Chapter 25

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Kenzie POV:

"Well that was a great first time" Bryce says as we pull up to the drive thru. "It was!" I laugh. "Hi welcome to iHop what can I get started for you?" the employee at the intercom says. "Hi could I please get 25 strawberry banana pancake meals?" I say trying to sound as mature as I can so they'll take me seriously. "Y-you mean the 4 piece ones?" the girl stutters. "Yes please and could I also get 3 splashberry splashers?" I reply. "Are you crazy? Why would you buy 25?" Bryce whispers. I just smirk. "That'll be $259.00 you can drive up to the first window to pay" the girl says. "That's great thank you" I reply as I take my car off of the brake and drive over to the next window. "That'll be $259.00" the girl says as she stares at us creepily. I hand her 3 of the bills Alex gave me. "I'm not trying to be rude but is that Bryce Hall?" the girl says pointing to Bryce who isn't paying attention. "I have no clue is he?" I say as I push him. "W-what?" he says as he looks up. "She asked me if you were Bryce Hall!" I reply laughing. "Oh yeah that's me" he says to the girl fixing his hair knowing she'll ask for a picture. "OMG can I please take a picture with you?" the girl asks biting her lip. "Yeah sure that's fine." he says as she pulls her phone out. I try to get out of the frame as they take a selfie. "You know what'd be so cool?" the girl asks Bryce as she gives me a stinkeye. "What would?" he replies. "It'd be so cool if you gave me your number!!! Like I'm totally down to hang" the girl says. THE AUDACITY THIS GIRL HAS. "I'm so sorry girlie but he's not interested in your troll looking ass" I reply driving to the next window. "What was that all about" he asks me laughing. "This bitch had the audacity to ask my boyfriends number? SO SHE COULD HANG WITH HIM?" I reply getting mad. "Girl you're dating a tiktoker you better get used to it" he replies kissing me on the cheek. "Go away" I say as I push his face off of me. "You can wait in one of our waiting parkspots and we'll have someone bring your food right out!" a male employee says. "Thank you have a good one" Bryce replies. I drive to the waiting spot and pull up my phone. "I'm sorry okay the public just doesn't know of our relationship yet please don't be mad at me babe" he says as he pushes my phone down. "You should've stuck up for me" I reply making my puppydog eyes. "Yeah I know I'm sorry baby" he says giving me a kiss. "I love you okay?" he says as he puts his hand on my thigh. He knows my weakspot. "I love you too" I reply scrolling through my tiktoks. "25 strawberry banana pancake meals and 3 splashberry splashers?" 3 boys say as they're holding many bags. "Yes that's us let me get out and help" I say as I open the door. I open the trunk and the backseat doors. "You can just fill all the empty spots here" I say as they put the bags like everywhere. "And the splashers?" one of the guys asks. "You can hand those over to me! Have a good one" I say as they pass me the splashers and walk away. I get back in the car. "Drink up" I say as I shove a drink in his hands. "Why did you get 3 tho?" he asks me pointing to the last splasher in the cupholder. "That one's Jaden's. He deserves this after the scare he got this morning." I say as I drive off. "Kenzie's nice? Damn I didn't see that one coming. I'm texting Alex and Jaden to get outside to help us." Bryce says. We pull up to the hype house and Alex, Kouvr and Jaden are standing outside. "What'd you need help with?" Alex says as he's vlogging. "With this" Bryce says as he opens the back doors. "Oh my gosh are you guys insane?" Kouvr asks grabbing two bags. "It was all Kenzie I have nothing to do with this." Bryce says giving Jaden some bags as well. "That's it? The two of you could easily do that alone." Jaden says as he points at the empty backseat. "Actually" I reply opening the trunk. "Omg Mackenzie you are crazy" Alex says filming the bags inside of the trunk. Bryce and I get some bags and we bring them inside of the house. "I GOT FOOD BITCHES" I scream through the house as we walk over to the kitchen. "Omg what did you do" Charli says as she looks at all of the food. "I got us breakfast" I reply stalling out all of the pancakes. I grab a box and walk over to Bryce who's sitting on the couch. "Oh I totally forgot Jaden could you please pass me a fork?" I say putting my legs over Bryce's. "Yeah sure" he says handing me a fork and sitting down on another couch. "You didn't even ask a fork for me?" Bryce replies putting his hand to his chest. "Boy we're eating together" I say as I take a big bite of pancake. I stuff Bryce's mouth and everyone has gotten downstairs eating breakfast. We all just talked and ate wich was a really good moment. Bryce and I finish our pancakes and fruit and I sit up leaning onto Bryce as he puts his arm around me. Alex comes up to us and explains he has an idea for a bit. "So you know that I do this thing where I have couples kiss for $500 bucks on my vlog right? I know you guys aren't public yet but you are a highly requested couple." he says. Bryce and I make eye contact for a minute. "Yeah let's do it" Bryce says nodding to Alex. "Okay so what are the odds you and Kenzie kiss for $500?" Alex asks Bryce. "1 out of 10. Just so you know I'm picking 3" Bryce says smirking. "AHAH Okay. 3..2..1.." Alex says. "3" they both say in sync. "You know what that means" Alex says pointing to me. He puts his hand on my cheek and kisses me intensely, but not for long. "OH SHIT" Alex screams while the other boys just whistle. "Hand me the money bitch" I say looking at Alex. "Yeah coming right at you please don't kill me." he says as he venmo's me the money. "About that, when are we going public?" I ask Bryce. "I don't have any problems with going public I was waiting for you to be ready" he says as he looks at me like he's accusing me of something. "I WAS WAITING FOR YOU" I whisper scream. "How do you wanna announce it?" he asks as he pulls up his phone. "How about we both post the same instagram pic with the same caption. We'll go live later so we can explain everything." I say pulling up my phone.  "I have a cute picture" I say as I send it to him. "Yeah sure" he says as he looks at it.

(A/n Let's just pretend this is them? OKay? thanks!)

Liked by: Jadenhossler, charlidamelio and 644,349 others@Mackzbeen:  I love you

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Liked by: Jadenhossler, charlidamelio and 644,349 others
@Mackzbeen:  I love you.

@Jadenhossler: My bestfriends have a relationship?! it'll be fun 3rd wheeling,
@Mackzbeen: @Jadenhossler it has already been fun for a while ;)

@Taylerholder: THE @Brycehall HAS A GIRLFRIEND? NO WAY
@Mackzbeen: @Taylerholder It's true I'm the lamp

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Liked by: Brycehallsmom, joshrichards and 898

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Liked by: Brycehallsmom, joshrichards and 898.308 others

@Brycehall: I love you.

@Nickbean:  That girl looks like a female version of me
@Brycehall: @nickbean THAT'S CRAZY

@Thomaspetrou: yayy
@Brycehall: @Thomaspetrou weren't you cancelled
@Thomaspetrou: @Brycehall you didn't have to come for me like that.

@Braddisoneasterhall: We have to cancel this mackenshit
@Mackzbeen: @braddisoneasterhall bitch I got your ma-a-an
@Brycehall: @Mackzbeen You're really on a roll today aren't you

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Well we're public now. "Okay but like what happened this morning cause I'm still confused." Jaden says turning to us. "It was nothing bro you heard the paramedic it was probably because of the fact that I hadn't eaten" Bryce replies. "What the paramedic said? What happened?" Josh says just loud enough so the whole room could hear him. "Paramedic?  what happened?" I hear Nick (aust

in) say ending his convo with Dixie. "Really it was nothing I just passed out this morning and Kenz called 911" Bryce says trying to calm everyone. "What when did it happen and why?" Tony asks. "Y'all if you guys keep asking Bryce you won't get anywhere. "Bryce and I went home and while I was showering I heard Bryce fall so I ran out and I saw him passed out. I called 911 but they said it was probably because he drank a lot yesterday and hadn't eaten today. And after the exercise and steam coming out of the bathroom his body probably couldn't handle it." I say loud enough so everyone hears me. "Exercise? What exercise? Bryce doesn't do any exercise" Tayler laughs. SHIT. I SHOULDN'TVE SAID THAT. HOW AM I GONNA GET MYSELF OUT OF THIS MESS. "Shut up Tayler" I said trying to distract him so he'd talk about something else. "No but I'm serious Bryce doesn't do- OOH THAT EXERCISE" Tayler practically screams. "Oh my god" I say holding my head in my hands. "OK change of topic." I say as I try not to gain too much attention. "Anyways the paramedics said I was good to go so we're good now." Bryce says leaning his head onto mine. Everyone just went on and minded their bussines when it hit me, we just went public.

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