Chapter 5

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Kenzie POV:

I get downstairs to Jaden piggybackriding Bryce and they both turn over to me. "woah" Bryce says half drooling. "Keep it in your pants" Nick says to bryce in a threatening voice. Nick's protective over me and sometimes its cool but how am I going to live in a house with Jaden Hossler and Bryce fucking hall if Nick won't even let me tease them. We leave to cheesecake factory but we only wanted to take 2 cars so we had to stuff them all up. Me, Jaden, Josh and Griffin sat in the backseat so I had to sit on Bryce's lap but I still ain't complaining. Anthony drove with Nick in the passenger seat cause he won't let me fucking breathe. Kio, Josh, Avani and Quinton were in the other car. We knew that there was one more space in the other car but I didn't at all mind to sit on Bryce's lap. I got the aux again and thought it'd be fun to put comatose on considering the fact that Jaden was sitting in the car next to me. We all started jamming on the song and we talked a bit. On our way Anthony made some risky turns wich resulted in me sitting on bryce and jaden's lap at the same time. Bryce put his hand on my thigh and i immediately felt butterflies. No Kenzie, Nick will kill you.

Bryce POV:

We went to cheesecake factory in 2 cars. The one we were i  was consisting of me, Jaden, Griff and Kenzie in the backseat and Anthony was driving with Nick in the passengers seat. There wasn't enough space for all of us so Kenzie got onto my lap. It was risky cuz she was sitting on IT but I like taking risks. We were jamming to music when Anthony was taking some horrible turns wich made Kenzie swing around the car. Anthony's a horrible driver. I immediately took my chance by putting my hand on her thigh. I could see she liked it.

Jaden POV:

We were getting in the car and Kenzie had to sit on one of our laps. She got onto Bryce's and it actually made me kinda sad. I've talked with her way more than he did but she'll fall for me it'll just take some time. She put on my song and Bryce told me it was the third time she'd put that song on the aux today. I started blushing but made sure no one noticed. We all know that Anthony's a horrible driver so Kenzie started to swing around the car resulting in her sitting halfway onto my lap. It was risky but I really don't know how she thinks of me.

Kenzie POV:

We got to cheesecake factory wich is like my fave restaurant of all time and we get a group table. I sat next to Bryce and  on the opposite side of Jaden. I ordered some pasta and Jaden and I just had a good conversation. I honestly have no clue who I like more. We were waiting for our food and Jaden was talking to Griffin who sat next to him. Suddenly I feel a hand on my thigh and I can see Bryce smirking. I get butterflies agan but I try to play it cool while talking to Jaden. Our food arrives and I dig in. I eat like a beast because, Kenzie loves food. "woah woah woah woah your food isn't gonna run away" he said laughing at me. I give him the dead eye while I hear Nick saying; "Don't mess with Kenzie when it comes to food, Kenz loves food." They all start laughing and I continue enjoying my pasta. We all get a slice of cheesecake and Bryce's hand is still on my thigh. "I am going to use the bathroom" I announced and Bryce follows me. They only had a family bathroom so Me and Bryce walked in to the room. "You stalking me?" I say in a teasing voice. "Only if you want me to" he replies. "I can't be doing this Bryce Nick will kill me." I said. "Nick doesn't have to know" he replied. I don't know what got into me but his 5'11 ass looked amazing from my 5'2 point of view. I got so close i could feel him breathe and I don't know what got into me but I kissed him. He did not resist but kissed me back instead. We moved in sync for about a minute and then I stepped back. "Bryce I really really really shouldn't be doing this." I said in a sad voice thinking about Nick. "I am sorry you won't get to be with this hot piece of ass" he said joking. I took a napkin and cleaned the lipgloss off of his face. He looks so good I had a really hard time resisting him. But I know it's for the better. We went back to our table and there's a fan at the table. She's walking around the table hugging everyone since they're all famous tiktokkers. She got to me and asked me if I was a tiktokker too. "I have tiktok but I'm just not so famous." I replied. "What's your name?" The girl asks me. "I'm Mackenzie Bean nice to meat you." I replied. That was the first fan I told that I was Nick's twin. "Wait Kenzie Bean like Nick Bean?" She asked. "Twins!" I replied. "OMG I SO WANT TO TAKE A PIC WITH BOTH OF YOU!" She screamed. We took a pic together and I already knew I'd be on tiktokroom by tommorow. We paid for dinner and got back to the house. We watched a movie and I had my head on Bryce's shoulder while his arm was around me. I drifted off to sleep.

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