chapter 4

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Bryce POV:

We enter the house and I see Mackenzie and Avani whispering. They make me swear I won't tell the boys that they're here so they can surprise them. They run to the bathroom and I can't wait to see Mackenzie in a bikini. They stay away for like 15 minutes so Nick and I decide to put our swimming trunks on. When we get back we jump in the hottub with the boys and totally forget about the girls. We sit and joke for a while until we hear girl voices scream. I immediately look at the door but nothing's appearing. Where in the hell are these girls. "GERONIMOOO" I hear Kenzie screaming. I look up and see the girls jumping off of the balcony right into the pool. After a few seconds Kenzie appears out of the water like a goddess. She's wearing a black bikini and looks gorgeous in it. I'm fangirling.

Jaden POV:

Bryce comes back with my boy Nick while we're in the hottub. They walk over to us and I start hugging Nick. I whisper in his ear: "Thought you'd bring someone with?". He replies "You'll see her in a bit". Okay so it's a girl. I immediately hope that she's fun to be around cause I am not in the state of mind to have a petty girl around. We start talking until we hear some girls screaming. What the fuck. I look at the door but ion see no one coming. I don't think anything of it until I hear a girls voice screaming "GERONIMO!¨ I look upstairs to see Avani and this other girl jump off of the balcony into the pool. It takes them a few seconds to get their head out of the water but this girl- she was gorgeous. She looked like she came straight out of a vogue magazine. She was wearing a black bikini and when she got out of the water she gave me a boner with her body.

Mackenzie POV:

After Vani and I got changed we decided to fuck with the boys we run to the door that leads to the backyard where the jacuzzi's at and start screaming, then we run upstairs and jump off of the balcony right into the pool. Talk about a great entrance. It took me way too long to get back above the water and I was genuinely ashamed of myself. I see everyone looking at us so our plan worked. I got into the jacuzzi and introduced myself to everyone and gave them a hug. I sat down in between Bryce and Nick and Avani sat on Anthony's lap. We start to have a conversation until Josh pops the question. "So Mackenzie, what exactly are you from Nick". Omg I've waited so long to finally be able to say this. "WELLL, I'm his twin sister" I say. "NO FUCKING WAY" all the boys yell. "Nick dude you have a sister why didn't you tell me" Griffin said. "We made an agreement that we'd keep it to ourselves until we got into college. I didn't want her to get as distracted from school like I was.". They rant at Nick and I just laugh. Bryce turns to me and whispers in my ear: "Well we all know who got the good genes." I start blushing. After the boys are done being mad at Nick Griff suggests we should play Truth or Dare. We all agree and we start at Anthony. "Truth" he says and everyone starts thinking what they should ask. I didn't think and just said "What exactly are you and Avani". All the boys start making love noises and I started to get scared It was outta line to ask that. "WELLL, we're close, just not offical yet." he answers. He dares Bryce to put his arm around me for at least the rest of the game and tbh I don't mind. The game goes on and then Bryce asks me truth or dare. I obviously say truth cause my last dare was to lick Bryce's neck. ¨What was your first impression of me" he continues. "Like tiktok first impression or irl first impression" I ask him. "let's do the second one" he replies. "Well first of all you're way hotter in person" Nick gives me the dead eye and i know I need to stop. "- I just knew we'd become bestfriends". I can see him looking at me like he was pleased with my answer and I knew I said the perfect thing. After a while my skin gets all crooked and It hits me that I forgot to take a towel with me. "Who's coming out with me cause someone needs to escort me to my room considering the fact that I didn't bring my towel." I say. Jaden immediately says that he'll bring me and we get under his towel together. I can hear the boys whistling from the tub but I just ignored them. He walks with me to my room and let himself fall onto my bed. I got into the shower and he just waited for me wich was kinda sweet but also a lil creepy. I get out of the shower in my towel and he covers his eyes. " Kenzie that's inappropriate" he says jokingly. I tell him to fuck himself and I open up my suitcases. Grey or black I asked him. " What shade of Grey?" he asks me bursting out lauging. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY ROOM YOU PERV" I yell at him. I wore this:


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A/n Hi guys. I'm going to publish my chapters rn so from next chapter on I can see and use all of ur comments. love y'all <3

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