she grabs her bag. "Yeah he is and if I call you you need to come outside." she said putting her shoes on. "Okay" I said. She called me about 10 minutes later and I got outside.

Kenzie POV:

They came back inside together and Jaden and I immediately turned around to see what's going on. They were just standing there emotionless and I shed a tear. "Nah just kidding we're good" Bryce said as he hugged Nick. "Omg I hate you guys" I said as I wiped my tears off of my face. "Awh come here." Bryce said as he opened his arms for a hug. I looked at Nick to see what he thought and he gave me an okay. I hugged Bryce tightly. "I love you" I whispered while giving him a hug. "I love you too" he replied leaning his head onto mine. I ran over to Nick to give him a hug. We hugged for about a min when Josh ran into the living room. "Uh hey Nick how r u" he asked him distracted. "I'm good how about you" Nick said. "I'm fine but anyways guys we're on lockdown." he said as his voice cracked. "On what?" Bryce asked laughing. "On lockdown, you know like corona." Josh said looking serious as heck. "Good thing that you're here already then" I said looking at Nick. "I left your room untouched so you can move right back in." I said winking at Nick. We put on a movie and of course, Bryce and I sat next to eachother. It felt kinda weird because I know Nick's opinion but Nick didn't seem to care. I fell asleep in Bryce's arms and didn't wake up until the next morning.

Time gap: next morning.

Kenzie POV:

I woke up in Bryce's arms still laying down on the couch. I suppose we all fell asleep because everyone was sleeping on the couch. I slowly got myself out of Bryce's arms and stood up grabbing my phone. It's 7am. I grab my phone and film them. "Hey guys so all of my babys are sleeping next to each other so I thought I'd show y'all." I said zooming in on their faces. I posted it on my tiktok and of course it blew up. I scrolled through the comments but fortunately the hate comments werent as many as on my video before. I just replied to some comments ans liked a few and then decided I'd make us all breakfast, AGAIN. I rushed to the shower and put on ripped jeans and a top, I  knew it was going to be cold so I wore a vest on top and if it's still cold I'll just steal somebody's hoodie. It looked something like this:

I ran over to the boys that were still sleeping and I woke them up

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I ran over to the boys that were still sleeping and I woke them up. "Wake up bitches." I said as I slammed the door behind me. "Fuck you" Griffin screamed as I pounded on his door. I woke up the boys on the couch and took Bryce's car keys. "Imma hit the store buy shit to eat breakfast and when I'm back y'all better be ready to eat." I yelled as I closed the door behind me. I got to the store and I totally forgot about quarantine. "Hi ma'am please take a cart and desinfect your hands before entering the store." one of the people that worked at walmart said. "Yes I will thanks" I said as I took a cart. The store was jammed. Half of the store was empty and there was almost nothing left for me to make breakfast with. I just decided to get some waffle mix and some fruits. I got back home to all the boys sitting around the dinner table and I got in the kitchen. "Hey nessa" I said as she came downstairs. "Heey" she said as she gave me a hug and sat down next to Josh. I made the waffles and Jaden made the smoothies. I cut some fruits and put them on their plates and just handed them out to everyone. "You're still doing this" Nick said laughing at me. "Everyday" Josh replies. Jaden and I sat down next to each other and we just dug into our waffles. "So what are we doing today?" I asked looking at Bryce and Jaden. "Hype house" they replied in sync. "Quarantine much" I said laughing at them. "Did you quarantine while buying that shit" Jaden said frowning. "You're right." we finished our food and as always I yelled "GET DRESSED BITCHES". "We're all dressed up stupid bitch" Jaden said. "NEVERMIND BITCHES" I said as I sat down again. "We're hitting the beach first for some pictures though" Bryce said drinking his smoothie. "Yeah fine" I replied jumping onto the couch. "I'm just packing my bag and then we can go" Jaden said walking over to his room. Guess we're going to the beach.

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